Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lucrehulk MK.V



Intent: To provide the Confederacy of Independent Systems with a primary command ship
Development Thread: N/A
Image SourceCredit in image[/url]

Model: Lucrehulk MK.V Class
Affiliation: The Confederacy of Independent Systems
Modularity: Yes: 
Minor, cargo, weapons load out (at dry dock)
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel, Turadium, Quadranium, Glasteel

Classification: Balanced Command Ship
Role: Battleship
Length: 1800 meters
Width: 1800 meters
Height: 200 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Ionization Reactor
Primary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Backup Hyperdrive Rating: Class 8
Minimum Crew:
Optimal Crew:
Passenger Capacity:
Cargo Capacity:
Consumables: 6 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 7

• Heavy Quad Long-Range Ion Cannons (4) [160]
• Quad Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (10) [
• Dual Heavy Ion Cannon (40)
• Fastmount Turbolaser Cannons

• 15 Heavy Warhead launchers Launchers (Assault concussion missile: 5 prow, 5 starboard, 5 port)

• Point-Defense Emplacements
• Flak Gun Emplacement
• Quad Laser Cannons



Advanced Targeting Systems
Encryption Network
Escape Pods
Holonet Transceiver
Long-Range Communications Array
Redundant Shield Generators
Standard Deflector Shield Generator
Standard Detention Cells
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Tractor Beam (x12)


Lira Dajenn

[member="Irys Arist'lar"]
Remember you don't need a company to make a ship. You can list ASA as the manufacturer.

Also, i like the second picture quite a bit. I would also suggest making Turbo-lasers long range, not the ion cannons. Long Rang turbo-lasers make more sense for bombardment and destruction and such.

I'll also be willing to help in a dev thread :)
Rahvin Talith said:
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]
Remember you don't need a company to make a ship. You can list ASA as the manufacturer.

Also, i like the second picture quite a bit. I would also suggest making Turbo-lasers long range, not the ion cannons. Long Rang turbo-lasers make more sense for bombardment and destruction and such.

I'll also be willing to help in a dev thread :)
Yes, I need to get on with this. We need a 30 post dev thread with 3 participants for a 3000m ship

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
We jump in with a mock up bridge with the new systems being simulated, and run it through a training exercise. Aside from all the NPCs and whoever don't know its a training exercise. [member="Raziel"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

Exactly, but sub 'guilt over committing genocide' for 'yeah, genocide!'
and 'kids not dying' for 'murderize the little pukes'
[member="Marek Starchaser"]
[member="Rahvin Talith"]
[member="Salem Norongachi"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

I have an idea.

How about a secret weapon hidden deep under Geonosis during the Clone Wars by the same people who invented the death star?

I'd like to do a longish story in the depths of the world against ancient auto defences, and may tie it in to some existing threads.

What I'd like is some "buy in" in advance from people who'll take part?

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