Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction Alignments


Dragon Reaper fleet IE Vassal- An ex pirate king and his armada of ships he has acquired over the years. Giving up piracy and turning towards more conventional means of warfare. Acting as the vassal state of the Iron Empire to farther their goals in the way they best do generally making use of under handed tactics.

Alignment- Chaotic Neutral (Definitely insane)
Well if we're bringing back old factions into this I'll throw one into the ring, even as a joke.

Crina-based IR: Neutral evil because of their flawless plan to dominate the galaxy by turning everyone into cat grill slaves

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Kadri Ughad"] That would be one sith then went to the black rose. This is because the members who we're apart of it started it as os then went to the ootbr (cotbr)

If I'm correct the crina based ir was trying to be a more lighter version of the empire. (Empire lite) heh heh heh.

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