Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mahalo ;)

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[member="Undine"] Welcome and enjoy your Chrimmasssssssss..

Join the Ession Reformation, we've got the kewl Jediz.
Firstly, thank you to everyone for being so welcoming, secondly merry christmas everyone :)
Now I also have two questions, am I allowed to port a character from another site, if so I will of course edit them to fit this site and timeline and everything. My Second question is this, how many Jedi Order's are there? I'm still reading through a lot of stuff trying to understand everything.​
Undine said:
Firstly, thank you to everyone for being so welcoming, secondly merry christmas everyone :)
Now I also have two questions, am I allowed to port a character from another site, if so I will of course edit them to fit this site and timeline and everything. My Second question is this, how many Jedi Order's are there? I'm still reading through a lot of stuff trying to understand everything.​
Yes and I think there is a grand total of 4

Catherine Romanov


What is this. Writing for ants? Anyways welcome to the Madhouse. More 'good guys' is always good. If you join the Mandalorians, even better. Just saying.
You may, you just need the proof of said account existing (I'm sure a bunch of URLs will do) and maybe someone to vouch for you. There's also about 4 orders of Jedi, though only one is the "true" Jedi Order, albeit with a torn up council.

Edit, I'll just tag [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and see if he can help you with that, as I still don't know the procedures behind it.

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[member="Undine"] Aye, like SIlara said, about Four Orders.

The Republic Jedi are the mainstream group, though they lack a Council and are more akin to the NJO.

The Silvers left the Order to escape the politics and be a bit more peaceful brutal, as Silara said below me.

The Reformation's Jedi are Jedi hoping to return to the old ways of the Jedi, before the movies, with stricter ruling and a reinstated council.

I don't know much about the others, I'm afraid.
So I want to apologize to everyone, I disappeared for a long time, a mixture of IRL-ness whacking me in the head with a shovel and being slightly overwhelmed and confused with the site layout. For the sake of just easing into things, I think I'm going to create a new PC instead of porting one from my other RP site, mainly because she already has her story and I'd prefer to stay true to it which could get confusing going back between two sites. I'm going to read up more on the various Jedi Orders, as well as try and get a feel for the current time period of the RP setting. Depending on those two factors I'll either be RPing as an ancestor or a descendant of my Jedi from off-site.​
If you for any reason want to read up on my off-site Jedi, she can be found here,​

Great to see you pop up again! I know how life is - its maw opened up and tried to swallow me whole and very nearly succeeded for a couple months, recently.

I should let you know that the Jedi Academy is a place where all Jedi can go, regardless of their other affiliations, for training and growth. So, no matter what you decide, I'd love to see you there! The link is appended to the bar in my signature. :)

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