Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian Dominion of Myrkr

Dredge said:
Dredge said nothing but the aura of red energy around him rounded and flowed down to his fist and the force began to augment his strength and power.
Dredge would find the Force was not his ally in this. Rather than augment his strength, it simply made his legs heavy as lead, making it near impossible to move effectively.

A green sun flashed across his vision, a mental cackle heard as the galactic balance was disturbed.

Location: Myrkr Prison
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] | [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] |
Unknown: [member="Cennika Hawk"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Shywooshk was not comfortable on Myrkr, at all... It was vaguely like home in the jungle sense, but the utter lack of presence of the Force on the planet made him nervous. Not that it had exactly been easy recently to use the Force. Things happened oddly... Intending to gently push someone or something, it would be found to explode, catch fire, or in one case (and he swears he was sober) turn into a cackling Coreillian game hen instead of a menancing looking brute in power armor bearing down on him.

Such was the chaos in the Galaxy now at large that as he surged forward to attempt to regain a control station with a Hyperion Security team, who he had volunteered to assist. Given he lacked his own transport, he had gladly offered a chance to continue helping out the people of Mandal Hypernatuics and help to reclaim Myrkr. It was an important, if unsettling world, and vital to helping win against the Sith menace. Activating his lightsaber, the blade glowed brilliant green as he simply began cutting a swathe through any of those who stepped up, though truth be told with a security squad numbering about ten soldiers in solid armor with good weaponry, he hardly was able to get to the enemy before they were cut down by weapons fire.

Confidently, the wookie began to fire his bowcaster one handed, the bolts zinging and whining down the corridor as if some sort of perverse bouncy ball, until he checked his fire and tried, for him, to be more accurate and precise. The goal was a security terminal a few blocks up, for which they had an engineer and slicer with them. Access to there would permit them to rehab some generators to begin locking down this cell block and wing, at the least. That way they could press in to the more dangerous blocks with their six covered and secure.
The fist impacted Preliat's face- and Preliat was glad he went with Beskar'kandar. The heaviest of Beskar metals, and the toughest, it was a lifesaver in this instance. Preliat fell victim to the brutish attack, slumping towards the ground after attacking and being blocked by @Dredge. Preliat stood up behind him, twirling the tomahawk in his left hand, and holding tightly the Beskad in his right.

The giant bastard sword would prove both a foe and an ally in the fight.

Preliat sought to exploit a weakness. He was faster than Dredge, by some degree. Preliat slither-stepped upwards to Dredge, before coming to his side, and striking out with the flat side of the Beskad, aiming to take a painful crack at the beast's exposed back. The blow wouldn't kill, but it would cause a lot of pain- Preliat wanted to make Dredge feel pain and degrade him.

"Think on your last words more carefully, Dredge."
[member="Dredge"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Strider watched as his younger counter-part tear at their Vong nemesis with his youthful agility and strength. The older man stood there, beskad in hand waiting for when he was needed......If he was needed. Right now, it looked as if Preliat had the duel in hand and his direct involvement might hinder the savage's current momentum. So he just stood there, his entire focus placed upon the two fighting, waiting for the moment to strike at a moment's notice. As much as he would love to be the one to slay the dreaded Dredge, he would have no qualms with Preliat finishing the deed himself.
Dredge let out another grunt of anger watching Preliat taking the punch to the helmet, the blow struck and he would certainly be getting a headache from it in the morning. Dredge saw the boy move and knew he was heading for an attack to his back, the best he could do in this slow armor was to hopefully take the hit at an angle and roll off to reengage. But before that could happen Dredge's limbs felt like lead and images of a green sun and barren wastes popped into his mind. The images flickered in a series of flashes and it all seemed so familiar, it felt like he belonged there and for a slight second he was at peace with it.

"Home." Was the single word he uttered as he was completely sucked out of reality only to be smacked back into it.

The blow from the flat end of the tomahawk hit Dredge and the armor of the Sith Lord took it well. Part of it debt inward and the blow was like getting struck by a Major League Baseball going at a hundred miles an hour. Dredge stumbled forward holding the sword tight now free of the strange lead like sensation that had fallen upon his limbs. He felt the rain come back down on him and his head darted back and forth frantically to see where he was exactly. His gaze shifted back to the mando [member="Preliat Mantis"] and his hatred resurged and his mind was back in the fight.

He listened to preliat's words and a smile formed on his mouth, his breath puffing out into the jungle air. He brought the bastard sword back up and the two were stalking each other in a dueling circle as the old man stood off to the side to watch. It was fine. Dredge would slay the boy first then return to kill the old bull.

"Preliat you were always my least favorite. Do you really think this will end with my death? Even if you kill me here my successor will kill you, my men will kill your family and enslave your women before nailing them to the cross. No matter what you do, they will hunt you down." Dredge shifted the blade up to attack and it was time to fight.

"Do yourself a favor. Die here." He said coldly.

With the aura returning to him Dredge drew in power but did not focus it quite yet into a working. For now he charged forward and with one hand he swept the bastard sword towards Preliat's midsection looking to gut him and with his free hand drew in power for fire for a counter.
Location: Myrkr Prison
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] | [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] |
Unknown: [member="Cennika Hawk"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

Softly, Shywooshk crept up on the last two prisoners near the station. Well, he crept as softly as an eight foot tall, angry wookie smelling of burnt hair and gunshot residue can. Which is not very much. Hence why shortly after his attempt at stealth there was a flurry of blaster fire right as Shywooshk reached down to his belt to grab his lightsaber to engage. Sadly, by the time the blade was ignited, both prisoners had been hit several times. There was a decided look of disappointment to the look the wookie gave, and an almost depressed edge to his voice as he hung his head and growled sadly.

In the end, he supposed, it was a good thing to have such skilled men with him. He had faced little real danger or sticky situations. But he craved some form of combat, to strike some sort of blow against even nominally captive Sith. Though, in reflection, there was a lot more here than just the Sith in prison. And even those would prove poor contest, muscles atrophied, no connection to the Force to speak of, no lightsaber. Poor contest and a meager proof of his skills indeed. But still, despite that ever present fact hanging like a rain cloud over his ambitions, the light for vengeance burned bright in the young wookie.

Watching as the engineers set up, Shywooshk stood next to them. There was an understanding of his role in this mission, even with the irritating communication barrier. Shywooshk was the muscle, the point or the anchor, depending entirely upon just how his team advance through the myriad tunnels and cells of this Force forsaken place. Watching intently, Shywooshk saw as the slicer began to pop panels off, inserting things into wire harnesses and plugs as the engineer looked over something on a data-pad, indicating this and that. There was smiling from the both of them, as they had gotten to this panel before anyone had sabotaged it as expected.

Several minutes passed, with only a few contacts on the Eastern side that were quickly subdued, with their first wounded, a man unable to walk very well after a blaster shot to the ankle. Soon the slicers stepped back, smacking a panel back into place as the Engineer took the lead and began to press buttons, slide several slides up and down, and tweak some dials and toggles. Said Engineer finally slammed a red button marked 'Emergency Protocol' down, and the lights dimmed a moment before the resounding hum of life in this sector of the prison came to be, and Shywooshk nodded, sending a canned signal to the Captain in orbit that the Southern wing with the lesser filth had been contained and cleared.
[member="Dredge"] was wielding a heavy, massive sword. And it was a slow, but powerful beast. Preliat had no intention of being cleaved in half, so he moved quickly. The younger and more agile Mandalorian was not a fool, he knew he couldn't deflect the blow from Dredge. He couldn't survive the impact, nor could the muscles and bones in his arms, as powerful and strong as they were. Preliat rolled forward, his Beskar'kandar covered body scraping the concrete beneath them. The bastard sword went over his head, while Preliat impacted the ground. Dredge, fortunately didn't swing with both of his arms, so the strength and speed was punished, giving Preliat just enough time to yet again roll under the deadly arc that he produced.

Preliat glanced over to [member="Strider Garon"], who appeared to let him have the kill. Preliat stood upwards, and reached up to his helmet. He ripped it off his head, letting it fall to the ground. It fell to the ground with a clang, and Preliat got to stare Dredge in the yes, not behind a helmet. He moved towards Dredge, charging at him. Then, he launched himself straight into the air, and went up to kick him. Straight in the chest. Dead center. Maybe a rib or two, but nothing broken that would impede a beast like Dredge. Dredge was hate incarnate, hate and viciousness and cruelty. Dredge may have had tragedy, but he had turned sadness and pain into violence and evil. Preliat snarled at Dredge.

"All of your life, is wasted, Dredge. You have created nothing. You leave nothing. Your atrocities and your sins, nothing stands when you die here. I will destroy anything you care for. I will curse your name and wipe your memory from this galaxy. But first, I will claim retribution for what you have done."
[member="Preliat Mantis"]

The helmet came off of Preliat and there was a loud WOMP when his kick landed dead center of Dredge's massive breastplate, using the force he had drawn in to augment his strength the kick was like hitting a brick wall. But Preliat was strong enough to more than likely knock down a wall of that strength, so Dredge stumbled back and water splashed around his feet as the puddles of water were disturbed by his massive form. He listened to Preliat's words and the corners of his mouth quirked into a wolffish grin. He let out a chuff of hot air with a little laugh that rose more steam from him. Thunder cracked again and the noises of the jungle seemed to die down from it.

"Little mando." He said bringing the massive sword back up to bear.

"I am what I am Mandalorian. I do not create, I do not leave anything, I destroy, I am the unmaker." And with those words Dredge took in power letting the darkside course through his veins.

The sword and armor light up in hues of red and orange as fire came crackling up turning the rain around them into steam that began to cloud the air above. The tip of the blade began to glow red hot and the eyes within it flicked into red hot pinpoints and as Dredge brought the sword up looking to charge again he quickly pointed the blade at Preliat, and with one outstretched hand he aimed it at [member="Strider Garon"]

And without so much as a single word white hot fire lanced through the rain from the tip of the blade and from Dredge's hand. He was looking to roast the two of them then and there. The lance that traveled for them was about a meter high and meter thick it traveled at blazing speeds, no pun intended.

Cennika Hawk

Location: Hyllyard City
Companions: No-one

She'd taken to sitting on the low front porch of a modest store, forearms slung over her knees as she thought things over. Noises could be heard off in the distance - doubtless, those ships had something to do with it - and while she was curious, she was also wary. She had no projectile offenses and little in the way of defending herself outside of the immediate environment wherever she went. The only weapons she had were mostly good for what she'd been using them for: catching and killing small game to feed herself. Even the odd ysalamir didn't taste all that bad when cooked. It wasn't until she had been sitting for several minutes that anything of interest happened in the immediate vicinity.

She heard a child crying. It was enough to make her stand up, and try to find where the sound was coming from, which seemed to be around back of the building, once she reached the edge of the structure. Now, it must be said that she knew little about children, having had no younger siblings, and the children of her cousin being her age and only so much younger... but tears were tears and when she went around back, the child came into view. His arms were wrapped around his knees, into which his face was buried, shaggy blonde hair covering over his ears, and she watched him for a couple of minutes until his crying seemed to taper off and his face lifted.

She tensed, but was rooted on the spot as the boy's head turned and he noticed her for the first time. Almost immediately, the boy's arms unwrapped from around his legs and he scrambled back, clearly afraid.

'Stay away from me, witch!'

She blinked, and her brow creased hard.

"I..." the sound creaked out of her, her Dathomiri accent dried from weeks and weeks of little to no use, "...I am no... witch."

The boy seemed to pause for a moment, but then his face furled more.

'You lie,' he spat.

She shook her head. "I never learned," she said in the most honest tone she could muster, then crouching, and cocking her head to one side, "are you afraid of a woman who knows nothing?"

The boy said nothing about that, but he did start to look uncertain for a moment, until he finally shook his head.

"Then what do you fear?"

He seemed to think on that, his stance relaxing a little more. 'That...' but the word seemed to choke, '...that momma and daddy are gone forever,' and tears started to prick at his eyes. Cennika frowned a little, and her head straightened.

"Are you hungry?" He looked as if he thought that was a trick question, but after a moment, he nodded. She said: "I can share what I have," and she fished a piece of jerky from a pouch, and held it out to him. "Do you have a name?"

The boy inched cautiously towards her, and when he was close enough, he snatched the jerky right out of her hand, and tore off a bite.

'Ereth,' he mumbled as he chewed.

"Cennika," she replied.
Ana could with the knowledge that the guys could take care of themselves go off and help secure the prison. The goal was not to put the prisoners in the cells. If they were to fight with her she would have no issue putting them down. There was no time for games, there was far too much else going on in the Galaxy for that.

Her newly made saber was left hanging from her belt whilst her rifle was in her hands ready to shoot at any escaped convicts. She relied more on the skills taught to her by Az than anything else. The force she saw as just an added bonus.

What she didn't like as she approached the prison was the eerie silence plus she was getting a bad feeling about this place. Even at that she knew she had no choice but to enter and face whatever was inside.
With a quick tap of his left finger Strider's personal energy shield would spark to life just in time as the lance of fire engulfed his current position. The flames licked about the sphere of protection while trusting data upon the old man's visor that it could not take much more sustained flamage. The Mandalorian warrior acknowledged the danger he was in and instantly ignited his jet pack, sending him hurling upwards and out of the frying pan just as his shield failed.

Seemed the Vong king was not satisfied with just playing with the Mandalorian Wolf, he wanted the Hound of Keldabe's attention. Possibly he wanted to find who had the more lethal bite, the wolf or the hound? This day he will find out first hand. Strider would extend his left hand and let loose a mini rocket from the wrist launcher aimed at Dredge. Fight fire with fire. He just hoped Preliat would have seen the attack coming, if he had his helmet still on his HUD would of indicated friendly fire was incoming.

[member="Dredge"] [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Locaton: outside Prison
[member="Nolan Detta"]

"Why did I get left behind?" she asked again as she walked the prison grounds, "Why did I get left behind?"

The Echani touched her blaster, the same one she's had since the start. The old faithful DL-18. She'd never needed anything special or fancy. These Mandos seemed to just love their toys, but Zandra was easy enough to please with just the basics. She ran her fingers over the blaster, the incredible urge to shoot something washed over her. Why? Why? She pulled it out, held it up, looked it up and down. Everyone else was ahead already. She just stood there, just outside the dropship. Her finger touched the trigger.

"Why did I get left behind?" She raised the blaster. Why? The cold barrel pressed against her temple. "Why did I get left behind?"

Her finger twitched. She lowered it again, closing her eyes. Yes. There. That felt better. Reality again. She was alone. It was just like the last five years before she met Cal. Alone. Unhappy. She'd survived them. Just survived. She'd keep surviving. She shoved her blaster back in it's holster before following the rest.
Black Site
Secure Black Site. Engage Hostiles.
...Shotgun fire erupted from the barrel of his weapon as he waded into the dust cloud the Drop Ship had created upon landing. A dozen Mandalorian troopers followed behind him, fanning out as they left the ship, firing a barrage of blaster and small arms fire into the cloud as well ensuring that constant pressure was put on the enemy. Using his helmets integrated hud Naimes would single out targets as return fire ricocheted off his armor creating a distinct ping sound before he took aim and blasted another hostile. In the cloud of dust it was difficult to single out whether he'd downed a target or not but the majority of the time weapons fire from that particular vector would cease if he'd met any type of success...

...the dust cloud started to settle. Visiblity increased slowly. Naimes made a quick munitions check of his Shotgun. Almost empty. When he looked back up, raising his head, he heard the sounds of voices before the silhouettes of hostiles were seen charging towards him and the squad he was currently working with causing him to respond by calling out...
"Arm yourselves and prepare for close quarters combat!"...then he tossed the shotgun aside so that it wouldn't inhibit him. As the shotgun left his hands Naimes would lift his right arm, pass it back over his shoulder and take Longtooth by the hilt before whipping it back around in a vertical guard that saw his right hand take a position higher on the hilt of the sword and his left hand take a place below it closer to the pommel...

...the hand and a half sword, its blade molded from tempered phrik, looked impressive in the hands of the Mandalorian who wielded it with an expertise born of both talent and experience, he constantly trained with it, that made coming within reach of him a dangerous prospect. Moving ahead Naimes wouldn't hesitate as he made a diagonal swing of the blade that cleaved a path across the chest of the first man he met and left a splash of crimson in its wake accompanied by the drop of a body to the ground. Naimes stepped over the corpse as the battle continued. Several more men followed. Swinging Longtooth Naimes would cleave limbs from their bodies and leave bones broken under the weight of his blows when he couldn't chew through the meat and bone of his opponents completely...

...the fighting was intense, after only a short time Naimes had a touch of crimson staining his features, he felt a body press against his and swung around to deliver the killing blow until he recognized a familiar face. A Radio Operator from the soldiers he had touched down with equipped with a long range comms capable of signalling Mandalorian forces across Myrkr rather than only those nearby. Taking the handle of the comms from the Mandalorian Naimes would notice that the battle had begun to slow as it turned in their favor then he accessed comms to relay a message...
"Rally Master Ahn-Dross to Field Marshall Garon."...a pause..."We've engaged a smaller Black Site on the planet and are in the process of securing it. Do you have orders for our next mission?"...he would wait for an answer, looking back over his shoulder as he did, noticing that by now any hostiles not dead were quickly surrendering to his forces...
[member="Strider Garon"]
The big man walked through the jungles basking in the absence of the force as he always did on this world. The sounds of the ships and activity near the prison had just now reached his aging ears.

He activated his comm system and checked the clip on his heavy ripper as he began jogging toward the jail and his former home.
[member="Dredge"] made him blink. He didn't feel it at first. The blade piercing his side. He had moved, but he was too slow against the empowered Dredge. It didn't quite cut through his Beskar'kandar armor, but it burned hot enough to singe the skin underneath. Preliat roared out in rage and pain, and turned towards the rocket. He heard the firing, and dropped low, and activated his jetpack. Sparks flew as his boots scraped along the ground, and the rocket would impact. It wouldn't slow down Dredge, he knew. Dredge might not have even flinched. His armor and his durability was well known, and the rocket may hurt, but it wouldn't wound or do substantial damage. Dredge was too damn stubborn to die by [member="Strider Garon"]'s rocket attack.

Preliat turned the Beskar tomahawk in his hands, and rolled his Beskad so the blade was pointing downwards. And he leaped. Using the powerful muscles of his body, he leaped up and over Dredge. He extended his left arm, the one with the Tomahawk, upward, and pointed his right that held the Beskad towards Dredge. The idea was that Dredge would get sliced with the Beskad, and then cleaved with the Tomahawk. Preliat was hoping to cleave him across the face.

"Then you shall be undone."
He picked up his pace as he saw the Deathwatch ships moving to land. He remembered their leader, Kyr and his dogs. Maybe this would be his chance to pay them back.

He blinked through his HUD systems until he found Strider's com frequency.

"[member="Strider Garon"], this is Strill One," he said still not willing to use his name, "I am on foot and inbound to the prison."
Dredge's eyes tracked [member="Strider Garon"] as he flew into the air, his old body hoisted up and now firing down upon him with a rocket. He had to counter and quickly, lifting his hand up towards the incoming rocket he pointed two fingers and focused his will in the fraction of a second. Drawing in that power the working came to his mind of what he wanted and the evocation came to be. Blazing little balls of fire no bigger than a bolt from a blaster shot out of Dredge's finger tips with the heat of blazing inferno and the kinetic energy of a bullet. The happy balls of sunshine shot out in a spray of a machine gun and hit the rocket a few meters before impacting Dredge. A few dozen had missed the rocket however and were now fast tracking their way right towards Strider. But the force of the explosion was still a factor, the shock wave created a dry spot in the rain for only a moment as the shock wave sent Dredge's tumbling through mud and rain alike.

As he tumbled Dredge got his bearing and recovered just in time to see [member="Preliat Mantis"] jump up and come down for a double bladed strike at him. He had to be fast, and since the adrenaline and rush of battle was flowing through him he lifted his sword and let out his own battle cry when the middle of his blade caught the tomahawk. However the blade was simply too big and heavy to catch the Beskad and it simply glided down the bastard sword making it drop until it cut the thin plating on Dredge's helmet's face plate. It sliced with sparks and soon black blood came flying out the other end of the helmet mixing with the puddles beneath them. Pain coursed through Dredge but he focused it into his next evocation and with his free hand he had Preliat where he wanted him. Using the force he drew in that power and his next punch that could shatter concrete was aimed right at the compromised part of Preliat's armor where the lance of fire had cut and burned him.

"DIE!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
[member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Nolan along with Zandra, pressed in towards the prison. The signs pointed to the loss of guards resulted in a prison break. Fantastic.

"Stick with me Tal'Verda. I know your children, I will fight for you as I did them."

Nolan moved ahead and stood beside Rade.

"On your six."
Location: Myrkr Prison
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] | [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] | [member="Ordo"]
Unknown: [member="Cennika Hawk"]
Enemies: [member="Dredge"]

As the others poured in to the prison, if they were in the same one, they would find Shywooshk's strike team had hit first and subdued up until the second wing and were working on getting the security turrets and features back on line and locking up or exterminating any further hostiles. Whuffling a confused yelp, the wookie waited, cocking his head to the side and sighing. The terminal sparking and spitting out electricity didn't seem to be a good sign, but in this particular facility there was one main terminal and one more satellite terminal they needed to access, and the rest could easily be re-routed or patched around from those three.

And so, with a huff, Shywooshk did what he did best, and kicked the thing. The engineer yelped, and suddenly red lights turned green, and the other mandalorian shook his head, indicating they were clear to move, and with a happy whuffle and snort he trundled back to point, his bowcaster raised in one hand, lightsaber humming a bass heartbeat in the other, scanning.
Zandra gave Nolan a dirty look.No. A positively filthy look. How dare he offer to fight for her? Did he know who the hell she was?! What? Did he think the little lady couldn't fething take care of herself? That she was some housewife!? The very idea horrified her. Was that why she was being universally ignored by these men? She pulled out her favorite knife as she ran after him.

"Don' fight fer me, pretty boy," she practically snarled at [member="Nolan Detta"] "I could peel your skin and turn it into a coat before you even realized you were missing your shirt!"

A bit of a far fetched threat, but she was feeling particularly viscous today. She refused to look at him as they closed in.

"But if ya wanna fight fer my lil' ones, that I will accept."

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