Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Mahsa, are you Okay? You, OK? You Okay, Mahsa?


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

"Half a year, eh? Barely in. " Citrine eyes would watch with avid curiosity over at the teenager. If she's only been with the Jedi for six months or so, it meant she grew up elsewhere.

"So where you from then, kid?"
He asked, taking in another mouthful of blue milk flat cakes. Feth, that was good. Nothing like a full stomach.

"And why the Jedi?" it could have been any scenario really. In his case, his mother had been a Lorrdian orphan who was sent to the the Jedi Temple because of her Force abilities. She grew up there to become a Jedi Investigator, only to leave when things got a little... dicey. The end result brought with it the circumstances that had her meet his father. So, while not raised at the temple proper, there had been plenty of Jedi influences in his life.. among other notable ones that oftentimes came into conflict with said Jedi.

Kalee’s Shadow

So six months isn’t a lot… Part of her understood the logic behind it, six months wouldn’t feel like much for someone like Ioti or Drifter who’d been alive for a couple dozen years or more now.

In time she supposed it would feel the same to her, but right now it felt like a lot… Then again, her life had drastically changed too—maybe that’s why her short time with the Jedi felt longer? New people, places, and experiences… she’d come to discover so much in such a short span of time.

"I—uuhm…" The conversation naturally progressed to the next topic but Mahsa had failed to see it coming, too busy with another mouthful of blue milk pancakes. She focused on chewing first, aided by another sip of her blumfruit juice, which gave time for Drifter to add a second question into the mix.

"I d-dunno where exactly, but we g-grew up in a l-lab…" The cheerful yellows in her hair had turned duller with every word, and her gaze naturally avoided those bright citrine eyes that stared so curiously at her. "One d-day the Jedi came and r-rescued us."

Not everyone had received the offer of coming back with them to the Temple, and Mahsa had come to learn later on as to why. Still the Jedi hadn’t forced them either, the choice to be placed in an orphanage had always existed too, but in the end where she ended up hadn’t really mattered to Mahsa.

Anywhere in the galaxy would’ve been the same for the Kazelrrian, all she’d truly cared about was staying by Ayhan Ayhan ’s side.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

The expression that Drifter gave with the arch of both brows and a blinking double take as he hovered his fork over another piece of flapjack was telling.

Oh. Ohh!. Right. Even Drifter wasn’t that much of an emotional idiot to not realize by the color shifting of the girl’s hair, downward cast of her eyes, and low tone that her past may not have been the nicest. Especially if it meant the Jedi rescued her.

“Ah. I see.” Not really too much but what else did one say? Also, it was starting to become clear that perhaps the color changing hair wasn’t due to some special color shifting due but perhaps emotive? Weird.

“So they figured out you can use the Force and you decided to stay?” Honestly she likely didn’t have much of a choice.

“They can be okay; not sure of them now but most of the time they mean well.” He told her, grabbing some Juma juice to drink.

“But just so you know; ain’t just the Jedi out there you can learn how to wrangle the Force with. Don’t need to be a monk to do so.”

He gave a shrug.

“Guess that depends on what you are interested in.” He admitted musing, figuring chatting might perk the girl up.

“See I know all kinds of things from different types of places. I like digging up anything from old tomes, learning from different organizations, and whatever else I can pick up,” he grinned and gave her a wink.

“Makes things interesting and I don’t have to listen to a council telling me what to do.”

Kalee’s Shadow

There was a momentary pause in their conversation, that awkward moment of silence that suddenly stretched between words as something unexpected cropped up. Whatever look Drifter held was lost on the girl as her eyes remained focused on her plate of food instead, a fork now gently picking at the crispy golden edges of one of the fried eggs as she waited to see what would come next.

A small nod was her response when he voiced out what had caught the Jedi’s interest from the girl. "Y-Yeah, most of them are n-nice." She couldn’t remember any of them being outright mean during her time among them, though she hadn’t missed the looks some casted towards the Firronthix or the whispered rumors along the halls when they thought themselves far enough to not be heard.

She had relatively little issue adapting to this new life—outwardly, at least—though the same couldn’t be fully said for Ayhan Ayhan .

Her attention was caught when Drifter slowly veered the conversation towards talks of new places and discoveries, golden eyes brimming with curiosity as she looked up at the older man. She hadn’t missed all the little trinkets lying here and there as they adorned the galley, and the question slipped from her lips before Mahsa could stop it.

"D-Did you find all the things here…?" She'd been curious about plenty of them from the moment Mahsa had stepped into the room.

Drifter Drifter
Last edited:


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

Well that caught her attention, Drifter thought with a grin, perking both of his brows up in a conspiratory expression over at the teenager. He figured that the various knick-knacks he had strewn about would pique her interest, and the man lent forward towards Mahsa, the corner of his mouth perking up into a mischievous little boy grin.

"Oh aye. " He gave a short nod, "A few I've hunted myself or gone on a spelunking adventure to pick up a few things left over forgotten to time. I've a knack at making things, so some beasts can provide protection against the Force or provide specific boons. " He explained, finishing up his portion of the flapcakes.

"Like for example, is there anything you'd like to be better at or be able to protect yourself better from? Betcha there is a trinket that can be made to help out with that," He told her, gesturing with the bottle of Juma Juice at Mahsa's direction.

Kalee’s Shadow

And just like that any uncomfortable topic regarding her past had been masterfully sidestepped, the tension in her shoulders slowly ebbing away as the young girl listened to Drifter intently. "Wooow... r-really really?" He certainly had her full and undivided attention now.

She’d talked of adventures before, at first little stories she would recite back for the smaller Dara—sometimes modified whenever the Kazelrrian didn’t remember a particular detail, or just to make the story flow better for the younger girl. The same stories and dreams she’d shared later on with Ayhan Ayhan , her back resting against his as they passed the night by the crackling of the small campfire under the fake starlit skies of the Cage.

But she’d only been able to read of them in books, and entertaining ones were rare to come by in that accursed lab. Part of her had always wondered just how much of the text was true, figuring that most of it had been embellished to make for a captivating reading experience.

Not that she minded it, they’d been exactly what her mind needed at the time to survive.

"W-What’s—" Part of her was hesitant to ask, unsure if she’d be overstepping the rather kind welcome that Drifter and Alex had given her so far. But she was curious, oh so very curious, and it showed in the way her gaze shifted back from the bones to the rocks and, finally, the scales. "What’s your favorite one…?"

Mahsa hadn’t even considered the possibility of crafting items from such materials, her right hand instinctively seeking the cuff and bangle that Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti had crafted for her not long ago. She’d been just as marveled by the idea of being able to craft something of her own that could protect her friends, that could be of help to him, but she hadn’t the slightest idea of where to even begin.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow

Oh she was really excited, Drifter mused, leaning back against his chair with the satisfied pose of a man he knew his bait worked. Thank Inari the Reviver that he had plenty of experience at distracting the opposite sex; women could be deadly.

"Favorite? Don't think I have a particular one, they all serve their purpose --" Drifter began, only to pause. He brought his tanned hand up to rub at the scruff of his jawline.

"No, wait. That's a lie. I know which one is my favorite one. One sec." He told her, holding a finger up for the girl to wait. Getting up, the Hunter meandered over out of the galley, but he was only gone for a few seconds. In no time, he returned, tossing a small spherical trinket that hung on a chain.

As soon as Mahsa would catch it - here is hoping she did - she'd feel the pulse of the Force within it, swirling and almost expanding her senses outward.

"That one. First one I ever made. That's a tracker talisman. Helps me narrow down and find folk I want to find." What he used to try and narrow down Kai's location more often than naught.

"I can make different things depending on what use or ability I want it to have. Some materials enhance that. That one is kinda like a Talisman of Finding made by the Witches of Dathomire.. but a bit better. Refined. Applied the methods of a Tashi bond tracker to it... allows me to enhance any bond I have to track them down."

Kalee’s Shadow

Hook, line, and sinker—she’d fully fallen for his bait, the promise of new stories too hard for her curious little heart to resist. Merry yellows danced on the tips of her hair as she looked up at the older man, golden eyes watching him expectantly as she waited for his response… before a light frown crossed her face.

She’d been about to interject, a small "awww" escaping parted lips as Drifter claimed that none of them reigned supreme—before a thought flashed behind those citrine eyes and he took his claim right back.

"Okay!" She was the picture of obedience as the man asked her to wait for a moment, taking the opportunity to chew through another couple mouthfuls of her breakfast during that time. Her gaze never strayed from the door after Drifter had stepped out, feet kicking in the air underneath as a temporary release for the bubbling excitement she felt.

He returned quickly as promised, a small trinket in his hand—one that was suddenly tossed in Mahsa’s direction without proper warning. Her fork clattered against the plate as she released it on instinct, hands reaching out and safely wrapping around the little object before any misfortune could befall it.

"D-Drifter…!" His name was used as an admonishment as she looked at the man, unable to understand why he’d taken such a risk with the trinket apparently related to his favorite story, before the gentle pulse that echoed from it recaptured her attention. "Ooh…!"

She recognized the warmth of the Force instantly, curious eyes carefully taking in every minute detail of the charm and the orb nestled within it.

"Y-You made this…?" He claimed it was a tracker, something she would’ve never guessed from just looking at it. "Can it track anything?"

Her question was soon answered, though the frown that crossed her face spoke volumes of the lagoons she still had in her knowledge. She’d heard the name of the Witches of Dathomire before, but aside from that the girl couldn’t exactly pinpoint specifics behind them—unable to remember from where and what book she’d come across their name before, or perhaps she’d heard it in one of the many lessons from the Jedi?

"... what’s a Tashi bond?"

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow

Drifter grinned, pleased that Mahsa Mahsa was interested to learn more. He took a more relaxed air, settling against his chair. Honestly he looked like an adult kid just enjoying the conversation - never mind that his typically dealt with Alex for the most part.

Plus it was nice to chat with someone else who seemed interested in talismans and trinkets.

“A Tasha Bond Tracker is a trinket carved out of Terentatek ivory, tuk'ata claw or other similar material. he began to explain, his eyes twinkling in impish mischief,” I found them on Tash-Tarel, a tomb world at the far edges of the galaxy in the Tingal Arm. “

He leaned closer this time, as if sharing a secret, “think of a place covered in ancient tombs, desert winds ripping across the ruins. Folk think that the Sith among others made the tombs, bringing with them vicious Tukatas, Terenteks, or other massive creatures to protect them. “

He made a gesture of emphasis with his hand, a natural story teller.

“Tash-Taral has been a vault world as much as a tomb world, abandoned and forgotten, then revitalized by building efforts that likely cost millions of lives. Some say the original Tashai were descendants of the laborers who built the tombs -- at least, those who survived.”
A shrug then a grin, ah but those who did ended up constructing a minor Force tradition based on talismans and trinkets carved out of the bones, teeth, or claws of beasts. The Tasha Bond tracker is one of them, along with the water finder. But the Tasha bond tracker allows you to see who your target is bonded to, getting an awareness of the proximity, distance, and emotional state of specimens that have a strong force bond with your target, such as packmates. In other words, upon engaging in conflict with a terentatek, one might get an impression of related terentateks on approach from other angles.”

To sum it up.

“So say you have a bond with someone. Using my trinket, it works the same as a Tashi bond tracker that I can sense who you are bonded to and where they are at, along with their emotional baggage. I’ve a few Tasha trinkets around here some where actually.”

Kalee’s Shadow

She hung onto his every word, hungrily absorbing every tidbit and piece of new information that Drifter provided. The remaining bites of food on her plate had long since been forgotten as the girl committed the name of Tash-Tarel into memory, she’d certainly be looking up more information about them once she was back with the Jedi—

The thought was enough to pause the increasing excitement she’d been feeling, the vibrant and merry yellow hues dulling in response. She was still worried about everyone else still in Coruscant, and the guilt that flooded her surfaced as inky black tendrils that stained the very tips of her hair.

Here she was, clean and well fed, while she knew nothing about the states of Ayhan Ayhan , her master, Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , or even the siblings Aris Noble Aris Noble and Vera Noble Vera Noble … and she hadn’t even done anything remotely useful to deserve the kindness that Drifter and Alex showed her.

Suddenly the small trinket resting in her palms felt heavier, weighted down by the regret that pooled at her fingertips… Ayhan had been right, she really was nothing more than a burden.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow

Drifter was starting to get a feeling that the color change of her hair was definitely somehow tied with Mahsa Mahsa 's mood. She had been pretty excited about his story, only to get all glum and melancholy shortly after. Nothing he wasn't used to: women, of all ages, had emotional and hormonal swings that would dip from one end of the spectrum to the next. The goal was to tread lightly. Some wanted to talk about it and vent; others did not and just wanted to be left alone to eat sweet things.

He wasn't sure what kind Mahsa was, but asking the right questions should give him some sort of idea.

"Now, I didn't think my storytelling was that bad, "
He'd joke, taking another swig of his Juma Juice. The teasing tone was deliberate and light-hearted, indicating that he wasn't taking any offense at her sudden glumness.

"Starting to think all that colorshifting of your hair means you're thinking all kinds of different thoughts. So what's on your mind, kid? I mean, besides the obvious chaos of what happened back on Coruscant. I'll get you to the Jedi soon enough," he assured her, although wondering just what was going on in her mind to make her this glum. Did she perhaps see a friend pass? He'd been talking about bonds, so maybe it had something to do with that.

"Or is it something else?"

Kalee’s Shadow

"N-No, that’s not—!" It took a moment before she finally realized Drifter had only been teasing her, and the embarrassment that washed over the young girl displayed itself in fiery hues that rippled across her hair and a healthy red tint to the skin around her cheeks and ears.

She hadn’t meant to drift away no pun intended from their conversation, especially considering how interesting it was in the first place. A shy nod was given as the man nailed down what caused the colorful shifts in her hair to happen, before her gaze shifted back to the small trinket between the palms of her hands.

"I-I…" There was a small part of her that wished to be selfish and take whatever Drifter had to offer, but it quickly faltered when her voice stammered. He wasn’t the first adult in her life to ask her that same question, and the shine behind his eyes seemed as genuine as Ioti’s gaze… but that wouldn’t be right.

Everyone had their own troubles that weighed down on them and, tempting as it sometimes was for her young mind, it’d be unfair of Mahsa to toss her own burdens on top of those. "It’s j-just…" She’d always found it hard to outright lie, though it was slightly easier if it was sprinkled between some truths.

There was no denying that Mahsa was worried about those back in Coruscant, how could she not after feeling the tremors that she now knew belonged to a ship that had jutted out from underground? She was also concerned over her friends and masters, yes, but there was one person she’d always worry about the most… even if Mahsa wasn’t sure as to where she stood with him.

"W-Why…" What she wanted to ask was the reason behind everything changing after they’d left that place, unable to understand how someone could change so much in such a short amount of time. How could someone she adored so much feel like a total stranger now…?

However those weren’t questions Drifter would have an answer to and, despite the kindness he offered, a small part of her still questioned why the man had even bothered saving someone like her… it’s not like she had much to offer in return, so why would anyone go through more trouble than she was actually worth?

"Why d-did you save me?" It made sense for the Jedi, as the guardians of peace and justice it was normal that they’d go out of their way to save people like them when their paths crossed… but Drifter was no Jedi, and the universe wasn’t known for its free rides. Why are you being so kind to someone like me?

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow

Okay, now there is definitely something more going on here that mere womenfolk issues. It was evident that the kid had been hit with what perhaps could be a solid hit to her self esteem, maybe even self worth. Could it be perhaps a result of her origins? Perhaps; but this seemed to run deeper, a little more personal.

Especially when Mahsa Mahsa asked him why he bothered to save her.

Without hesitation, the man replied with a casual, "Why not? You were hurt, over your head, and needed help. Seems reason enough for me." He had enough of his mother's good upbringing to not let anyone die off to the side if he could help out, especially a kid. Mahsa, with her upbringing, honestly didn't seem to be much older than twelve to him; she was so thin and hadn't been well nourished enough for him to think she would be anything older than that.

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't have?" he shot back, arching a thick brow, trying to pick at the main issue that prompted the question.

"Enlighten me, I'm a bit hard headed so I need things broken down for me, kid," He quipped with a light joke, trying to keep it lighthearted so that Mahsa wouldn't feel pressured.

Kalee’s Shadow

His words made sense for the girl, perhaps because it was so very similar to the way Mahsa thought too. There had been no tangible benefit back in the Cage to care for the runt of their litter, something most of her kin had remarked time and time again, and yet she’d given it all to keep Dara safe… even if her efforts had fallen short in the end.

The Jedi were of a similar background, or at least their teachings certainly revolved around the same idea. She had seen it in her peers, those that had become near and dear for the young Kazelrrian certainly seemed to resonate with her own outlook of the world—but she had also witnessed the whispers and the glares others tossed towards Ayhan Ayhan when they thought no one else could see or hear them.

Despite her optimistic outlook of the world Mahsa had discarded her rose-tinted glasses long ago, the truth was that kindness very rarely came without a price tag attached out there in the universe.

"B-Because…" Because it made no sense for most. Because there was nothing for Drifter to gain from saving someone like her, just another face in a sea of brown that could easily be replaced. Because, while some might miss her at first, eventually she would’ve been forgotten as they moved on with their lives…

After all, wasn’t that what Ayhan was currently doing?

She found herself unable to breathe life into any one of them as the man asked Mahsa to enlighten him on the matter, lips tightly sealed as she stared down at the trinket now tightly held in her hands—it’s rustic and intrinsic beauty now blurred and distorted by the unshed tears she was struggling to keep at bay.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

"Whoa, there kid. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to," Drifter immediately assured her. Clearly whatever plagued her mind had wormed itself deep like Nerf maggots after a meal. The last thing he wanted to have to deal with with a crying teenage girl, and while he was willing to chat up and help Mahsa, if she was just going to fold herself up and wallow in her misery, that was up to her. He knew well by now that a girl either was ready to talk or she wasn't.

"Either way, what I said stands. You needed help so I gave it. Ain't no issue." He stated plainly, giving a shrug. Okay, maybe a bit of a lie as he didn't want to have to deal with his conscience and his mother's voice nagging at him that he should help the kid. Either way, he ended up doing it.

He stood and began cleaning up, giving Mahsa space to talk if she wanted to or not. Either way, he had to start looking at where he should take her, and that was the next bit of work he had to do.

"But yeah, I make all kinds of things. Trinkets and the like. Allows some extra bit of protection or use while I'm out wandering about. Made my own sisters and a few of my friends plenty of things. Kai was constantly anxious so I made her a ring that would help calm her mind and keep her head clear."

Kalee’s Shadow

She hadn’t meant to get so emotional, and it showed when the Kazelrrian hastily wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. A small sniffle escaped, one she was quick to quiet back down, before she focused her attention on finishing the remaining blumfruit juice in her cup.

While she appreciated his words and the honesty they seemed to carry, at the end of the day he was just a stranger that had picked her up on a whim during war… he wasn’t someone she felt comfortable pouring her silly woes into, especially when she was certain any adult would have better things to do with their time.

He’d already done more than enough.

"T-Thank you," she finally spoke up, the earnesty behind her own words easy to see in those vibrant pools of gold. When Drifter began to tidy up the girl quickly followed suit, utensils and now empty cup placed inside her equally empty plate, before she looked to the man for guidance on where these things should go.

"That’s r-really cool." Conversation flowed easier when it wasn’t focused on herself, her initial curiosity having returned. "Zaiya—my f-friend—she made these for me."

She lifted her left arm just enough to bring attention to the cuff and bangle that currently adorned it. "One turns into an energy slingshot, and the other one makes pellets for it." A warm smile showed on her face as she spoke of them, perhaps the first true one she’d displayed before her savior.

"I-Is… Is making trinkets h-hard?" The ease she’d spoken with was gone almost as quickly as it arrived, her attention now turned back to the man as Mahsa hesitated on what else she wanted to ask.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

She was stammering again. Clearly, whatever bothered her had been fairly deeply ingrained. Made Drifter feel even more concerned, especially if the kid had been with the Jedi for six months and she was still acting like this. Weren't they supposed to help her out? Did she even have a Master? And if so, what kind of Master would leave their brand new Padawan alone with that Chaos on Coruscant. Not to mention, should have been there to assist with whatever sort of mental and emotional turmoil Mahsa was feeling.

He was starting to get a bit annoyed; not at Mahsa but at the Jedi. Things were different it seemed from when his mother had been a Master. Then again, she had split off to join the Jedi Academy instead of being with the Jedi Order Proper, where the Jedi Houses had designated and traveling teachers to focus solely on learning rather than risking being out on missions.

The man placed his plates on the cleanser, taking Mahsa's own as well. Intrique sparked in his citrine eyes at the bangles. "That' so? Huh, well now that's a fancy thing. Pretty neat tech." He complimented them, reminding himself how Kai would also create nifty things like that. Where he could make trinkets out of natural materials or forged in a furnace, Kai could use her technomancy to create all kinds of interesting technical things. Alex had been her gift to him.

"Ain't too hard, just depends on what you want to make and what's the intent. I use a method called Force Imbuement, where I focus on the Force to imbue the Force on an item, making it stronger and enhancing whatever ability I want to add to it. It just takes time. The larger the object the more time you will need to focus your energy... a trinket could take an hour, maybe more. A sword, potentially hours to the entire day. " Which is why he had to focus on Kata'niri to get it to mimic the Darkside eating of the corruption field he had done before with Ibby's ring.

"Why, you interested in making something?" He flashed a grin at her.

Kalee’s Shadow

She would’ve been more than happy to clean up in return for the kindness Drifter had shown her thus far, but the man had quickly swept up her plates along with his own before Mahsa was able to object. With nothing else to do the girl had eventually sat back down after showing him the bangles, the trinket he’d brought carefully held in her hands as they spoke.

"Y-Yeah, she’s really good at making things!" The colorful Lovalla was always brimming with new ideas, and Mahsa loved listening to them and seeing the things Zaiya came up with. It had made her very curious, even if the Kazelrrian doubted she could make something as intricate as the bangles her friend had given her.

But Drifter’s trinket seemed simpler, at least at first sight, so maybe there were things she could learn how to craft too…?

"Why, you interested in making something?"

The uncertainty in her voice was almost palpable, reflected in bright orange hues that licked at the bottom part of her hair as the girl gazed back at the man. "N-Nothing specific… but I’d l-like to learn how to make s-stuff for my friends too." Useful things, things they’d be proud to have and that could keep them safe… trinkets that could do the things she never could.

Drifter Drifter


Kalee's Shadow
Mahsa Mahsa

Drifter gave a chuckle, shaking his head, the tousled move of dark waves jostling around his forehead with each amused shake.

"Ain't no need to get all flustered. I can show you how to Force imbue things. It's basic, but takes time and practice. You can pretty much imbue with the Force anything you want. The Je'daii used to to make their Force blades, which were pretty much the precursor to lightsabers." he explained, finishing up cleaning only to gesture with a crook of his finger for the girl to follow him.

"Makes the blade extremely strong and permanently sharp. They also glow with the power of the Force, so you can't quite miss them. The cool thing is that you can also damage Dark side spirits with them -- so if you go tomb hunting like I do, makes it useful to get rid of 'em if they decide to make an appearance. It doesn't stop there though, you can use the Force to imbue anything to make it stronger and durable, even be able to block lightsabers."

He led her towards the circular living room space with all the scattered acceleration couches and all the odd knickknacks. He went wandering about, searching for something as he continued to talk. "If you want to make them be able to do more than just stabby stab, you can fix a kyber crystal or any type of stone that gives its own sort of boon. " he added, giving a small "ah-hah!" as he found the box he was looking for. He pulled out a small yellow medallion, that looked to be etched with several different sigils.

"This is a Kasha meditation stone. The Cereans make these out of Kasha crystals to be able to clear the mind from distractions to create the perfect meditation environment. So you can add this to anything to then add the boon on top of the Force imbue weapon." He flashed a grin over at Mahsa's direction.

"Alright. Let's see..." he looked and went searching and moving things about, clattering bone fragments, carved wooden hilts, and various bits of odd things until he found a small dagger."

"Ah, this will be good." He told her, then pondered, looking over at Masha. Really looking at her. Studying and observing with a narrowed gaze. He took in her diminutive figure, her color changing hair that was somehow tied to her emotions perhaps, and her seemingly overall aura that reminded him a bit of Vexen Vexen . Drifter had found the Defel alone, scared, and almost akin to a terrified abused child as a pup.

He made his decision then. With a nod, he said, "Wait one moment," as he moved toward a singular wooden carved box on top of one of the tall shelves. There he pulled it out, before setting it down on the table. As soon as he opened it, a pink aura of illumination and a calming sense would permeate the cabin. Two Angraal crystals lay on a cushion of velvet, along with a vile that seemed to hold similar pink shards. He plucked the vile and also one of the crystals, handing it over to Mahsa.

"Here, tell me how that feels." He told her. He knew already how it would feel. Angraal crystals were an extremely rare crystal only found in the frozen world where he was born, deep within the dangerous ice caverns of his father's estate. Angraal Crystals have the unique feature that gives a unique feeling of peace and relaxation over someone. Though it is not enough to stop negative emotions entirely, the effects of an Angraal crystal are incredibly calming. This effect is quite useful for light side users as it kept them calm and present in the battle and in everyday life. This sense of calm and relaxation also increased strength and power within the Lightside of the force, making the connection easier and overall more powerful. Not only that, but a lightsaber blade with this crystal made it capable of cutting through the normally lightsaber-resistant material known as Cortosis without affecting the blade.

Drifter's intent was to see if the crystal allowed Masha to feel a greater sense of calm and peace that might help her balance her emotions but also her mental state. It was the same thing Drifter used to create rings for his sister that not only had helped her with her anxiety, but in keeping her mind free of troubling thoughts or overwhelming emotions that others might try and plague her.

Kalee’s Shadow

She listened attentively as he spoke of Force blades, the ancient swords used by the Je'daii Order of the past… though they hadn’t been the only ones able to manufacture and wield them. Her mind wandered back to the Array where she’d first met Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , though it was the sudden appearance of Onrai Onrai that came to mind when Drifter spoke of Dark Side spirits.

"H-how would you know if you’ve seen one of t-them…?" They had claimed to be the Queen of Stars, a goddess of some population in a distant corner of the galaxy… among other ludicrous things. "... is Notron full of them?"

Her smaller steps obediently followed Drifter to a circular living room, the burnt auburn shades shifting into inquisitive corals as they talked. She was a curious one by nature, her eyes quickly gazing towards anything and everything that she could see within the new space—though she remained polite and still in the middle of it even as an "Ah-hah!" of victory rang through moments later.

"A meditation stone…?" Her eyes focused on the golden medallion held by the man, tracing over one sigil to the next as she tried—and failed—to make any sense of them. It was interesting how certain crystals and materials in the galaxy could have such properties, and her mind quietly drifted to the dantari crystal and the lightsaber currently missing from her side.

He moved from one thing to the next, and the Kazelrrian hung to his every word as Drifter shifted bone fragments, wooden hilts, and other bits of things in his search for something more. The trinket she’d carried from the galley was carefully placed onto a nearby table, before the girl quietly began to pick up anything that rolled onto the ground as a result.

"Ah, this will be good." Curious eyes glanced back to Drifter as he held something new, finally noticing the piercing citrine gaze directed at her. It sent an involuntary shiver up her spine, the Kazelrrian unconsciously taking a step back as she seemed to instinctively seek to place something between them in response—in this case the very table where she’d been placing down whatever object had been displaced while Drifter looked for the dagger.

"Wait one moment."

The breath she’d been holding onto finally released as a sense of relief washed over the young girl when he stopped staring at her so intently, her posture relaxing slightly as curiosity peeked out once more. The wooden box had her attention long before he’d opened it, drawn towards something the Kazelrrian couldn’t see or touch but could definitely feel.

"Whoooaaah..." Golden eyes shimmered in appreciation as a pink glow washed over them, a pair of glowing crystals gently laid atop a velvety cushion now on display. She immediately knew them to be the source of that odd feeling that had washed over her moments before, amplified now that their box had been opened.

"Here, tell me how that feels."

Though she was hesitant to hold something that looked so precious her hands reached out regardless, receiving the vile of pink shards in one and one of the crystals in the other. "It feels w-warm… soothing." It was a comforting feeling that spread into her palm and fingertips, especially on the one holding the bigger crystal. The warmth that seemed to radiate from it continued to spread the longer she held onto it, enveloping the young girl in what her mind could best describe as a cozy hug… like the ones shared between Dara and her in the past.

She didn’t even notice the tears silently crossing her cheeks at the thought.

Drifter Drifter

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