Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Love, love, love, I want your love, hey!

Rekha nodded, "I'm Rekha Kaarde, full time busy body. So this Sith Lord thing, that a permanent gig?"

Some things would work well some things would just tingle under her skin and make words fall out of her mouth. She had known some with in her life, what was one more. There seem to be a growing number of them in the galaxy these days, was that a sign?

A big red sign. She smiled.

Darth Zveris Darth Zveris

Darth Zveris

"If I'm going to be honest, I have no clue. You should see the mortality rate" he laughed at the end although it was true. Dozens of Sith died every year.

"But enough about being a Sith. Tell me about you. Are you wealthy? Well fed?"

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
Annasari chewed on her lip as they entered the tunnel of love. It had been a long while since she had gone on a date, and never had she been on one that was set up for her and broadcasted for all the galaxy to see. She anxiously tapped her foot, but then stopped, realizing it would probably be seen as rude.

"Hello. I am Thal."

As her date broke the silence, she gave him a once over before answering. He was nice to look at; Holly had gotten that much right. Annasari hoped that his personality would match the charm of his looks. She offered up a shy smile before speaking.

"It's nice to meet you, Thal. I'm Annasari. I don't recognize the accent- where are you from?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Red shrugged. "Well, I guess I've always wanted to be a cook. Making food, creating creative and interesting dishes. Creating flavorful food that people enjoy and that brings pleasure to them, now that is an interest of mine. Of course, it isn't as exciting as special forces work or being a vigilante, but it certainly sounds interesting." He admitted. After being fed food in the labs that was made for purely nutritional value, he had eaten some pretty garbage stuff. AFter going out into the galaxy and eating actual food, he was instantly captivated by how much flavor was out there.

Inanna asked him if the show producers would mind if they explored the place a little bit more. He could understand wanting to not stay in one place for so long.
"Nah, I don't think they'll mind. Besides, what are they going to do?" He said with a light smile. "Lead the way."
Oh the Enslaved lower portions of a now burned tower. You?

"The uh, Outer Rims." His Basic had improved, but the accent would be forever there. The tell tale sign of a native Huttese speaker, was in fact, the accent after the fact. Basic was a hard language to grasp in of itself.

But he had a complicated relationship with the language... but that was for another time.

"Where are you from?"

Annasari Annasari
She stood up, "Well fed, as for the wealthy" She sat back down, "Let's say I make ends meet" That was putting it in the most realistic way she could. She wouldn't mention how many times she had been on a planet and the Sith were running all over rubbing their scent on everything. "Care for a drink while we are at this?"

Oh he was funny at least that made the awkwardness of a first meet easier for her to bear.

"Do you have a way to make credits? Or just...winging it?"

Not everyone got a piece of the pie on takeover so did they make a living?

Darth Zveris Darth Zveris

Darth Zveris

"Sure... I've hadn't had a drink in at least a year." Being a Sith Lord meant one of two things either living a sweet and rich life or sacrificing luscious commodities to protect the great Empire.

"I am rich, yes. But I earned my wealth the normal way. Serving in the Navy. Quite the severance package" he felt weird doing this. Comedy was something he hadn't touched on for a while.

"Honestly, if I am going to be serious I have to take a step back from my normal activities. Get married. Have children. Become a politician maybe or a legitimate businessman. What do you think?"

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
Rekha waved for the service droid to come take the order. While she waited she considered his words.

Normal activities she almost fell out of her chair, what did Sith consider normal? She was dying to ask but she didn't want to focus on that. she wouldn't. Later maybe.

"Politician" She thought about a joke that had been told to her during the elections on Coruscant, Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly… and for the same reason.

Well being in the Navy, and given your current line of work. You would probably do well in politics. As for the other things......marriage and children." She tilted her head slight looking across to him. The serving droid pulled up, "Order what you want"

"Marriage...politics is a marriage, children............"
She looked down, "Everyone who wants them should have them" She wouldn't know except for having taking care of Lila and running into the Squirt.

"Why politics, why not something else, shipwright, trader, or something like that?"

Darth Zveris Darth Zveris
Annasari hesitated at the question. She knew her home planet was a lawless world of crime and drugs, and being from there was often seen as a lowly thing. Nevertheless, it was her home, and she would represent until the day she died.

"Nar Shadda. Though for the last couple years I've kind of been a hopeless wanderer. I haven't really found anywhere I fit in."

She looked away and swallowed the lump in her throat. Speaking of home always got to her, as she still had not come to terms with how she left. She quickly tried to change the subject.

"So what made you decide to do this crazy thing? I myself can't quite believe I agreed to it."

Thal Mantis Thal Mantis
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"No not like this at least." She said it while looking at Holly and then at what she was going to be judging. A nod of her head though to seeing the couples that were being watched. "I am not certain what kind of judging I am doing... but I imagine fashion Holly Starstorm"
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That's funny, I used to feel the same way. Then I joined the Silver Jedi, found out that I have some seriously terrible family history, my father never knew who I was, and my mother sold me for drug money. I guess I can relate to the fact that you can't fit in anywhere, really.

It also doesn't help that I kill people a lot wherever I end up going.

"It was suggested to me that I find someone, and something nice to offset everything else." The first glimpse into the deep-dive of a rabbit hole of the terrible history of one Thal Mantis. His words carried more weight than he let on by the words alone. "I also saw an ad."

He paused, thinking for a while.

"And you?"

Annasari Annasari
Kay leaned back in the car as it moved again, keeping her further from the edge. She laughed a little as Steve Holt Steve Holt mentioned tea and wise men. "Oh you don't need to be wise to know about and drink tea. I'm proof of that." She had made too many mistakes to even think that she knew much at all, least of all about people. Tea was easier. It didn't have any sentience.

"The Galactic Alliance? Are they still around? I thought that they were dismantled years ago..." It sure showed what she knew these days. But it wasn't really her problem anymore. As Kay had been told; she was just a has-been. There was no reason for her to step back into the fray again. She wasn't needed or wanted. "Well it's good that you get to see more of the Galaxy, at any rate. Some don't get that luxury at all."

To his question of her, tea and politics, Kay glanced over at him briefly before keeping her eyes on how high up they were getting. "There were...circumstances that led me to lose faith in myself. I know that others did too. Politics can be brutal while tea is forgiving and an honest enough living. There's far less to lose while selling tea, and no one is after your head." Kay had lost too much. About the only things that she had left were her children. Everything else was gone.

(Sorry! I thought I had responded to this and didn't notice an alert.)

"Fair enough." he said in her response about wise men and tea. She mentioned the Galactic Alliance, and that she thought it was gone. He looked out the car obliviously then said with a nervous chuckle, "Well I sure hope not or I've been working for ghosts for the last few years. I can't say I know what they're like on a truly galactic scale though, politics and those...really big pictures they just weren' cup of tea." he kept his face stiff to keep from chuckling at it. As basic as it was.

As it turned out, her leaving of politics didn't sound like it was simply a retirement. A rather different type of decision. Losing faith in herself. And, the easier life that tea might bring in a way.
"Yeah, I guess I can understand that. I know I'd choose tea over being a senator any day. That sounds hard."

He took in a breath, "What about fun? Do you mostly enjoy tea, is there a wide range of stuff you do, everybody needs time off eventually. Sometimes even if they do enjoy their work."
The question made Annasari visibly flinch, even if only for a split second. My ex-boyfriend was a psycho and I need to convince myself not everyone is like that, she thought. Her internal dialogue almost merited an eye-roll. She opened her mouth and then closed it, reconsidering her words. She did not want to scare off the man before they made it through the tunnel- it would make for a very awkward boat ride. She let her face fall into a faux smile, but it did not reach her eyes.

"I just figured it was time to get back out there. It's been a while since I was... involved with anyone." She paused, analyzing the words he had just spoken. "Offset everything else, huh? What might everything else consist of?"

As she asked the question, she was slightly terrified of the answer. She knew the galaxy was full of atrocities- she had seen many herself. Back peddling, she shook her head and said "I'm sorry. It's rude of me to pry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Thal Mantis Thal Mantis
The question made Annasari visibly flinch, even if only for a split second. My ex-boyfriend was a psycho and I need to convince myself not everyone is like that, she thought. Her internal dialogue almost merited an eye-roll. She opened her mouth and then closed it, reconsidering her words. She did not want to scare off the man before they made it through the tunnel- it would make for a very awkward boat ride. She let her face fall into a faux smile, but it did not reach her eyes.

"I just figured it was time to get back out there. It's been a while since I was... involved with anyone." She paused, analyzing the words he had just spoken. "Offset everything else, huh? What might everything else consist of?"

As she asked the question, she was slightly terrified of the answer. She knew the galaxy was full of atrocities- she had seen many herself. Back peddling, she shook her head and said "I'm sorry. It's rude of me to pry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Thal Mantis Thal Mantis

"No, no, it's fine. I uh, never found the time, beyond flings."

Had to come out sometime. Just wasn't sure how to say it.

"I kill people that I don't like. Like a lot. In fact, you could say, I wholesale slaughter criminals and slavers. Slavers especially. Really good stuff, you should see what I do to them."

He blinked, thinking of how to answer her question.

"I left Silver Rest and I go around the Outer Rims, where there's no police, no laws, and I kill Slavers so they can't hurt anyone like they hurt me."

So much for the plan of 'not telling people the bad things' out front.

Annasari Annasari
Kay's eyebrows rose as Steve Holt Steve Holt mentioned that it had been a few years that the Galactic Alliance had been around to his knowledge. A few years? Had she been away from everything for that long at least? It didn't feel that way, but then again she had been out of her mind for a time. The trauma caused by torture of every sort had given her PTSD and hallucinations. She kept out of everything, wanting to get better first. Yet the death of her husband didn't help in those efforts.

Her thoughts were interrupted as he asked her about what she did for fun. Lately all that she did was work at the shop. It kept her busy, gave her a routine and for the most part, kept her out of trouble and out of the public eye. It also kept her safe from making mistakes that would cause her harm again. As well as her family. "I used to ride speeder bikes. There was a pair of canyons on Commenor that were perfect for it. One of them led to one of the beaches. But it's been quite a number of years since I've done any of that. Now my offtime consists of reading mystery holonovels. I'm sure that's pretty tame and boring for a pilot like yourself."
Steve listened as she mentioned she used to ride speeder bikes, and where. Was definitely a very exciting activity. Steve hadn't done speeders as much as ships, and there was most definitely a difference. Ships had to be aware of more angles, but at the same time, a ship had less need to worry about bumps in the ground or long drops. Apparently she'd stopped with that though, instead just doing mystery novels mostly.

He shook his head with a smile, leaning back in his seat, "Nah, mysteries are fun! Can't say I've read many myself though. We didn't get a lot of free time as kids. Even when I did I usually ended up using it on fixing my arm...or finding batteries. I have discovered that living where we did, I got a bit of an obsession with batteries." he let out another chuckle, "Do you have any idea the joy of being able to batteries. Like...fully functional, not used, not corroded, batteries. It's like heaven. Sorry, we were talking about mystery novels. I get distracted really easily which you should know. If you hadn't already noticed. You more enjoy just finding out as you go, or like...trying to figure it out along the way before the main characters do?"

NPC Treasury NPC Treasury
Most people had the perception that once one was rich, they were born that way. Steve Holt Steve Holt seemed to be one of those. Yet that wasn't the case for Kay. She climbed her way to it, mostly spending her wealth on freeing slaves until she began to look after dozens of planets. Now her funds weren't as plentiful, for her family's wealth she left for the kids to use. Kay didn't dare touch it. She didn't want to.

"I know what it's like to scrape by. For me tea brings me the most joy, much in the same way that batteries do for you. Tea soothes me like a warm hug, especially when there's no one around but myself." The wind whipped her hair around and she found herself relaxing a bit more in the ride due to the conversation. "I tend to do both...Sometimes I try to work out the mysteries, yet I also enjoy finding out the solutions with the characters. I think that sometimes it's a good practice for life as well."
He smiled as she said that tea was like a warm hug, he put his elbows on his knees and leaned against his hands looking into the distance, "That's a really nice way of thinking it. I can definitely see why that'd be soothing." he said. He'd have to try tea more often. After he and the rest of his family split up, there were definitely times where he just missed them. Maybe tea least help a little bit. He wasn't going to try stims, that was a risk he couldn't take. He wasn't separated from them least, he hoped.

She seemed to vary on the mystery bit. And about the practice for life, he gave a little chuckle, "Ah, yes, practicing for life. I guess that's a good idea huh? Get a good idea of what to look for? Might be good for me too. I could really get a bit of fun out of a mystery of my own." he took in a deep breath and glanced over at her. She was calmer it seemed, so was he. Though, the conversation was probably the reason for both calming down, the reasons for any stress was probably different. "I don't really know what I was expecting coming into this. I didn't know what kind of questions or talk we'd do. Or how it would end. This felt...nice. I know I'm gonna apologize a lot,'s kind of a force of habit. But sorry that I do it, and that I'm probably not the most charming or interesting person. I'm not saying that for a compliment or something. That'd be..." he realized he didn't have a reason to explain why that wasn't what he was doing, "Sorry I don't have an explanation. It's just, I feel like I should be providing more. The only thing I can ever figure out how to do to really amuse people is."

"Don't freak too bad at this." He held out his right arm, palm and inner elbow up, and then let the arm fall at the elbow effectively bending it completely backwards at a ninety degree angle and then rotated it with a chuckle clearly now revealing the arm was definitely cybernetic, "My sister didn't like that. Naturally I used to do it a lot. Kind of feel bad about it now."

NPC Treasury NPC Treasury

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