Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Magic Treehouse


"Look at that, I'm up to six friends now. Making new ones can be exciting. It can also be exhausting too."

Not that Makai had a lot of bandwidth for a plethora of friends. Back when he was at university living in the frat house? Sure. Instant parties and the commute to them was excellent. Now that he was working for not only himself but also his father made for much less free time.

Quality over quantity in his case. Not to say he didn't have a multitude of business acquaintances but those were not the same as a true friend.

Brow furrowed slight at Braze Braze and his assessment of marriage. There was something he didn't understand and the teenager wasn't the first one to say it.

"Why is marriage a big step? I don't see where an issue lies. What's the big step portion of it? The commitment part? The binding together? Her being stuck with me the rest of her life?"

Makai paused to think.

"Perhaps an intimidating situation if one was not close to their betrothed. Like an arraigned marriage."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"Not like that... I mean, it's a big step in life,"
Braze explained, trying to find the right words. "It's like those important milestones we all go through. You know, like graduating from primary school, then high school, and eventually college. Or having your first boyfriend or girlfriend, celebrating your first adult birthday, getting married, having your first child, and then your first grandchild. Those are all significant 'steps' in someone's life."

He paused, looking thoughtful. "Each of these moments marks a new chapter, a new beginning. They represent growth and change, moving forward into new phases of life. It's not supposed to be about losing anything but like... gaining new experiences and memories. When I say getting married is a 'big step', I mean it's one of those 'big', pivotal moments that shape who you are and how you see the world, and where your life is heading."


Makai chuckled at the entire conversation. He wasn't sure he would look at this quite the same. Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell expected commitment as would anyone in a relationship, and marriage wasn't some pivotal step for him. It was more cementing what was already in place.

Each to their own of course, some would view it as a major milestone. Perhaps because they had different relationships. Ellie and himself had always just been. For him this was actually more of a capstone to what had been building for years.

"I suppose. Or, maybe we just wanted to have a party."

Certainly not the case.

"I've felt old since I was about twelve so I think we have different wavelengths on growth, which is perfectly acceptable."

Makai got off the bench and stretched. A little sore. Nothing unusual.

"Not everyone has to hit those milestones Braze Braze . It's perfectly acceptable to have your own path and way of doing things."

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TAGS: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


Braze listened thoughtfully to the conversation, absorbing the varied perspectives shared.

"Not everyone follows the same path," he said agreeing, choosing his words carefully. "It's just what's typical when you think of an average person's life and their goals. Everyone has different milestones, and that's what makes each journey unique."

He paused, then shifted the topic. "Speaking of unique experiences, I recently discovered this incredible crystal cave. The walls were covered in intricate, glowing patterns that seemed almost alive. The light refracting through the crystals created a mesmerizing display, like being inside a living, breathing artwork. Ever seen something like that or have other cool places to share?"


Braze Braze had made a fatal mistake : talking about a subject Makai was personally passionate about. Switch was flipped and it was as if the eager, talkative six year old Makai that Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell first encountered.

"Crystal cave? Here? On this planet? Can I see?"

It might be a sacred place, so Makai wasn't just going to demand to see it. He idly wondered if it was on foot, and if so, how long would it take to get there and if they could do so and come back before nightfall. They had the treehouse to build, but this was easily a side quest that would only keep him occupied for hours. Oh who was he kidding, more like a day.

"What types of crystals? Krev Coeur? Nova? Quartz? Hell...might even only be plain calcite, means there's limestone in the area. You've seen any limestone in the area? Porous rock? Could you go pretty far in the cavern?"

He opened his mouth again to speak and stopped. Realizing most people...frankly didn't care about the composition of caverns or crystals or running off to explore them. That mean't he should stop too, and answer the other question. Yes, that was most likely wise.

"Uh...I know of a beautiful firegem mine on Tatooine. The cavern system alone is worth exploring, not so much left in the way of firegems. Its just a gorgeous place. I also know of a bio-luminescent cave where I grew up. Its incredibly gorgeous, glimmering lights in the darkness that is actually a type of worm dung. Romantic and awe-inspiring until one remembers that fact."



"Well, there's this weird colorful swirling kind of section," Braze chirped. "And I think I found some patches of Sylverite Crystals mixed in with Kyber and some Kyberite. There's a ton of these weird colorful glowing fish too. There's all kinds of weird glowing moss there as well. Lots of things in that cavern glow." he trailed off, thinking back. "Oh, there's some... uh, I don't know what to call them... tsukumogami, I think, is what the book I found called them. They're like... uh, spirits? They get made if you take something without giving them something," Braze warned. "It's behind the old Ashlanti Elysium Temple. You gotta walk down a mountain path to the watery grotto. The shoal woods and ocean have a bunch of other shiny rocks in different places. It's like a geologist's dream."



Listening to the instructions on how to get to this geology wet dream, Makai mentally logged how to get there. He had no idea what sylverite crystals were but he did know about kyber and kyberite. Boring unless one was a Jedi or building weapons. Yet as Braze Braze continued on, it seemed there was some type of bioluminescent oasis. He idly wondered if it was evolutionary or something in the environment, such as a chemical spill. Without poking around and knowing a little more about the history of the planet, it was hard to tell.

Either way, it would be an exciting find to explore himself.

"Oh, I won't take anything. Don't think they will mind me picking up and looking though, right? I don't need any more bad luck."

Makai didn't believe in these ghosts but one could never be too sure. Seemed that kind of stuff only affected Force users, maybe because of their 'all mystical' connection. Who knew.

"Thanks for telling me. Guess I'll head down after we're done, before I leave."

Otherwise he would get too wrapped up, hunched over rocks and staring at the landscape. Unless one was obsessed as he was, it was quite a boring endeavor.



TAGS: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell


"I'm not sure... there are little poems and warnings posted before the entrance. I think the people who were here a long time ago used to perform some kind of ritual. One person picked up some glowing moss and put it in their bag, and they were followed by others until she put it back. There are also little white bats in there, from what I could see in certain areas," Braze explained. "There's a ton of old stuff scattered across the floor of the major cavern before the lake, things like jewelry and toys, that folks have left there over the years."


"Eh, I'll take a piece of fruit or put a credit down before I wander around in the cavern then. Don't want any trouble even if I'm just looking around."

With zero desire to take anything, it was more enjoying one of his favorite hobbies of spelunking. Just the simple enjoyment of exploring a cave and taking in the natural wonders of life. It was normally a solo activity he had been doing since he was a teenager. How a fish boy got involved in caverns was still beyond him, but it was a simple enjoyment.

Back stretched once again and he picked up the nailer, headed back to the treehouse.

"You asked for places to explore ; you going on some kind of mystical journey or just looking to take in the sights, so to speak?"

Braze Braze


"I suppose you could call it studying abroad. I want to pilgrimage and learn more about the universe I live in," Braze offered simply, his eyes reflecting a deep-seated curiosity and determination. "I'm hoping to visit the Saber first," he added, his thoughts drifting to Corellia and the Green Jedi. He wondered how greatly their order varied from the New Jedi Order, intrigued by their unique traditions and philosophies.

Braze seemed content to converse with Makai for hours as they worked, the rhythm of their tasks creating a comfortable backdrop for their dialogue. He was more than happy to share his aspirations, dreams, and ideals, finding a friend in Makai's attentive presence.

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