Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mak Manto

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I've been on worse. I started Ashin on a board where time only passed by majority consensus. Sometimes 6 months IC would pass in a year. This is why Ashin is only 27-28 and very, very experienced.
Well-Known Member
I'm not even going to try and understand that. This role player was brought up from a Role playing site confined to a very strict timeline, and and this Role player will stop role playing in a role playing site with at the very least a timeline.
At TGC, there's no timeline. RPing was never to be controlled from a set timeline of how events were supposed to be. As such, RPers could set up RPs that were set in the past for their character, in the future, etc.

It allowed for RPers to not feel they were confined to one timeline in which they had to adhere to.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
This is one situation that came up a lot at TGC: Say I RP for a couple of years and my character is young. During that time, I train an apprentice. Then I leave for a few years and come back, and my old Apprentice has become an old Master. Do I have to RP my character as old? No. Does my old Apprentice have the freedom to age his character a lot without waiting for a board timeline? Yes. That was TGC's sort of freedom, and it worked OK. Me, I like this board better for timeline stuff.
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Hey, Mak! :)

Mak Manto said:
Yeah, I'll go through it and find the right page.

As for the timeline, how have other RPers from TGC handled the timeline? Like TiCi or Ashin or Davin
Most of us aren't bound by specific years to begin with and can easy use TGC's lack of timeline to settle into here. Ti'Ci and myself are pretty much where we left off (myself, give or take months tops)

Though I do see you have quite a bit of history, including canon events. I have the same issue with my main NFU, to be honest. Exact dates and years actually. Still figuring it out though.

Jhar'vokh said:
Wait a minute? How does role playing site not have a time line?
I asked myself the same thing. But thankfully, before I went there, I joined a board that had a rough estimate of a timeline but you still had the freedom to focus on your character, which really how I managed to adept the no-timeliness of tgc. You do your own ages, if your character has relationships (family, friends, married, kids, etc.), you work with them and that's about it. I did actually have a future timeline set for Ruu. Like, sixty years from her present day, I know where she's at, what she does, whom she has (because I rp her at two boards at a time). So I have some sense of time, if you will.

Ashin Varanin said:
No, TGC had no timeline at all. The only timeline that mattered was what you chose to include in your character's history. It was...odd, but it worked.
I guess even us who didn't think they could EVER get used to it, eventually just focused on the characters and forgot about it.


Well-Known Member
Well ello there Mak ........seem we meet again. Though perhaps in a slightly different context as am retcon Ronin char for here.

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