[member="Tefka"] - you asked for someone that's an admin in two major factions? I'm not now, but I was worse. Here, this is for everyone.
Having been a FO, FA, Moderator, and Judge all at once at one point in my time on this site (Fringe, Levantine Sanctum, CIS, Factory/Codex, respectively), I have to say I do not recommend being in the OOC or IC leadership of more than one faction at a time. It's unfair to every faction you're splitting your time between and it will burn you out in such a way that you will not heal until you step away from every position you hold and stay away for a very long time.
While I experienced no conflict of interest, thanks to being able to separate emotions from whatever is in question (I'm a robot, just ask my ex), the experience had a hand in ruining my ability to RP without trying to stick my fingers in every gods-damned thing I could. I couldn't RP without being able to 'contribute' to the site's well-being. I was full of myself, full of belief that I damn well knew what I was talking about and could beat you into submission about how wrong you were.
Obviously, a line was crossed. I got ugly, and others saw it, and for the first time, others were warned about me. This dug itself in to my psyche and wouldn't let go. It wasn't until I did a thorough, realistic assessment of my time commitments that I realized I had to let it all go. So I did, and I'm getting better.
I'm aware my experience might be an extreme, but it should go without saying: don't be me. Put your enjoyment of your time here first above all else on this site if you can. Have others keep you accountable no matter what.
Most of all, know that you can say no. It's okay to say no.