Evard L'Rik
Got Lightning Running Through my Veins

(Specifically versions 2 and 3... Couldn't crop and re-upload for some reason, so what I call V1 is the one marked 2 here, and the V2 is the one marked 3)
Image Source: Gin-Sensei (Deviantart)
Intent: To flesh out one of several kinds of weapons that the privateer Evard L'Rik uses.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Evard L'Rik
Affiliation: Evard L'Rik
Modularity: As it is more or less a combination of cannibalized parts of other weapons, yes.
Production: Semi-Unique (Evard only ever made six)
Material: Some kind of very heat-resistant material (need a bit of help, there), blaster components
Classification: Heavy multi-setting blaster pistol
Size: Hand-held
Length: 1 foot (V1); 2.5 feet (V2)
Weight: 1.5 kg (V1); 2 kg (V2)
Ammunition Type: Power Cell, Blaster Gas (packed into cylindrical canisters for faster reloading - Tell me if that's a separate factory sub, please?)
Ammunition Capacity: 4 canisters (enough power each for 75 shots)
Effective Range: Long range pistol-ish (V1); Medium Range Rifle-ish (V2)
Rate of Fire: Semi-auto, Full-auto
Special Features:
- Canister blaster ammo system
- Multi-setting system
(+) The canister ammo system combines the blaster gas and power pack in one cylinder that can be loaded faster, and more of them can be carried in the guns themselves than a traditional power pack/gas setup.
(+) Long barreled for greater range
(-) Being mostly pieced together from other weapons, they tend to need a good deal of maintenance. They also overheat if left in automatic fire mode for too long.
(-) The semi-automatic mode hits harder, but takes up to twenty seconds to prime another shot if it needs maintenance.