Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Malachor V

[member="George O Rourke"]

Well Malachor V was ear marked for an invasion between the Primes and SSC. To have invasion, one side in defending the planet the other attacking etc, a neutral planet for something different but that is most likely not going to happen now.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
an invasion would also require one side to hold the planet first so th other could go after it.

Either way I know Nico is goig to take her padawan's there totest them. good place to do it since dagobah is so damn far
George O Rourke said:
Ahh I see [member="Coci Heavenshield"].

I did see about the lack of activity in the primes... Sort of sad to hear.
A change in FOs can do that.

When Z-Hutt replaced Anja, the writing was on the wall that the already Dark-side heavy faction was going to go a 'monster' route. The Primeval don't want to come off as "a Sith by any other name" so you're either kooky religious nuts (which is more Anja) or you're just bat-chit crazy (which is more Z-Hutt).

That's why you guys are stuck with me, because I saw bat-chit crazy and bailed first thread I could.
I do remember you jumping ship [member="Boo Chiyo"]. You participated in a lot of our threads but still held onto your prime tags...

Personally I am pretty useless when it comes to other factions. Haven't really put myself out there so don't get too much information other than what is here.

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