Omar Mammadov
Ok sir no problem, thanksSadly Maji Ironworks don't do business with Sith
Ok sir no problem, thanksSadly Maji Ironworks don't do business with Sith
Go for it!The Suarbi System Republic and Rimward Trade League have been deeply impressed with MI’s small arm performance so far and would like to expand the contact to include the Mass Produced, Open Market components as well.
Ez pz lemon squeezyMay I acquire one M.I. Model 6M hybrid pistol?
DealTwo pistols and one rocket launcher please!Shai Maji
Oh, and I forgot about your sweet anti-material rifles. Need one of those!
Also dealHello, I would like to place an order for
- M.I. ‘Pulsar’ Jetpack
- M.I. ‘Halo’ Jump boots
- M.I. Model 5 CBC
Shai Maji
I'd like to put an order in for the following:
Pulsar Jetpack
Personal Deflector Shield
Universal HUD
2x Hybrid Pistols
Go for itGreetingsShai Maji
Can I inquire about procuring a M.I. CovOps Armour and a M.I. Model 6M Hybrid Pistol please?
Sold!Shai Maji
Your great niece requires one exoskeleton, two energy shields, and especially that sweet pulsar jetpack! Thank you!
HELL YEAHYael just got promoted so please don't mind the large purchase:
M.I. Beskar'gam Mk. 1
M.I. 'Halo' Jump Boots
M.I. Exoskeleton
M.I. Universal Heads-Up Display
M.I. Model 6M Hybrid Pistol
This is the way.