Jairus Starvald
A long time ago Cerita Sarova had learned one singular, and often chance, fatal truth to the Galaxy at large. It was a truth that spread itself through the various entities that governed themselves as nations, it whirled around the people that inhabited the worlds and it could even stretch itself out towards the planets themselves that lingered in the universe.
This singular truth was that…
It could be easier described in a question, Certy. Sometimes it felt like only the two of them inhabited this gargantuan castle, his domain the forges, libraries and other places of ancestral knowledge… hers the wild life, the various little trinkets that were spread around the castle to make it more homely and alive in the face of sobriety and a slightly defeatist outlook towards the world.
What’s in a man?
It was the defined quotation of a bygone era, a truth that was radiating before the Darkside and the Lightside had become loopholes for Jedi to act like pricks while perching on their moral high ground and… Sith, heh. Well, let’s not even start talking about that piece of complicated parental-issues. The point was, you couldn’t single out one quality of a man and make it define that same man - with man referring to the sentient entity of any reasonable human being currently occupying the universe, more so than a gender form or even a speciest form.
Dissero was not a Sith.
He was not a Monster.
And neither was her Master a Saint, a clown or an Archivist, because that would be degrading towards the sheer complexion of his character. It would be an insult towards the various insights and guidance that his actions took during his entire life.
Much the same could be said about most people, though. Rave hadn’t been a genius cold alchemist, a motherly figure that gave out love with hesitation, a good friend and guide that had kept her straying too far away from the path of ambition, a butcher who had aided the destruction of billions - if not true direct action, then surely a more indirect acceptance.
No, she had been all of that, none of it, more and less.
So when Dissero wondered, pondered, argued with himself and kept doubting his own role in the universe… Cerita was fairly confident in all of the above, she wasn’t questioning any of it, because she knew the truth. A subjective truth, to be sure, but it was a truth that belonged to her and as such it was worth more than any fact printed in any matter of scroll hidden away in the cloak of the Sith.
Her hands dove into the fertile soil of her little garden, whispers of magicks whisping through the small corridors aligning to her private chamber and she created life.
Plants rooting up, flowers of untold beauty, fruits that were glory to the tastebuds and more… so much more.
Monster, scientist, conqueror or apprentice. Innocent soul lost in a puzzle of unimaginable complexity.
Future, past, the present… paths taken and those left behind.
A man is that what he makes of himself, of what he does and the reasons that keep him going even when the hardest moments in life try burying him down, or so the Gardener would muse to herself, whistling softly and experimenting with the threads of life itself.
This singular truth was that…
It could be easier described in a question, Certy. Sometimes it felt like only the two of them inhabited this gargantuan castle, his domain the forges, libraries and other places of ancestral knowledge… hers the wild life, the various little trinkets that were spread around the castle to make it more homely and alive in the face of sobriety and a slightly defeatist outlook towards the world.
What’s in a man?
It was the defined quotation of a bygone era, a truth that was radiating before the Darkside and the Lightside had become loopholes for Jedi to act like pricks while perching on their moral high ground and… Sith, heh. Well, let’s not even start talking about that piece of complicated parental-issues. The point was, you couldn’t single out one quality of a man and make it define that same man - with man referring to the sentient entity of any reasonable human being currently occupying the universe, more so than a gender form or even a speciest form.
Dissero was not a Sith.
He was not a Monster.
And neither was her Master a Saint, a clown or an Archivist, because that would be degrading towards the sheer complexion of his character. It would be an insult towards the various insights and guidance that his actions took during his entire life.
Much the same could be said about most people, though. Rave hadn’t been a genius cold alchemist, a motherly figure that gave out love with hesitation, a good friend and guide that had kept her straying too far away from the path of ambition, a butcher who had aided the destruction of billions - if not true direct action, then surely a more indirect acceptance.
No, she had been all of that, none of it, more and less.
So when Dissero wondered, pondered, argued with himself and kept doubting his own role in the universe… Cerita was fairly confident in all of the above, she wasn’t questioning any of it, because she knew the truth. A subjective truth, to be sure, but it was a truth that belonged to her and as such it was worth more than any fact printed in any matter of scroll hidden away in the cloak of the Sith.
Her hands dove into the fertile soil of her little garden, whispers of magicks whisping through the small corridors aligning to her private chamber and she created life.
Plants rooting up, flowers of untold beauty, fruits that were glory to the tastebuds and more… so much more.
Monster, scientist, conqueror or apprentice. Innocent soul lost in a puzzle of unimaginable complexity.
Future, past, the present… paths taken and those left behind.
A man is that what he makes of himself, of what he does and the reasons that keep him going even when the hardest moments in life try burying him down, or so the Gardener would muse to herself, whistling softly and experimenting with the threads of life itself.