Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Low-Ball

Amani weighed her options carefully. A medical ship could obviously be useful, given her line of work. On the other hand, most types that fit that category were a bit bigger than she was looking for. Still, there was a chance one of Ria's contacts might have something up her alley. Then again, there were two perfectly fine ships right in front of her.

This thought process went back and forth for a bit before the mirialan came to a decision she could live with. How'd that saying go? A porg in the hand is worth two in the bush?

"Y'know, I think the 1500 might be just what I need, actually." She relaxed her shoulders, the weight of commitment now unburdened. This was a lot easier when her only option was a junk hauler's outdated jalopy. But now any decision she made was going to be better than that, and she had at last made her decision, "It's a little more my size. And as it is, I have a lot of my own medical equipment I can install on board anyway."

A beat passed before Amani proffered a hand, "To be honest you pretty much had me sold when you said I didn't have to pay with credits." She laughed. That was about as good a deal as she could hope for. "As long as my end of the favor doesn't end with me in jail or something."


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