Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Madeline Roux


NAME: Madeline Roux​
AGE: 26​
SEX: Female​
HEIGHT: 5’7”​
WEIGHT: 120​
EYES: Dark Brown​
HAIR: Brown​
Play-By: Sasha Kichigina​
Intelligent: During her time as a​
slave, Madeline learned from​
watching those around her,​
picking up on things quickly, and​
continuously pushing to learn more.
Patient: Something she wished​
more people were. When​
Madeline sets her mind to​
something she is determined to​
finish it through to the end.
Intuitive: Madeline has over​
the years, learned how to see​
through dishonesty and​
disingenuous motives, giving​
her an upper hand in sticky​
situations she finds herself in.​
Sensitive: When someone questions or​
challenges Madeline’s motives or values, she is quick to​
have a stronger emotional response.
Deaf: Born deaf, Madeline has​
learned to communicate by​
reading peoples lips. She can respond​
vocally, however her speech is​
harder to understand as she can’t control​
tone or pitch. This also leaves​
her incredibly vulnerable to attacks if​
she can’t physically see them approaching.
Impulsive: Like her emotional responses, Madeline​
is quick to jump head first into something without thinking of the consequences of her actions. She has been known to jump into harm’s way if it means helping someone else, or doing so for the greater good.​
She was a mistake.​
Her mother, stupid and foolish, fell for a man whose presence was as dark as the night, cool, manipulative, and so very alluring. To her, he was everything – hopelessly in love from the very beginning she didn’t stand a chance. She fell further and further into the dark abyss of her own mind until she crumbled under the weight.
To him, she was nothing more than a quick fix, something to distract himself from the ever-consistent buzz of his mind, always moving, always plotting. She was innocent, a beacon shining in the dead of night, calling him to her- to corrupt her, to ruin her.
It was too easy.​
She gave way under his control like a mouse having been caught by a cat – ultimately helpless, knowing when to admit defeat. It took little to convince her to join him in his bed, meaningless words tumbling past his lips, assuring her she was exactly what he wanted. The words wrapped around her in a warmth, drawing her further in until she felt she couldn’t breathe without him. In that moment, she became his, giving herself away to a man who couldn’t be bothered with her feelings – only caring about what she could do for him and how he could benefit.
Madeline was the result of that night.
Born during the dead of night, the sky a murky black, like spilt ink over new parchment – was only the first of many problems Madeline’s mother would have with her. The second, Madeline was born deaf. It was something neither the girl nor her mother could control, yet she held it against Madeline as if she was born deaf to spite her mother – a parting gift from her father, perhaps. When Madeline turned six her mother sold her to a man known for keeping slaves – parting from her daughter with nothing more than fleeting look. To her, looking at Madeline was painful, she was a spitting image of her father, of the man her mother grew to hate for leaving her. Madeline spent the next twenty years of her life bouncing between slave owners – learning how to craft things along the way. She was decent at fixing what was previously thought unfixable, but her true passion laid with helping others. Madeline constantly helped those wounded – by their owners or otherwise, and became known in her area as the one to go to if they needed help.​
Her goal was to become a healer, her mind having tinkered with the idea for over ten years – she just had to get out first.​

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