Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mak Manto

NAME: Mak Manto
FACTION: The Jedi Council
RANK: Jedi Master
SPECIES: Thisspiasian
AGE: 205
WEIGHT: 300 pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown Beard
SKIN: Light Yellow


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Master sorcerer, Jedi Prophet, master detective, master swordsman
Weaknesses: Arrogant, blindsided of consequences, borderline alcoholic

Mak was born on Thisspias around 130 years before the events of the Clone Wars. He came from a respectable family where his mother and father were with planet security, his father, Salazar Manto, being the head of security. Though, right before Mak was born, he was charged with treason for apparently giving secrets to another planet and was sentenced to death. The day he died, Mak was born, and his mother, Rishia Manto, gave Mak up for adoption so he wouldn't bear the disgrace.

Automatically, he was tested for his midichlorian count, and was taken in by the Jedi Order under the tutelage of Jedi Master Jundo Mandas. Though, unlike normal training, Mak was brought to Tatooine, when, at the age of two, he began training with Master Mandas in the harsh desert. Here, he began to learn of the Force. Jundo was a believer of the Potentium, and as such, the Jedi Council didn't really hold to his views, he kept away.

As Mak became a teenager and became stronger, a day came when his Master was killed by a mysterious dark cloaked figure who struck him down in a duel. He only called himself Darth Rokus, and as his Master died, Jundo told Mak to head to Coruscant. With nowhere left to go, Mak went to the galactic capital to the Jedi Temple, where after explaining everything, he trained under Jedi Council member Oppo Rancisis. A few years later, he became a Jedi Knight.

Immediately, he went to become a Jedi Investigator, becoming a sharp detective within the Jedi Order, breaking down several Black Sun operations and arresting a Vigo of Black Sun. Along with training his first padawan, he was granted the rank of Jedi Master. From there, he started to focus his attention on what he felt was an oncoming darkness. Joining the Jedi Shadows, he began to destroy anything and everything connected with the Sith and their followers.

He became a respected Master within the Jedi Order, and shortly before the Clone Wars, he was considered by many to be on the fast track to joining the High Council. Though, something unexpected happen that he had never would have believed to come true.

Mak fell in love...

A Human Jedi Master by the name of Flona Markos and Mak became romantically involved. Despite knowing it was against the Code, Mak felt happiness, though it wasn't long before it was ripped. When the Clone Wars erupted, they were both sent in as generals to the war, fighting against the Separatists. Though, she eventually fell to the Dark Side, and when she killed a Jedi Master, Mak volunteered to find her and stop her.

In reality, Mak wanted to save her, but after finding her on Felucia and trying to reason with her, a duel erupted where Mak killed her. Burning her body on the planet, Mak came back to the High Council and told them that she had been stopped, but he than removed himself from the war, tired of it. For the remainder of the war, he spent his time being a detective, studying threats and stopping them in the Underworld.

He was present outside of the Temple when Order 66 was executed, watching the Jedi Order burn to the ground. Heading to the Underworld, he hid for six months, trying to find a way off the planet before he managed to escape. He than went to several planets, hiding himself from the Empire. For a good portion of two decades, he was on Blenjeel and Endor. The Ewoks on Endor took to Mak after he saved a village, and this was where Mak learned of pipe smoking and the effects it could have.

After the Empire fell, Mak continued to stay out of the limelight until he heard of the Jedi reforming themselves. Joining the Jedi Council, he began work again to stop the Sith who were also rising up. Eventually, he joined a group of Jedi that looked to stop the Sith aggressively, and they came to be known as the Jedi Brotherhood.

Mak became part of a force of Jedi who stopped the Empire and the Sith in their tracks, beating them back, allowing the Galaxy to breathe again, but all good things must come to an end. After heading on a mission to Blenjeel once more, he came into contact with a Sith artifact that allowed for a Sith spirit trapped inside by the Jedi Council 5000 years earlier.

The Sith's name was Malic...

Trapped in his head, the spirit began to taunt Mak over the years, darkening his personality and slowly driving him insane. Being bound to him, Mak tried to do his best, but slowly, he began to grow much darker than he had ever been. It was than, though, that another event came up, one that would alter Mak's life forever.

He was captured by the Galactic Empire that had reformed themselves by a mad scientists by the name of Professor Mengol. Capturing other strong Jedi Masters, the plan was to use their blood and create Force-sensitive troopers for the Empire. Though, the plan failed and everyone was eventually rescued, one clone was made, from Mak's blood. Using it to age it at seventeen years old, Mak became aware of the clone.

His daughter, Zana Manto...

After she had been found on Dantooine, she was brought to the Jedi, where Mak began to train her, at first hiding away that she was his daughter, but she soon found out the truth, leading to a rocky relationship. Slowly building trust, he trained her to become a strong Jedi Knight.

Though, things began to disintegrate as the Brotherhood broke apart, making Mak join the Jedi Council again. Here, Malic finally took control of him, and began a blood bath across the Galaxy. Committing atrocities, he was wanted by the Jedi for what he was doing, never knowing Malic was controlling his body.

It was here that Malic took control of an old droid by the name of Rodo Mass who he found on Coruscant, programming him to join the Galactic Empire. Malic took great pleasure in tormenting the droid by the fact he controlled him. Though, after Rodo finally broke free and became sentient and sapient, was it the catalyst for Mak's return.

After much great effort, Mak finally expelled Malic from his mind, letting the Sith free into the Galaxy. By this point, however, Mak was broken, and while he did return to the Jedi, the people of Naboo hated him and he wasn't fully trusted by his fellow comrades. After finding his daughter had become a Witch of the Nightsisters.

Falling into a depression, he began a battle with several Sith, including Sky Kerberos, Malice Draclau and Korran Halcyon. He eventually saw it was his duty to destroy the Sith, while Rodo, now free of the Empire, began to hunt down Jedi, trying to thwart Mak.

Eventually, events culminated into the great Crusade, where a galactic war broke out after it began with a major Jedi strike against multiple worlds, as a secret group within the High Council took the fight to the enemy. The Jedi diverted a moon to a near-collision course with Taris, in an attempt to distract the Imperial fleet; under orders from the Emperor's Hand, Imperial operatives diverted the moon to strike Taris and blamed the Jedi.

Mak, against what was happening, tried to stop the Jedi Council, creating a schism that exiled Mak. Here, he and Shule, known as Je'gan Olra'en, started a feud that began a dangerous rivalry. Both wanting to stop each other, Mak began to see that destroying the Sith once and for all was what was needed. Beginning operations, he cemented many plans to usurping the Sith from Coruscant to killing them.

Though, he was eventually arrested by the Jedi Council and placed in prison on Naboo. After the Sith took control of the world, they kept him locked up. Here, he was just a laughing lesson for the Sith as they watched him. Though, during a takeover attempt by the Jedi, he was broken out. Still staying a rogue, he tried to figure out what to do, when another strange event came.

Rodo Mass, the droid who became a bounty hunter, fell into possession of a large shard of the Kaiburr Crystal. When faced near death after several other bounty hunters wanted it, he placed it inside of him, gaining control of the Force.

When he joined the Jedi Council, Mak returned, helping him train. There, they began to form a friendship until matters became dire for Mak.

Remembering a vision he had from the Crusade, he became convinced that the Celestials were returning to the Galaxy, preparing to destroy all life and reform the Galaxy again. He started a campaign to stop them, with everyone trying to stop him. It eventually resulted in him nearly murdering two Jedi and finally being arrested by Shule on Coruscant, who took control in finding him.

Since then, he was convicted and placed in a special cell that deprives him of the Force and makes him physically weak, not allowing him to break out. Though, he knows that the Celestials are coming, and his chance to save the Galaxy is about to come...

Sky Kerberos:
Darth Moridin:

1. Cryogenic stasis
2. Cloned body
3. Whole new character, same concept and name
4. straight up port if they don't have specific dates in their bio

just a few of the ways currently being handled

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Not sure to be honest, I probably missed it when looking at their profiles or just didn't look at their profiles. I'm sure there's a workaround though.

@[member="Davin Jusik"]

EDIT: Ninja'd so bad.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Well, I transferred from another board entirely, not TGC, and the timeline was somewhat different. On that other board, Ashin was a high official in the Sith Empire. So when I came here, I sought out a similar position, retconning my character's past to have taken place in another Darksider-ruled government in the Unknown Regions. Just a matter of finding ways to keep the same formative influences while being flexible with the details.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
I'm guessing it just doesn't have a time-line relative to star wars canon, just in relation to RPing events. TGC sounds like a bad place filled with good RPers. Or at least previously filled with good RPers.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
No, TGC had no timeline at all. The only timeline that mattered was what you chose to include in your character's history. It was...odd, but it worked.

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