Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lower Major Faction Minimum Player Requirement

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Relina Zhan"]

Well just the fact you can be major can help to foster activity in a minor faction with such a niche concept as Hapes. I have noticed a lot of people will not take a minor as seriously unless they aim for major or are attached to a tier 5-6 company. Having that chance could give people a reason to commit to the faction more than they might right now.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="John Ash"]

True enough. I'd be satisified with being taken seriously just enough for people to want to use a Hapan plane/region as a backdrop or start intrigue Rp with us. And the hapes Consortium is attached to a couple companies. Relina's, Paragon Enterprises, is tier 3... if that helps anyone.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
I believe that flagship rules would also need to be overhauled if this gets through so that even major factions with only 5-6 writers in those can still get a flagship, like lowering the minimum writer requirement for flagship threads to 5.
I personally think the current number is low enough as it is, so I wouldn't endorse it dropping down any more. I think small factions can still have a good time without involving themselves in the map game.

However, if this rule does get implemented, I think Rebellion/Invasion rules would need to be adjusted. Unchanged, the rules would allow a major faction with five members to defeat an opposing force of forty writers just because their teamwork and story was better. Like I said, I'm all for having a good time, but there comes a point where things have to be looked at from a realistic standpoint. I don't see a good IC explanation for how a small backwater faction could defeat a war machine like the FO against overwhelming odds.

Just something to consider.
[member="Gerion Ardik"]

Perhaps I should rephrase. Under the current rules, duels nor objectives contribute to a faction's chance of victory, essentially evening the playing field between opposing forces of differing sizes and strengths. This could become an issue if major faction member limits are lowered even more. A tiny faction could have and equal chance of victory as a massive, well-established empire. The empire would have the obvious IC advantage, yet that has no bearing on the outcome whatsoever.

If we were to put the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor in SWRP terms, those would both be objective-based victories. The Rebels' objective was to quickly infiltrate the Death Star and destroy it from within (and they succeeded). But that wouldn't fly on this site, as only the quality of the story and teamwork matters.

I shouldn't have said that smaller factions shouldn't be able to defeat larger ones, that's not what I meant to convey. I just want to point out that if one side has an obvious IC advantage, it should be reflected in how the whole thing plays out. If a smaller faction is outnumbered, that should actually matter in the invasion/rebellion process.

Like I said, just my 2¢

Onith Trill

Lord Ajihad said:
If we were to put the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor in SWRP terms, those would both be objective-based victories. The Rebels' objective was to quickly infiltrate the Death Star and destroy it from within (and they succeeded). But that wouldn't fly on this site, as only the quality of the story and teamwork matters.
I'm sorry, are you saying there wasn't any quality or teamwork to the story of the Rebels in the Battle of Yavin or the Battle of Endor?

Lord Ajihad said:
I shouldn't have said that smaller factions shouldn't be able to defeat larger ones, that's not what I meant to convey. I just want to point out that if one side has an obvious IC advantage, it should be reflected in how the whole thing plays out. If a smaller faction is outnumbered, that should actually matter in the invasion/rebellion process.
Of course it matters. It creates the set piece in which we write our stories. If the "Plucky Alliance of a few worlds" fights the "Well Funded and Expanded Empire." the set piece is going to involve a good bit of plucky alliance soldiers, and a much larger amount of well funded and equipped imperials. If the plucky alliance soldiers just say "lol, I win because by plucky guys are cooler." then that's not a good story. It doesn't have any quality. It doesn't show any respect for your fellow writers, which is the opposite of teamwork. By this metric, objectives or not, the plucky alliance is losing.

Teamwork doesn't just mean your IC allies. Storytelling doesn't mean ignoring logical defenses, or routinely besting impossible odds. It involves sacrifice, heart, trouble, complications, set backs and perhaps eventually victory. We are all writers, and we are telling stories not playing chess. Play to the narrative instead of 'the stats' and try to trust our staff to do the same. They're not perfect, and they'll make a poor decision here and there, but they're human and they're doing their best on a volunteer basis to give us a positive roleplaying experience.
The Last Son
[member="Lord Ajihad"],

The story is to complete the objective. If they complete it AND make a believable story, then they win.

I mean, why are you here? You watched the movies. You saw how GOOD of a story they created out of Star Wars.

That is what this site is about. Completing the objectives, in a story that is believable, fun for everyone, and can be told later on as "Hey, remember how fun this invasion was even though we lost?" than "THERE WAS SO MUCH SALT BRO!"

If Five writers can face 40+ people and beat them in making a story, then I say they deserve those planets. Cus that means those 40+ players didn't do so well in creating a story. In which case, we have a bigger problem on our hands than just a small faction beating a large one.

Make it five.
What about Medium factions? They have a max of a certain number of hexes, and can upgrade to major later. So make the min for major like 20 and the min for medium 5, Now small Major factions can get started with dominions without having a tonne of members but can't have a huge military influence without a large number of memebers.

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