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Madame Arya Cognito

- Paradiso Club Owner - Assassin -

Madame Arya Cognito
32 years young
Human Female
Birthplace: Theed, Naboo
Current Residence(s): A penthouse apartment above the weapons factory on Abregado-rae and the Cognito Family Manor in Theed, Naboo.
Occupation: Businesswoman and Occasional Bounty Hunter and former Zann Consortium Member.
Known languages that Arya can speak: Basic, Bothan, Twi'lek, a little Huttese, Rodese, Dosh and Botha. She learned all of the languages through her days studying at the Alta Vista Academy and through her business transactions.

Family: Torin Cognito, 68 year old Political Sciences Professor/Father. Malida Cognito, 66 year old Political Sciences Professor/Mother. Raloc Cognito, 72 year old weapons dealer on Tatooine/Uncle/Torin's older brother. Maris Cognito, sister. Died in childbirth. Michael Sorek (Cognito), brother. Presumed to be dead. Joined the CIS (ASA) at a young age and was never heard from again.

Allies: Teimar, a Cathar bartender in Theed, Naboo. Arisa Talos, her Zabraki personal assistant. Nem Rii, her Gran advisor. Nixara Zann, a Hapan Zann Consortium leader. Nai' Frerstal, a Zann Consortium member and muscle. Corruck Kazen, Nixara's brother and Criminal businessman.
Work Associates: Malon Gorei, her Rodian Mos Eisley bounty contact working for the Tatooine Hutts.


Personal belongings: A black painted Luxury 5000 space yacht named OPULENCE gifted to her from her father in standard non-modified order with an interworld transport, non-modified, jet black limousine and a Luxury class variant of the T-4a Lambda shuttle resided next to it in the port side hangar bay of it's two hangar bays. The other starboard side hangar bay was ordered to remain empty for potential guests.
The space yacht has the possibility to house a 35 person crew. Arya employs 15. One pilot and co-pilot, three ship technicians/engineers, five ship concierge workers, 1 ship security manager and four security agents.

Arya also owns one weapon: a laser crossbow. As well as owning a wrist communicator, A bank account of over 10 million credits with the potential to grow, A personal driver of that limousine, A swanky penthouse that overlooks Abregado-rae Spaceport, and a wardrobe with a mixture of fabulous outfits and business suits.

Assets: She owns and operates the Paradisio Club Bordello in Mos Eisley, Tatooine and a small time Cognito Munitions factory on Abregado-rae that she owns and operates as a way to make money from the local militias and pirate groups.

Historical Datapad Documentarian: Arisa Talos is Arya Cognito's personal assistant with pilot skills and a minor proficiency in one-handed weapons including vibroblades and blasters. She was hired shortly after Arya gained her first paycheck from her bordello money and has become a valuable assistant and friend to Arya. She is a 26 year old Dathomiran Zabrak with red skin, small horns and black tattoos that are almost reminiscent of an infamous sith named Darth Maul. Arisa Talos:

Personal History Datapad:
Arya works out of Abregado-rae as her base of operations. She's just started gathering assets in the weapons manufacturing industry on Abregado-rae. She sells her manufactured weapons to local militias and pirate groups for sizable fees. She earns a decent living. It also helps that her family were not too bad off as well. Malida and Torin worked as political science professors at the Alta Vista Academy in Theed, Naboo which earned them a very healthy wage. She decided to take up the independent life when she turned 25 and hasn't looked back since then. For the past 7 years, Arya has been building up slowly her brand, Cognito Munitions and gathering business contacts. She is still very much in the smaller leagues. Arya is very much into family, money-making and maintaining lucrative friendships. She isn't above taking the occasional bounty contract.

-DATAPAD UPDATE- by Arisa Talos
An out of the blue invitation found it's way into Arya messages one evening on Tatooine. It was a formal invitation from a Nixara Zann inviting Arya and other criminal heads to Makeb for a meeting. Arya took the invitation and promptly set a course for Makeb. She knew full well the of the name, Tyber Zann from historical datapad entries, but knew relatively nothing about the mysterious Nixara. I provided her with some literature regarding her potential new associate's faction. She began to study up a bit more on the Zann Consortium as we travelled to Makeb. Record of Arya's first indication of the Zann Consortium alliance deal:

After a meeting in which the impressive Nixara pleaded her case for her need for the criminal manpower of some of the greatest crime lords in the galaxy, Arya had sworn herself and her holdings to the cause of the Zann Consortium. Record of Arya's contact with Nixara Zann and the other criminal leaders:

In a meeting with me, Arya revealed to me a little bit about the new plans for Cognito Munitions and the Paradisio Club, but told me to prepare an escort and put together a presentable meeting area for Nixara Zann in less than 24 hours. This would be where all of the details regarding our plans would be ironed out. As per my instructions, the records of and following the meeting have been updated. I, Arisa, was in the midst of hearing opening proposals for our asset usage by the Zann Consortium, when I was interrupted by an urgent message from our financial consultant Yao Kazaan. He spoke to me about how the financial institution had sent an agent to the factory and saw that it had been derelict for quite some time. The only use of the factory being as a gambling den to generate supplemental profits for the workers. The factory manager had failed to let Arya or I know. A droid named HK-36 had instructed us to contact him about the status of the factory. I was in shock when I told Nixara, Nai' and Arya about the news. We all went into damage control mode. Nai' Frerstal was instructed hunt down the factory manager and bring him to Arya, while we traveled back to Abregado-rae. This sidelined the asset usage meeting for the time being. Record of Arya's almost successful meeting with Nixara Zann on our ship, OPULENCE:

After the shocking news, I was in the process of setting up a meeting with HK-36, when we received a hail from a stranger in a ship requesting to come aboard to see if we could help him locate a person of interest. We allowed him to come aboard, while we enacted a ship wide lockdown and a security detail to greet him. Once, he surrendered his weapons, the stranger was escorted to the meeting room where he met with Arya, Nixara and myself. It was revealed that the stranger was none other than Nixara Zann's long lost brother. Arya and I decided to give the pair some privacy to catch up. A record exists of that exchange aboard the Opulence. Zann Family Reunion Record:

Meanwhile, Arya had instructed that we go ahead with the trip to Abregado-rae, while Nixara and Corruck reconnected, to meet with HK-36 that had contacted us with an agreed upon meeting location on his ship. I am currently in the process of compiling all data on that record here:

She also instructed that after the Abregado-rae asset usage meeting had been settled that we head back to Tatooine to look into Paradisio Club bordello girls and find them a suitable space for their training. Arya also asked me to get in touch with our newest Zann Consortium allies, the Tatooine Hutts, and secure us a bounty contract. I am currently in the process of compiling all data on that record here:


This is a message from Arisa Talos under the instruction that if Arya Cognito were to have gone missing that I write a singular message denoting the absence. During the time that the Zann Consortium meeting with HK-36 near Abregado-rae was supposed to take place, The OPULENCE was attacked. I know that Corruck and Nixara made it off of the ship aboard Corruck's vessel, but the whereabouts of Arya are unknown. The attack took us out of hyperspace. I lost track of her as I tended to attempting to survive my attempt at crash landing on Denon, an Omega Protectorate, Canoid and Humanoid inhabited planet in the Inner Rim territory. All crew on-board except for myself and possibly Arya perished in the attack. The culprit is unknown. I will report more when I know more...

-DATAPAD Update-
This is Arisa Talos, still under the employment of Arya Cognito updating the data log. Where to begin? Hmmm...Well, a year has elapsed since the terrifying events of the crash. Arya and I reconnected a few months later after she'd recovered from extensive injuries within a Denon medical center's bacta tank. Arya confided in me that she found the culprit of the crash as a jealous ex-lover, Jola Carthos, a blue skinned Twi'lek female that had formed an independent raiding outfit. Jola had bum-rushed the vessel with the sole intent to kill Arya for leaving her. With the chaos diminished, Arya and myself have lived a quiet existence on Tatooine running her Paradiso Club. Business is always booming with the types of patrons the area draws in. She often calls to me for counsel now because of her trauma stemming from the crash. OPULENCE II, a nearly identical Luxury 5000 yacht, was built a couple months ago at her request to keep the vessel's legacy alive. Arya is currently on vacation while visiting her family at their Manor in Theed, Naboo. I am overseeing operations at the Paradiso Club in her stead. Things are running smoothly for the most part. I had to have a male bothan patron taken care of permanently the other day because he threatened to kill one of our gentlemen humanoid callers during a paid fantasy session.
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Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Madame Cognito"]

Welcome to the site! It's always great to see new writers joining our community. For your convenience, there is a biography template that everyone is encouraged to use located here Please feel free to PM me or one of the actual staff members if you have any questions. Again Welcome to the community.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Madame Cognito"]
Hello there, I am HK-36, First Baron of the Protectorate and Observer of Abregado-Rae, which means the head of the state assigned by the Protectorate :p

So we should probably do an RP if you want to start a business out of Abregado, also the planet's militia is currently under my employ and control, and we don't have any more pirate groups about Abregado-Rae, no organized crime pretty much except the casinos in Le Yer and Smuggler presence, HK didn't wanted to mess with that since it's very important to Abregado's economy.
Other than that, he led a pretty resistance-free campaign to subdue violent crime on Abregado, I've done bunch of RP about that since Fall I would say.

So, just letting you know :3, PM me and we can talk more
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
[member="Madame Cognito"] *licks*

Don't know the story of that limousine, hon, but the word modified makes me tell you this. Anything that is cannon but is modified for any reason, needs to be submitted to the Factory for approval before being used. Same applies to non-canon, of course. But you'll have to wait until you have 50 posts to post there.

Also, welcome! :)

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