Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maelridae (TSA Training)

Orion had bested the beast with his mind. Now it was time for the real test, taming a wild Maelridae. The instructions were simple. Go into the cave and make one of the lucky animals that hid within his pet. Easier said, than done. To make matters worse, Orion was forced to leave his weapons with the rest. There was no doubt in his mind that walking into a den of vicious, agile and hungry beasts meant assured confrontation. His master had a knack for sending many to fight for their lives. This exercise was no different. Orion strode forth, a hilt rolling off of his pale white fingers. As it tapped onto the stone floor, Orion slipped between the two instructors and made his way deeper in the depths of the cave. The everlasting black swallowed him and like a frozen second in time, his chrome mask was all that remained before he completely vanished.
His eyes adjusted, what was once black became a slight gray. The stone walls providing a dim light as he trickled in quietly. The reverberations of tiny rattles could be heard in the distance. What was more apparent to his senses were the droplets of water constantly dripping from the hidden crevices above. The walkway narrowed, stones making it more and more difficult to traverse as a sudden dip caught him slightly off guard. His heel pressed against a loose pebble and before he could catch the fall, Orion slid violently downward. The narrow passage becoming wider as he descended to the unknown.
A sudden rush of water brushed against him as his body caused a loud splash on impact. It was the one thing that he still couldn't shake, presenting itself like a demon in the night. He panicked for a moment before his one flailing hand slammed into the ground beneath him. It was comforting to him as he realized the new liquid he crashed into was shallow. Still, the fear of drowning sat with him as he calmed down. A light sigh escaping his throat. After his fearful episode, he regained his composure, but not without a cost. A sharp pain struck his side, no doubt from the plunge he took into the large watery cavern. A green hue from the smelly pool allowed him to see better. Nothing seemed to be present, at least not yet. Orion was supposed to quietly breach the nest, before trying to tame one. Not freaking out over the potential concept of drowning in shallow waters, regardless his fears still lingered.
Pushing off the ground a sandy sensation met his fingers, before slipping out of the water. Shaking them off he stood, scanning the area for anything lurking in the shadows. His garments stuck to his skin, heavier than they were dry. The weight would mean the difference if a pack of Maelridae attacked him. Quickly he tugged at the end of his robe, stripping it free and tossing it into the air. Soon after he released his tank top from his body. Orion's physique resembled that of a fit athlete, toned and built for combat. His regiment of physical consistencies provided such an appearance. His skin, while pale was far from corrupted in the Dark Side like many others farther along than him. Maybe, with some studying and correct applications of the force, he could prevent such atrocious processes from happening to him. Either way, he would remain connected to the Dark Side, so long as it provided the necessary tools to advance in knowledge and power. Afterall, he was a true sith at heart, the constant urge to gain, when so many others wanted to abuse it and let it fade.
He turned his body to the left to peek at the scar that now resided on his ribs, child's play. He suffered far worse in many battles of his own. The only battle now was to survive and complete the task given to him. His hands reached for his mask before tossing to the side. Delicate and handsome were his facial features, free from scars, unlike the rest of his body. His long black fell to his shoulders, it had been some time before his groomed it, but even that spoke volumes of his attractiveness. His soft lips shimmered from the water that still sat atop his mouth. Orion shifted his lips to the side before spitting. The sound of a nearby shriek catching his attention.
He cautiously ducked, careful not to underestimate whatever found him. Orion released the tension from his body. He felt lighter, his breathing changing pace as he called on the force. The muscles in his arms were slowly beginning to tense. Then, like a comet it came...
A Maelridae.
[member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] | [member="Darth Genesis"]
How deep was she? She could no longer see light, and only by the force could she continue forwards towards her objective. What was the point of it all, if she couldn't even stalk the stalkers? She smirked in the low light and stepped over another failed acolyte, a failure of this test, until she encountered something, curious. An acolyte, a living one, trying miserably to stalk one of the Maelridae packs. He was able to avoid sight, but these things weren't adapted for light, and they could no doubt detect him. Her too, for that matter, though she wasn't trying to hide entirely. She chuckled, and moved up behind the acolyte, drawing more attention to him. Three of the Maelridae noticed, and like moths to flame...

She sunk into the shadows, and back as the three hunters took to the acolyte, who was horribly weak physically. He was doing fine, he might even survive, but he was only bait to Ari, who moved back further, enticing one of the Maelridae by touching its minds. This one was strong, she could feel, very, very strong. It was perfect for her, as she enticed it to leave its companions and head back further towards the entrance, and away from others. When there was a safe distance, she collapsed a section of the tunnel behind the beast, isolating it completely. There were ways around the blockage, but she only needed a buffer of time.

The beast charged her when it felt her slowly finding weak points in the armor, drilling or slipping through cracks of its mental barriers. Forced into physical action, she leaped to the ceiling, kicking off of it and down behind the beast, hitting it with a gentle force push to knock it slightly off balance. It wouldn't be hurt, wouldn't call for help, it would only get irritated and charge her again. Once more, she moved aside as another barrier found itself breached, and she collided with the wall a moment. She cursed under her breath, and focused on maintaining connection with it. Alas, she found the final barrier the beast held, and it was firmer than the others.

She needed a new method, as the Maelridae charged her once more. She doubted the other tricks she'd been avoiding it with would work, the beast was smart enough to realize that, and she needed to find some way past this last barrier. She began searching for something, anything, until she came to a conclusion. She smirked and held up a hand, using the force to push against it, holding it in place. "You're hungry..." The beast seemed to slow its attempt to charge her, as it curiously twitched its head. With so many defenses broken, the prey tried to talk to it? Her thoughts echoed with the beast, as she gathered a bone from a devoured acolyte, tilting the cleaned bone in her hand. "What a shame it must be to live here, surrounded by walls and food yet unable to feast. A painful existence... one I understand all too well."

She began to press her weighty memories against the beast, slowly easing it into understanding of the power it was dealing with. "Come with me, and you'll never go hungry again..." There.. a crack was forming. She gingerly teased her mind into it, until finally she broke through. At last, the beast stopped completely, and she ceased the use of the Force. Darkness met Darkness, as she stepped forward, chuckling slightly. "Come then, a new life awaits yo-" One last bite, one last attempt to free itself. She respected the beast, as she narrowly escaped death, only laughing lightly as she felt it dig out some small flesh would on her shoulder. She stepped back after avoiding the strike, and pressed her mind to the Maelridae's, until it finally understood, not entirely forced into it. There was, of course, domination of its mind at play, make no mistake. But even a beast could reason, to some degree.

At long last, Ariealla stepped free of the cave, her Maelridae in tow. She bowed once more to Lord [member="Krest"] and [member="Darth Abyss"], thoroughly pleased with herself. She had far to go before she could dominate a mind as she used to, but this was an excellent start.


Saint of the Damned
Lark stripped himself of his weapons, gently laying them on the ground beside all of the other discarded tools. Like a bunch of children's belongings left inside a classroom as they left for recess. Although despite the death that reeked from within the caverns, of dying Sith failures, Lark's recess would occasionally result in just as much death. Lark remembered watching the children fall, never quite as fast as he imagined they would. Some would get back up. Most didn't.

The others all went off in their own separate directions, and Lark himself met the endless void of chill darkness with open arms. Instead of goosebumps and raised hair Lark's being shook with uncharacteristic eagerness, it had been so long since he'd had a pet. He slowly wandered deeper into the unilluminated caves, trailing his finger along the creases of a wall he could hardly see. He heard the echoes of growls, beasts feeding nearby, or perhaps being dominated by the other Sith. Lark's feet began sticking to the ground, a mixture of dried blood and guts littered the ground. Heavy breathing that had been drowned out by the feral growling grew more vociferous, the Maelridae revealing itself. It chewed on the foot of some disgraceful Sith, pondering on whether or not he had room for seconds. Swallowing the foot but deeming that his meal was not yet complete, the Maelridae took a heavy step towards Lark, the beast towered over him.

And soon, it would be his.

"Stop," Lark commanded, attempting to pry into it's mind the same way he did earlier. The beast resisted, taking another step closer, coming within biting distance. He should have known it wouldn't be so simple. The Maelridae was still wild, undomesticated. It would respond to power, not musings. "Stop!" Lark growled, displaying a vicious side of him that was not so often seen. The Sithspawn hissed and snarled, but it grew no closer.

"That's better," Lark said as he stepped towards the maw, filled with rows of thorn-like teeth, displaying not a hint of fear. "We're both monsters, you and I. So let's have a contest of sorts, shall we?" Empty eyes stared back at him, but the beast understood enough of what Lark was saying. "You may go first."

Lark was taken back to moments ago, when the other apprentice wandered aimlessly into the beast's home. He stumbled over unseen rocks before coming face to face with the spike-covered creature. It was a bloody affair. The young man's arm was the first to go, being stripped bare of flesh as he turned to run. The arm was eaten quickly, bones crunching like gravel when walked upon. The rest of him met the same fate. Looking at his wound was a mistake, as he set his terror-filled eyes upon his shattered bone sticking out from a lump of pink, gory flesh, the man keeled over and puked. The Maelridae didn't seem to mind, the screams and bile were cut short as the man's upper half was devoured. Intestines and pieces of stripped muscle fell into a pile, and as it fed, what it thought would be dessert walked forward.

He let go of the memory as the Maelridae took a chomp at him, ducking underneath. "Not bad," Lark conceded, rolling to avoid being squished by it's feet. "But now it's my turn." He forced himself into the beast's mind, bullying his way inside. A vision of a brutal plight long ago was shown. Lark was in front of some thug, he was much taller than he was. He had angered the man somehow, he didn't remember what he had said or done. The cause didn't matter, only what happened next. The thug charged at Lark, intending to bowl him over. Lark tripped him up, and the man fell forwards slowly, hitting the damp ground with a loud thud. Lark lifted a heavy rock nearby, barely managing to lift it over his head. He drove it into the man's chest, collapsing his lungs and smashing his ribcage. Death was all but assured, but Lark wasn't done. Once more the blood-soaked rock was brought up, and he smashed it into the man's hip, shattering it and whatever else might lie there. The thug coughed up blood, and Lark quickly grew tired of the noise. He brought up the rock one final time, and crushed the man's jaw. Bones and teeth erupted from withing, burrowing inside the man's throat. As he lay there twitching Lark placed his hand on top of his head, which was matted down with dirty blood. Placing his other hand on the man's neck to balance himself, Lark pulled as hard as he could, tearing the man's head from his shoulders.

A child approached, staring up at the clear blue sky instead of the mangled corpse below. "L-lark," he stuttered, squirmed. He walked with a crutch, his leg broken from sustaining a fall. But he had at least gotten back up.

"Lark," his young classmate said. "Recess is over. Classes are about to start!"

He was brought back to the cavern with a dazed smile, the Maelridae's head was lowered submissively. Lark ran his hand along the sharp spikes that covered it's body. You will make a fine pet. But first, finish your meal. You've earned it.

[member="Ariealla Vareldi"] [member="Orion Darkstar"] [member="Krest"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Darth Mara"] [member="Darth Genesis"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"]
Drav was in pure darkness, without his lightsaber to light his path. The acolyte figured it would be better this way anyways. He didn't know much about the Maelridae. Perhaps they would see the light source, and come running to eat him.

Assuming they saw at all, of course.

The Bith picked his way around the jagged invisible stones, narrowly avoiding stepping on a few loose stones. He had enough sense to wonder why he was risking his life here in the first place, when he heard the sound.

It was unnerving, to say the least.

A subtle growl, the clicking of rough talons on compact earth, the sudden whoosh of breath. The alien's advanced sense of hearing picked up on the shufflings and scratchings of the beast further up the cavern, and by the sudden shift in it's movements, it had heard him as well.

Dravis readied himself the only way he knew how- he brought his hands up into fists, his stance widened, and he put his weight on his back foot. He was no hand-to-hand fighter. The most experience he had received with it at all was watching the brawls that occurred in the lower levels of Coruscant. He heard the Maelridae charge forward, and felt panic wedge itself in his being.

Imagine a knife.

The thing began to dash through the tunnel, tail whipping around in erratic precision.

Imagine their defenses.

The being's breath was hot and humid, the smell carrying on the stale air.

Now thrust.

Dravis put all of his mental weight onto an imaginary dagger, and sent it plunging at the Maelridae's consciousness. A simple phrase, the only one Dravis could think of on the fly.


Drav recoiled slightly, preparing for the end. Wind rushed past him, a cooling, calmling sensation. The Bith took a shallow breath, then another. It was then he realized why he was still free to take breaths. The big creature had stopped directly ahead of him, snarling. Dravis found a smile, and then concentrated again, formulating a more complicated command, now that he had time to think.

You are now my own, he echoed into the beast's mind, twisting it to his whims. You will listen, you will obey, and you will be rewarded.

The Sithling smiled, and repeated his new incantation over the course of ten or so minutes. To his delight, he felt his words take effect, warping the Maelridae's psyche to his own purposes The beast stepped forward, a sluggishness to his movements, as this was probably the first time any being had meddled with it's mind.

Good, he thought at the being, pride in his words. Now, lead me to the exit, if you will.

The creature lifted it's big head, and began to shamble away, Dravis in the wake.

- [member="Krest"] - [member="Darth Genesis"] - [member="Darth Mara"] - [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] - [member="Darth Abyss"] - [member="Lark"] -
The maelridae lunged through the air, attacking from a ledge in the darkness of the viridescent cavern. Its slick black frame slithered into view, its jaw opening with a grotesque click. The sharp white teeth that revealed themselves to Orion made him step back. The echo of a missed bite reaching the inner walls. There it stood, poised as it viciously snapped around to face him. it was quick, even worse seemed far more hungry than Orion had hoped. One mistake and the claws that it honed would plunge into his naked chest, probably tearing at his insides in seconds. The thought crossed his mind for only a second. There would be no room for error, another loud click from the maelridae's jaw and it could mean another to back it up. As the creature postured upward, Orion calculated the size. It was a full three feet in length, but size mattered little here. Still, it gave Orion a gauge of what he was dealing with.
The slender tail that whipped around to the front aimed for his head. A quick duck and he was safe, but like a boomerang in the wake of its climax, the tail came back viciously the other way. The tip of the slender tail slicing as his arm as Orion tried to block it. It stung and as the beast went to claw at him in an act to end it, Orion shifted his legs and pushed his arms outward. his hands slammed into the maelridae, forcing it to miss with a stumble. Now was his chance. if he was going to truly get out of this alive he had to heed the instructions of his master.
Careful. Don't kill it.
Orion shook his injured arm slightly and before the beast went to stand, they locked eyes. Orion's mind began to strain, the sudden spasms he felt in his temple allowing the force to be channeled into the creatures own mind. What was once a cavern, was now a misty fog. Silence surrounding him as he searched for the key to reach a connection with the beast. Then, nothing. Orion couldn't feel the instincts of the animal, but what slowly came to his ear was a tapping chain. Curious, Orion stepped into the fog, careful not to be caught off guard from the maelridae's natural defense mechanisms. A cold wind swept across him, a shiver spiking Orion's senses. Something didn't want him there. A low growl suddenly made the acolyte turn, instead of a maelridae, the fog morphed into a large monster. The shape it took reminded Orion of a rancor, which by its slender form it wasn't. It slammed both fists towards him, Orion rolled away. Then another, Orion ducked. Instead of another swing the unknown beast returned back into a cloud of fog. Confused, Orion patiently waited for it to take form. This time, the fog shaped into a blue saber. it flew through the air trying to claim Orion's image from its mind.
The, it hit him. battling with beasts conjurations would lead to failure. The beast had full control of his mind, Orion needed to find the core of its internal system. Quickly running away from the attacking saber, the chains tapping grew louder. Clicks and snarls becoming more apparent. A tiny maelridae shackled to a wall as the blue saber whizzed passed him. it hung in the air, defending the tiny shackled beast. Orion presented his own red saber, the activation forcing the creature to strike with the conjured blue saber. A quick motion of his wrist and Orion deflected. Walking closer and closer with each block, until he severed the first chain. The blue saber vanishing as the maelridae shrieked. Orion's mind strained more, one last swipe breaking the beast free. As the tiny maelridae lunged forward to kill him a telepathic order boomed deep within the core of the beasts soul.
Stop! No more!
The beast dissipated and as the reality of his position became clear the real Maelridae began to skid across the floor of the cavern. Coming to a halt at Orion's feet, the beast paralyzed by Orion's order. Another order easily instructed to the now stunned creature.
The beast obeyed. It was now his, no longer wild shackled by its own useless ways of its pack. Orion slowly extended his hand forward, placing it on the creatures head. The hard shell with a coat of slime greeting his fingers.
Fetch me my clothes...Then, we'll eat.
As the beast retrieved the acolytes belongings. Orion spotted the exit, his new companion following behind.
[member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Mara"] | [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] | [member="Darth Genesis"]
This cave was big. She had been walking for what it seemed like an hour, no, two, and yet still no encounters. Not even with the 'survivors' of [member=Krest]'s last group. Maybe it was a sign that signing up, or maybe just coming to this place, was a sign, a bad omen of what was yet to come. Though Serenity wasn't usually pessimistic, this was the only fate that could be brought upon her this day.


Great, this voice again. Still puzzled as to who it was, or even what it was. The only thing that it could be was the creature she had been searching for and was now on the brink of starvation for. Physical pain was not what worried her though, at least not from her body's natural instincts. Moreover, it was the sound of growling, and the unusual crackle of a fire, but there was no light. That crackling probably wasn't fire. And that absence of light... was probably for the best.

"Wanna play?"

"No, no-.."

"You sure? Playing with us is a lot of fun."

Us? You're kidding. There was more than Maelridae down here? Probably. From what she had heard, Maelridae usually didn't smell of rotting flesh, they were mostly metal. Yep. Serenity had found some of the survivors, and along with that felt a head shove directly into her chest, pinning her against the wall with a hard thump. The breathing was now clear, this was no sentient being, and if it was, was comparable to a Wookie in both smell and strength. Her heartrate shot through the roof as she closed her eyes and imagined the being, twice her size, and then multiply that by 2 again.

"If you don't let go of me I will crush your skull."

The beast only grunted in response, galactic basic wasn't its language. It was the force.

Whether a stroke of sheer luck, or even just the beast knowing its purpose, Serenity was amazed it hadn't ripped her head off yet. Let's stop it from doing that. Speaking into herself. Her hand outstretched and was placed against the shiny, sonorous metal of the beast's carapace. It was symbolic, like she was at least attempting to remove its loneliness. It appeared it wasn't us, only me.

It only needed trust. Or someone to trust in.

"You'll stop, now."

Like a whimpering dog, it refracted, but in a proud manner.

"And now you'll follow me out of here."

And so it did. She left, with her new companion behind her, its face slightly tilted down.
Krest stood at the exit, glancing to each as they exited but never saying a word. Soon enough each that he had sent in came out with their own dark creature, each one of them at least dominated. Once they were all out he would finally speak. "You have dominated their minds, but have not earned their trust. They will not die for you without a struggle to resist your influence. Earn their loyalty, their trust, and you wont need to keep their minds servant to yours. But be warned. If the connection is ever severed they will run rampant and slaughter everyone in their path, including you." Slowly the Zabrak would reach up to pat the side of his own Maelridae.

"Enjoy your new pets."

[member="Dravis Rosilla"] [member="Lark"] [member="Orion Darkstar"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Ariealla Vareldi"] [member="Darth Mara"] [member="Darth Genesis"]
Ariealla smiled as Krest spoke, she took the praise offered, even if it was cynical in its presentation, and strode over to the bag she had left behind. Naturally she had expected as much as the zabrak had said, but it was delightful to know he could offer even veiled praise as he had. It seemed the Sith hadn't quite yet lost their dignity, not entirely at the very least. Nor, if they knew her promise to the Maelridae following behind her, had they lost their ability to stay true to their word. As she reached the bag and unzipped it, the foul odor's source was revevaled. She easily plucked a bottle of wine and glass, held cleanly in a plastic bag, from the bag, as well as her promised snack to the beast. A severed human arm, tossed without a care into its waiting jaws. "As promised little one, a toast to new beginnings." She poured the red wine into her glass, holding it up as if the beast understood the gesture, and took the first sip. Ah.. delectable. She chuckled to herself, as she headed off with the beast to the delightful sounds of its feeding.

The bag, of course, came along, though it held nothing else. It had only come in the event she could use it to her advantage. Fortunate for her she had, otherwise she'd have had to throw it out. Too much time had passed to make much other use of it.

[member="Krest"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Darth Mara"] [member="Orion Darkstar"] [member="Dravis Rosilla"] [member="Lark"] [member="Darth Genesis"]

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