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Private Magic Treehouse



Braze Braze
Day two of treehouse building.

On the first day, holes had been dug for the footings and he had poured duracrete and got the frame into place. That needed to cure, the pair calling it a early day so things could be set and ready for the morning. Working on the project so far made him realize two things ; one, he was eternally grateful for having a father who grew up a poor farmkid and kept a hobby of woodworking. Two, when did he become a father figure to three kids at once? He had partially joked with Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell that he should grow a mustache if he was going to be out here playing father figure. Her glare has been the all the answer he needed.

Booted feet walked confidently on a narrow wooden beam as he moved with a powerdrill in hand. Growing up salvaging, he was comfortable in these types of situations, it was second nature at this point. A little clumsy and uncoordinated, much that faded away when he needed to focus on not falling to his death or getting someone killed in the process. Braze had leaned a support beam against a trunk so he could pull it up. Makai didn't want the kid on bare scaffolding yet, although if he was a Jedi, such a thing should be easy. Still, he didn't want a broken arm and harsh words from the kids father.

Drill set down, he slowly hoisted the heavy beam up to rest on the 'base' they had made the day prior. Some minor adjustments before he picked up the powerdrill and fished a lagbolt out of pocket, using his shoulder and body weight against the drill as the bolt drove in the beam and tree itself. Makai was using the tree for partial support but not exactly relying on it either. More taking precautions.

Down below, the teenager should have been using the circular saw to work on cutting the planks for the floor. Once Makai got about four planks in place he'd feel more comfortable with the kid joining him. There would at least be a platform instead of narrow support beams.

"How's it going down there?" Makai paused to wipe his face on his shirt sleeve. "Think you're figuring it out? Or you need help?"


Braze's proficiency with levitation was remarkable, and he frequently employed this skill in his building projects. He could effortlessly lift and set heavy objects in place, making the task of constructing a treehouse much more manageable between the two of them. While this wasn't his first treehouse, having someone knowledgeable about construction to assist him made a significant difference. His initial attempt had been a relatively solitary endeavor, and the novelty of the task quickly wore off, prompting Braze to acquire new skills on his own. This project followed a tumultuous encounter with some peculiar, vampire-like creatures, and he was grateful that this time was devoid of such chaos.

Despite his existing knowledge, there was still much for Braze to learn. He was eager to contribute effectively to the team and pull his own weight. He executed tasks as requested and instructed with ease and without complaint.

"I think I've got this. I'm keeping my fingers clear from the blades as well,"
he remarked, not interested in loseing any parts of himself in the process.

"I think it's pretty amazing how they built up a temple through the massive parts of the ancient tree here," Braze commented. "I've been learning a lot of neat tricks from studying the architecture there and from what you're showing me now." Braze trailed off, feeling a bit fatigued, but the task seemed manageable. "What about you on your end? Holding up okay?"


"Yeah, not cutting off your fingers is fairly important."

Makai didn't want to deal with that. Firstly, there was no ice around to put any chopped off fingers in. Secondly, a lot of blood and explaining to the kids father about why there was suddenly less of him. He had personally used power tools since the age of six, when his mother left and his father was injured and saw it fit to keep him busy by building shelves for his room. Probably wasn't the wisest but he had survived just fine. He suspected Braze Braze would too.

"Nice to know you're learning. Its not too shabby on this planet, very peaceful. Great alcohol. I'd visit again."

He made a mental note to buy a bottle or three for the barcarts before heading home. Something to have during negotiations than just the standard whisky and brandy he typically kept around. Definitely the items he had drank and eaten around here were made by skilled craftspeople and he appreciated all the small touches and dedicated to their crafts.

"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Pass up the next set of boards when you're ready."

Still young, Makai still had a touch of the boundless energy he had as a child. Stamina had been built up during his days mapping the Pacanth Reach, now coupled with his morning runs designed to keep himself going. Salvaging and mining was a physical job, one he had been doing for years at this point. A treehouse seemed like a vacation in comparison.

"So how have things been? Still in school right, didn't drop out?"


"Nice to know you're learning. Its not too shabby on this planet, very peaceful. Great alcohol. I'd visit again."
"Oh really? What does alcohol even taste like? Is it good? What makes one better than another? Is it the taste or something more?" Braze asked curiously. It soon became apparent that he would ask all kinds of questions of those older than him about almost anything.
"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Pass up the next set of boards when you're ready."
Braze focused, telekinetically manipulating the needed materials. He moved them up gently and slowly, exercising careful precision to refine his motions into fine manipulation.

"So how have things been? Still in school right, didn't drop out?"
Report : Beneath the Mask: Exploring the Mythos of Darth Revan

"We have access to a good many programs. I do a lot of reports to make up for my poor studies in history," Braze offered. "I've been studying the 'Sith.' I wrote a report on why Darth Revan wasn't a real person." He trailed. " It sparked some debate when I put up a sign in the library;. "


"Alcohol? Yeah, it tastes different across the types. Just depends on personal preferences, I've gotten in pretty deep with wine thanks to the wife."

Not quite wife but close enough to be practicing. He paused as the boards were levitated up, grabbing the floor planks as they came near him. Makai carefully rested them against the trunk and the beam there. The half-Galan was navigating to stand on the ladder in order to place the first board flush, iced azure gaze taking a critical look at the floor supports and joists to ensure they were flush.

"Who is Darth Revan?"

Makai was not joking as he grabbed the automatic nailer and triple-checked the first floorboard was in place. Four sounds of the nailer later and it was place. Pencil came out from behind his ear and he used it to space the next one, nailing two in place he could now stand back up 'inside' the treehouse and work. Two more and he could deem it safe for Braze not to fall off as easily.

"Poor studies? You failin' or ain't doing the work?" Gaze left his floorboards looked at the boy. Dad-like disappointment etched on his features. "Don't tell me you've been slacking..."


"Wine? It's like... grape juice right?" Braze asked.

"Nobody really. And Revan himself wasn't really important either," Braze offered. "Just a history lesson on how the great squander what they had." He said lightly.

"Poor studies? You failing or ain't doing the work?" Gaze left his floorboards looked at the boy. Dad-like disappointment etched on his features. "Don't tell me you've been slacking..."

He frowned at that and shook his head. "Not like that. I didn't really get good grades in history studies because, well, they bored me to tears. I struggle to keep focused on things that just do not interest me. Long boring lectures about dead old guys who hold no real relevance in the present day are hardly what I consider stimulating or exciting to listen to. I've tried to re-frame it though and learn about the past so I can better avoid mistakes those old dead people made," Braze offered.


"Adult grape juice, but it can have other fruity flavors. It has a more fermented taste."

Four of the floorboards nailed into place, Makai bounced a little on the decking, as if testing to see how sturdy it was. Not that he weighed a bit, but more than a teenage boy, so he was using his uneducated system to test the strength. Seemed fine to him, once everything else was locked into place it would be even stronger, but for now it would work if both of them needed to be up here.

"Old, dead people. Alright."

A small pause.

"If you fail a class do you Jedi school? Don't get promoted? Retake it 'til you pass?"

Braze Braze


"Adult grape juice, but it can have other fruity flavors. It has a more fermented taste."
"So... it's like rotting grape juice? Yuck. That sounds terrible," Braze offered, wrinkling his nose at the thought.
"If you fail a class do you Jedi school? Don't get promoted? Retake it 'til you pass?"

"I'm not sure... I presume my Master would have a thing or two to say to me. I'd probably not be allowed to do fun things at all if I was struggling that badly. I imagine you would have to retake classes if you messed up and receive some kind of discipline. I usually ended up in detention doing service work of some sort at the temple," Braze offered. "But I never failed anything so badly that I had to retake it," he explained.

Braze shifted his focus to the task at hand, carefully positioning a wooden plank for the tree house. His fingers moved with practiced precision, securing the plank with nails as he spoke. "Building things like this always helps clear my mind. It's a nice break from all the training and studying. My Master, Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el might agree that working with your hands can be just as enlightening as meditating."

He tilted his head, looking at what Makai had done. "That looks nice," he offered lightly after appraising the work. He gave a nod of approval, his eyes scanning the structure for any imperfections. "We're making good progress. This tree house is going to be awesome."

As they continued to work, Braze's curiosity got the better of him. "What is your favorite kind of drink?" he asked, glancing over at Makai. "You said there were different types, right? I prefer teas," he added, a smile playing on his lips. "There's this one blend at the temple, made with herbs from different planets. It's calming, helps me focus."


Forbidden to do fun things? The Jedi were allowed to do fun things? That was news to him. Then again, their idea of fun might be something extremely banal, such as reading quietly by the fireside. It wasn't a horrible way to spend an evening, just not his idea of exciting. Of course, he was just completely spitballing as to what actually occurred.

Progress was coming along nicely on the treehouse, Makai was estimating this weekend and perhaps one another, depending on the pace and complexity. If they kept it up today, perhaps a complete shell would be up and in place by the end of day, tomorrow morning at the earliest. It was difficult for him to tell at the moment.

"Yeah, working or activity ha a way of clearin' the mind. Depends on the person too though I suppose."

It wasn't long before they were back on the subject of drinks. What type of drink? He was going to assume Braze Braze was referring to any kind. Especially since he was young and unable to drink alcohol, Makai was hoping the subject was more broad. Another board was picked up and settled into place before he answered.

"Tea? Never been a big fan, sounds interesting though."

A small pause.

"Uhm...caf in the morning, water throughout the day, wine at night is pretty much my usual. I'm part-aquatic species so I try to not dry up and die throughout the day."


"Ohhhhh..." Braze mused, a flicker of realization lighting up his eyes. He didn't elaborate on why it suddenly made sense that Makai liked the peculiar gray gems so much. "I see, I see," he trailed off, lost in thought.

After a moment, he broke the silence with a soft comment, "Caf smells funny."

As they continued working, the rich, earthy aroma of freshly cut wood filled the air, adding to the atmosphere of their shared project. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, causing the tree branches to sway. Braze glanced up, his protective instincts kicking in.

"Be careful, Makai," he said, his voice tinged with worry. "The branches are moving a lot with this wind." He moved closer, ready to use his telekinetic abilities to steady any precarious planks or catch his friend if needed, concern etched in his expression.

"You know," Braze continued, trying to keep the conversation flowing, "I never understood why caf is so popular. What's it taste like to you? Maybe I'm missing something." Braze trailed,

"Also, do you think we should reinforce this section more? The wind might get stronger, and I don't want anything to come loose." His eyes scanned the structure, ensuring everything was secure.

"Does it smell funny? Reminds me of home."

Caf always reminded him of time spent with Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell .Either on 'dates' at cafes or now, early mornings spent alone together. It was a warm, comforting smell rather than anything negative. He mentally shrugged, everyone had different preferences. Take cigarillo smoke ; most would find it annoying but it reminded him of days spent in the care of Danger. A warm feeling.

"It's kinda bitter if you drink it black...I like my sweeter with cream....tastes like...uh..."

Trying to describe caf was difficult. Especially if someone didn't like it. However, the wind was kicking up and he reached out to grab a beam to stabilize himself. He wasn't overly concerned but apparently he should have been. Moving to bend over to pick up one of his tools, a branch smacked him in the backside and he immediately tumbled over, trying to catch himself on the beam, only to fall flat on his back on the grass below. At least he avoided falling on the pile of lumber.

"I'm okay....just...give me a minute."

Makai didn't move yet though, a little winded. Wasn't the first time had had tripped and fell while working. Soft ground was much more forgiving than falling onto durasteel or the hard desert ground. Been there, done that.

"Reinforce? this a windy planet?" He slowly sat up. "Might need more lumber for it though."

Braze Braze


Braze tried to catch Makai but could only slow his descent slightly to lessen the fall. He padded over to check on him. "They have typhoons here, as far as I understand," Braze offered softly.

"Are you hurt at all?" He asked, looking at Makai with concern, ready to offer assistance or healing if needed.

"Maybe we should take a break," Braze suggested, being reminded of just how fragile a person could be.

"Maybe I can brew you up some tea, and you can relax... Heights are pretty dangerous to fall from. You're pretty lucky, you didn't fall in a worse manner. "
Braze offered.​


"Typhoons? There are oceans here too right? I'd love to come after a storm and beach comb."

Rocks, gemstones, minerals, ores, fossils, seashells...all were extremely interesting to him. Most times a massive and powerful storm kicked up fascinating things along the beach. Which meant right after it had barely passed was a perfect time to walk along and find new and interesting bits. Depending on the planet ; sea glass was always a nice rare find.

Makai stood up and stretched his back, shaking his head.

"I think I got a bruise, then my ego is feeling a little rough but other than that. A break is fine, working is fine. I've had worse falls, that doesn't even crack the top ten to be honest."

He shrugged.

"Completely up to you what we do. Just depends how quick you want this treehouse done."

Braze Braze


"I'm in no rush," Braze assured, his voice calm and steady. "I mostly spent time building my old treehouse by myself. I don't think my peers find construction very entertaining," he added with a faint smile, recalling the solitude of his previous project.

He looked at Makai with concern. "I'd rather we take a break and see how you feel before continuing." Braze's tone was thoughtful and caring, making it clear he prioritized Makai's well-being over the progress of their work.

"I'll fetch you a bench and something cold to drink. Wait right there," Braze said, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. He hurried off, his mind already thinking about the best way to make Makai comfortable.

Braze returned in short order, setting out a sturdy bench with careful precision. In his hand was a metal tumbler, condensation glistening on its surface, filled with ice-cold fresh lemonade. He handed it to Makai, "Here you go," he said softly, hoping the small gesture would help Makai feel more at ease. "I brought some minor pain killers too if you feel you want them. " He had a small packet with two tablets that he offered Makai.


"I'm not that old."

Makai laughed, stretching his back a little as he stood. He was going to be sore but beyond that things were fine. There was no need for a bench or any special treatment, hell, if this had been one of his father's jobsites it would be a glass of water and five minutes before getting back to work. Despite what Braze Braze may think, he was a bit more resilient than he looked.

"Thank you....for the bench, and the drink. It wasn't necessary but I do appreciate it all the same."

Although he wasn't old, Makai was wise enough to take the anti-inflammatory medication. More than likely he would feel any indicators of discomfort tomorrow morning when he woke up and tried to get out of bed. Maybe he would take a day off from his morning runs and take it easy on that front. Of course, he wouldn't know until he woke up tomorrow morning.

"Construction is fun. Who doesn't love coming back and bragging to their friends that they created an entire structure? Not anyone can say that."

Makai paused to sip his drink, shoulders shrugging before asking his next question.

"How are you doing? Holding up?"


"You're welcome," Braze offered lightly as he continued working on the treehouse. He looked up at the sky, taking a long, steady breath before letting it out softly. "I'm okay, this is light work for me really. This is more of a hobby," he added with a smile.

He paused for a moment, reflecting. "I dunno... I don't think my friends or peers appreciate bragging much. I think doing that just makes them not happy overall," Braze mused thoughtfully. He glanced over at Makai, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Do you have a lot of friends, Makai?" he asked.


"Light work? Oh yes, your Jedi training is harder....I assume."

Lifting heavy materials and putting them into place seemed hard enough in his opinion, but Braze Braze had been floating things over. Makai didn't know if he should consider it cheating or just practicing with his Force powers. Frankly, the boy didn't look like he did a lot of heavy, physical lifting so might be wise to just leave the lifting to the levitating kind.

"Friends? A lot of I definitely had more when I was your age. A lot of weird Jedi kids...:"

He paused for a moment, mentally counting.

"Five? One of them is my fiancee, but I like to think she still counts. How many do you think you have? Are we in some kind of unspoken contest right now for bragging rights?"

Braze was indeed as thin as a rail. Though he had some musculature, it wasn't very built up or 'meaty.' His build was more slender and willowy, making him look as light as a feather. Standing at only 5'2'', he was rather small.

"What made them so weird?" Braze asked curiously.

"Well, let me think," he began, counting on his fingers. "There's Loomi Loomi , my best friend. Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru is a friend too, but she's in a forever sleep, I think. I like to think that Shan Pavond Shan Pavond and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto are my friends, but I'm not sure if I can call them that since they're older. Aris Noble Aris Noble might consider me more of a rival, but I see him as a friend. Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti is super sweet and fun to talk to. I don't think Jin'lian Jin'lian likes me very much, so I don't think I can count them. Sometimes I spend time with Nir Si Nir Si , but I'm not sure if we're friends or just acquaintances. I liked playing with Iko Vel Iko Vel , but he moved away, and I don't know where he is now. I've met Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn , but I don't know if she considers me a friend or if we're just acquaintances. I think Komi is a friend. Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el feels more like an older sibling or an uncle; we don't spend much time together. I think I can count Makko Vyres Makko Vyres and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania as friends. And if I can count adults, I've made a few friends like Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and Silas Westgard Silas Westgard ."

Braze finished counting on his fingers and looked up. "That makes thirteen friends, I think. Do I win anything other than bragging rights?" Braze asked. He had a few more people like Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau he'd like to count among his friends, but they were new people he'd met recently in truth. Friendship took time didn't it?


Makai blinked, not expecting Braze Braze to name them all. He recognized none of the names except for Loomi Loomi , which Braze had mentioned at their first meeting and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . The half-Galan had spotted her at the Naboo Royal Gala, where he had seen her with the infamous Artesian singer, Jang Keek . Of course, he only knew the woman by name, since she had been announced at the Gala. Beyond that.

Oh, and of course he knew who Iko Vel Iko Vel was, his 'little sisters' new boyfriend. He had heard entirely too much about the boy within the last month or so.

"That's...uh...quite the friends list." Makai didn't understand the 'forever sleep' thing, but in his mind, he safely assumed that person was deceased."They all should be lucky to have you around, and I'm sure they are. A good friend can be hard to find these days."

Now as for why his Jedi friends were weird back in the day.

"Well one of them got married at sixteen or seventeen. Would have sworn that was a shotgun wedding, can't remember if it was. The other was Heavenshields boy, or one of his boys, Theo. Haven't seen either of them in a long, long time. I'm going to assume at this point they are deceased, which is unfortunate."

It was best not to dwell on such things. As such, he continued on, circling back to the contest.

"No, I don't have a prize for you. Perhaps next time we meet I'll bring you something as a token for winning this unofficial friends contest."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Well, I'm happy to count you as one of my friends, and you can count me as a friend too if you like," Braze offered gently, a warm smile touching his lips. "It sounds like you've lost quite a few friends. That must be dreadfully lonely. I'm glad you're getting married to your best friend. It shouldn't be so lonely for you then."

Braze paused, "You know, sometimes I think about how friendships change over time. People move away or drift apart, and it can feel like you're losing pieces of yourself. But meeting new people and forming new bonds can be just as fulfilling. It's like creating a new part of your story with each new friend you make."

Braze's expression turned thoughtful. "Marriage is a big step, and it's wonderful that you're taking it with your best friend. Building a life with someone who truly understands you must be incredibly comforting. "

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