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Approved Tech M19 Firefly Assault Concussion Missile

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M - 1 9

"And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire."

  • Intent: To create an assault concussion missile for the closed market.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Assault Concussion Missile
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Explosive Type:
    • Ion Pulse
    • Concussive Blast
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Area Of Effect: Extreme
  • Damage Output: High
  • Comprehensive ship sensor integration
  • Tri-phase detonation system
    • Phase I: Ion Pulse, occurs before impact
    • Phase II: Multi-spectrum [Thermal, Infrared, EM, Comm] flares are launched from delivery vehicle
    • Phase III: Flares emits multi-spectrum sensor blast, missile strike target
  • Kuradium Warhead
    • Ammonium Nitrate soft tip, delayed ignition of Kuradium
    • Reinforced structure allows for optimal target penetration before warhead detonation
  • Multi-Spectrum Target Lock-On Redundancy
    • Infrared, Thermal, Electromagnetic, Comm-Signature Locks
    • Automatic switch to redundant lock if one method is overwhelmed, i.e. thermal by flares
  • RX-D13X Precision Drive delivery system
    • Onboard sensor systems and targeting package
    • Calculate optimal trajectories to avoid point-defense weaponry
    • Optimized for quick maneuvers and long-range engagement
  • Duranium exterior plating reinforced by impervium coating and ablative inertial damper.
  • Warlord: The M19 is an extremely potent missile, with a kuradium warhead much stronger than common compounds such as Baradium-357. In addition, the delayed detonation of the missile allows for deeper penetration into a target's structure for potentially even more crippling damage.
  • Ion-Pulse Detonation: The ion pulse of the Firefly is meant to disable a ship's systems, including defenses and propulsion, allowing the missile better penetration and overall damage potential.
  • Point-Defense Mayhem: The flares launched from the M19 are designed to confuse and distract point-defense systems from the missile itself. While the flares are loud and emit multi-spectrum blasts, the missile itself is designed to be unobtrusive as possible and difficult to isolate from the flares the missile emits.
  • Capital Only: The M19 is too large to be equipped conventionally on any small craft.
  • Fast Targets: Small craft and extremely maneuverable corvette-sized capital ships can effectively outmaneuver the Firefly.
  • Visual Tracking: The flare system of the Firefly will not be as effective against point-defense systems that rely on visuals, including manually-operated systems.
The M19 Firefly is the flagship capital ordance of Roble Manufacturing, being carried by almost all of its military starships and used in the field for over two decades. The reliable design is extremely potent, with a Kuradium warhead featuring delayed-ignition that allows for deeper penetration of a target before detonation for better crippling damage. Its RX-D13X Precision Drive delivery system and onboarding targeting system are top of the line, as one would expect from a Roble product, and its multi-spectrum target lock redundancy is most useful against EWAR countermeasure systems.

The key element in the Firefly's missile design is the payload of multi-spectrum flares that are carried within the missile's chassis. When the missile reaches strike distance of its target -- the typical range of point-defense systems and less than ten seconds from impact -- it first emits an ion blast that is designed to damage or disable a ship's systems. Then, it launches its flares in an erratic formation, all streaming at similar speeds to the target ship. These flares blare loud signatures across multiple spectrums, designed to distract, confuse and draw the attention of point defense systems.

This point-defense countermeasure is not foolproof, as visual tracking will clearly indicate which are decoys and which is the missile itself. However, as visual tracking most often relies on manual operation, the reaction time needed to discern a true missile from its decoys is extremely high. Altogether, the M19 is an extremely reliable piece of anti-capital ordnance well-evidenced by its service in Roble Manufacturing's catalogue for over two decades.

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Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

I would say no, although you might have to clarify what you mean by 'painting the target.' On scanners and visually, the flares released by the missile would appear very similar if not identical to the missile itself, and they will be traveling at the same velocity as the missile - even going so far as to strike the surface of the ship. You could try to keep track of the missile, but that, I think, wouldn't be terribly effective.
Factory Judge
Visually. As in using technology used by the human eye. As there are some weapons that do not use sensors to aim. Painting a target would mean specifically by Laser. The payload follows not the signature of the weapon, but that of the laser and is tracked by only the laser.

Alban Roble Alban Roble
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