Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Administrator Limit

I agree on a limit of admin powah!! Too much powah is not good!! Why you have so much powah!?

Seriously though, I agree, one admin per REAL PERSON's account of any major faction.



Well-Known Member
Speaking from personal experience, being FA of more than one faction will inevitably bring you to a dreadful conflict of interest. It isn't pretty, and it just leads to a lot of unnecessary drama.
On top of that, the whole business is draining and leaves you with little time to do the thing you actually came to do, i.e. writing.

That being said, I don't believe this should be staff-policed. As some have said, it's the kind of issue that sorts itself out:

a.) person burns out, goes back to being FA of only one faction
b.) co-FAs/FO of person demand they choose only one position among the FAships they occupy
c.) person realizes they prefer one of the factions
d.) person remains FA of multiple factions only in name, but is active FA only in one (or none)

In the end, everyone ends up with the effective power of one FA position. Or zero.

If nothing else, being FA of multiple MFs at one point will teach you some valuable lessons. Don't take that possibility for learning away. :p


Disney's Princess
Sure. Since I expect this is coming from a PvP stand point and not a FactionCP place.

I've been an FA multiple times just to help someone build or maintenance their Faction Forums. Not everybody knows how to build a Sub-Forum or setup a good Moderator System from which a smaller team of Staffers can perform clean ups, moves, and such trivial tasks under the variable permissions of 'Faction Moderator'.

Erm... Well. Truthfully, I've never encountered a Faction that was actually big enough to merit a lesser Staff Team of 'FMs' anyway. And, the manual for new FAs these days would only be about 10 minutes long too.

So yeah. Why not. :p
Faction administration is a self correcting position. I've had multiple admins who admined for other major factions and invariably it became an issue, one that they realized and fixed. I don't really see the system as currently broken so I don't see a reason for the staff to be regulating it.

Inevitably, it should be up to the faction admin, and if not, the faction leader themselves to determine at what stage an admin is no longer qualified to be their admin (and serving for another major faction may be a qualifier for this occurrence). And of course, input from the faction membership themselves is important to this process. But again, I don't see the need to have that go beyond self policing by major factions.
[member="Tefka"] - you asked for someone that's an admin in two major factions? I'm not now, but I was worse. Here, this is for everyone.


Having been a FO, FA, Moderator, and Judge all at once at one point in my time on this site (Fringe, Levantine Sanctum, CIS, Factory/Codex, respectively), I have to say I do not recommend being in the OOC or IC leadership of more than one faction at a time. It's unfair to every faction you're splitting your time between and it will burn you out in such a way that you will not heal until you step away from every position you hold and stay away for a very long time.

While I experienced no conflict of interest, thanks to being able to separate emotions from whatever is in question (I'm a robot, just ask my ex), the experience had a hand in ruining my ability to RP without trying to stick my fingers in every gods-damned thing I could. I couldn't RP without being able to 'contribute' to the site's well-being. I was full of myself, full of belief that I damn well knew what I was talking about and could beat you into submission about how wrong you were.

Obviously, a line was crossed. I got ugly, and others saw it, and for the first time, others were warned about me. This dug itself in to my psyche and wouldn't let go. It wasn't until I did a thorough, realistic assessment of my time commitments that I realized I had to let it all go. So I did, and I'm getting better.

I'm aware my experience might be an extreme, but it should go without saying: don't be me. Put your enjoyment of your time here first above all else on this site if you can. Have others keep you accountable no matter what.

Most of all, know that you can say no. It's okay to say no.

I have been in a similar position as [member="Ilias Nytrau"], and whilst I agree that at the end of the day it's a bad idea to be an FA for more than one faction, I don't believe it is necessary to regulate this through staff. As said by Netherworld, Rev and Briga: it regulates itself.

Either the person in question realizes that it takes too much time, gives them conflicts of interests or the meriad of other problems mentioned prior, and resigns from some of the positions... or the Faction Owners that see said conflict of interest do it for them.

That's my view on a friday morning.
I don't know about nuts... but masochistic? ;) [member="Ilias Nytrau"]

One more point to make is that most writers will run a Major Faction through one character. Sometimes the progression of the character's story takes them away from the Faction. Again, self-regulation.

What is the problem that Chaos is trying to solve by this limitation?

[member="Briga Tiin"]

I'm withholding my own answer on that because we're pretty much asking if Chaos thinks it even is a problem. On paper, it very obviously presents a conflict of interest. But whether it's truly an issue to be addressed by our community, we're leaving that to you guys.

Staff had an exploratory vote on the subject and was extremely divisive on it. Usually, we tend to sway a majority of Staff members since most of us are very like-minded. Because of that, we're here in front of the community with it, further exploring the issue.
Honestly it can be a lot of work to manage one faction as an Administrator, can you honestly dedicate your time to two? What if they're rival factions at war how can the other members be sure that your conflict of interest isnt going to cause problems?

[member="Darth Prazutis"]

No, in most cases they can't (though some have and have done very well). I have had very good FAs that were dual wielding factions. The fact of the matter is that except in rare cases, this problem doesn't really arise and inevitably, those having a go at it figure out that it doesn't work.

Old saying "don't fix it if it's not broken" applies here. As for conflict of interest, this won't hurt or help this issue. For instance, just because I might be admining for a faction doesn't mean I'm not rooting for another. So again, it goes back to self policing and the leaders of the faction doing what is best for the faction they are leading.

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