Cyran Vaas
Dream On!
The Smuggler's Moon, the nickname of one of the meanest places in the galaxy. Cyran never liked Nar Shaddaa. Last time he was there for a Hutt Ball game a group of aliens mistaken him for a Human before getting into a fight with the Zeltron. Humans were a minority species on the planet, making it a place where bitter aliens have used that fact to vent their racial frustrations on the minority population.
Moment’s prior the swirling blue haze of hyperspace quickly gave way to the Hutt moon from the view in the ship. The zeltrons astromech was hanging out in the cockpit and maneuvering the YT-2400 to their destination. Tonight Cyran had a new partner that he hadn’t worked with before. Kahlil Noble, the husband to a woman Cyran was more familiar with. The duo were enroute to meet up with a contact of the large man. Some sort of pirate that will give them some more information on the event Cyran and Kahlil would be crashing.
It was an underground auction, illegal even by Hutt standards, where shady dudes and dudettes would be purchasing stolen and or thought to be missing Jedi and Force artifacts. It was to be a high class venue. The two men were to go in as potential partakers and buyers to the event. Cyran himself was getting himself ready for the evening to look the part and have his equipment ready as well as making sure the tacky fake facial hair was properly fixed to his face. Having spent a few hours dyeing the fake mustache and goatee to properly match his own bluish hair.
As his ship came into reentry Cyran was struggling with tying his tie. He didn’t wear them very often but was determined to tonight as he watched a tutorial on his data pad in the lounge of his ship. The zeltron huffed and groaned in frustration at the troublesome piece of Fabric. Wondering if Kahlil was having any similar issues with their wardrobe.
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