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Approved Tech M787 "Big Mutha" Heavy Long Range Turbolaser Batteries

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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope

  • Intent: To create a powerful grade turbolaser cannon
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: Ion Cannon
  • Permissions: My Subs
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Ion
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Low
  • Not an artillery weapon, but can "explode" after travelling a macimum distance. Spreading damage outwards.
  • A REALLY HEAVY GUN: This is a big cannon. The biggest that Guardian Authority Ltd. has ever created and this is with the purpose of future carriers having this weapon to ward off enemy capital ships. The Range of this weapon is incredible. The brute force of the weapon itself makes this a shot you do not want to cross paths with.
  • BIG, HEAVY, AND SLOW: This is not meant to track fighters, or freighters, or light cruisers, really anything but Capital ships, It is just so big that it so slow moving. Almost an artillery weapon for space.
These are first and foremost "Turbolaser Batteries" but their long range capabilities do not stop targeting. Their payload tends to "spread" over great distances. This is not some kind of trick or anything, but it is less a "rail gun" or "mass driver" in that sense. It will keep to target but the accuracy rate is more "generalized area" than "pinpoint".
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Simple and solid. About the size and weight, there is no such rating like "Extreme". Please modify them:
  • Size: (Please choose a size between Extremely Large, Very Large, Large, Average, Small, Very Small, Extremely Small.)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Extremely Heavy, Very Heavy, Heavy , Average, Light, Very Light, Extremely Light.)
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