Forged in Fire
I mean I'm willing to start an article of a business, I got a few in mind. However I do want it to be as impactful to the world (or galaxy XD.) as say a faction. Let's say I want to start a PMC in my post above, I would love to have my company feel important as all factions of the galaxy try to invest or get my services therefore increasing my profits and influence as a company. The same can be said for food or even entertainment companies, make them matter and come up with mechanics that can be beneficial or detrimental that way a writer like me will have more incentive to create a business so we can make our mark in the galaxy.
It also diversifies the RP, I love playing as a Jedi, Bounty Hunter or a soldier. I get tons of threads and events that has something to do with those characters. However It'll be nice to get something that's not action orientated and I think the company ideas can be a great start. Come up with business events that involve the bigwigs from around the galaxy to brag about our businesses and share ideas. Create a Wall Street esque planet or section which is responsible for the a lot of the Galaxy's wealth. I'm thinking in terms of the Iron Bank of Braavos from Game of Thrones. In short, I really want more diversity that doesn't require more war. Don't get me wrong I LOVE a good war and love leading troops into battle like in the Clone Wars TV series and the movies but there are times that I want to take on a challenge to be a schemer or a shrewd businessman rather than a fighter.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, another member approached me with similar ideas. Definitely a lot to take into account here, and I'll be thinking on all of it!