Scherezade deWinter
Major factions having SSDs is
not a deterrent for minors to go major. What I meant is that minors can now also have 5km battlecruisers, which means that they can essentially field the same ship sizes that majors can, though in reduced numbers. Which adds another element of "why not just stay minor" to the debate about going major, internally.
In regards to what can be given to factions that complete X threads in a month, I believe there's one or two mandates that address that, allowing said factions to do more than three dominions and expand faster. There's also a mandate that gives bonus hexes per three completed doms/month (manifest destiny, I think, I don't remember the actual specifics).
But yeah, the idea would be to give new majors a flagship, while any additional ones would be acquired the same way they were before, with three doms/month. This rewards the factions who put in the work, while also reducing that "not gonna' use SSD in X invasion out of courtesy for the rival faction who doesn't have one" element. Since, now, said rival would at least have one. If they hoard it and don't use it, that is their issue, but it incentivizes the factions who have them (especially the ones who have multiple of them) to use them in PvP. It would increase the scope and tension of invasions, which have become very skirmish-y, lately.