Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian Fight Club

On one of Echoy'la asteroids, a dome was built full with fighting grounds. Fighting grounds that were eight meters in diameter. Small size indeed as Mandalorians want to see a fight not a sprinting competition. The audience positions are full with beskar'gam armored men and women craving for a fight. Craving to see a fighting spirit and unyielding mentality, a person worth of respect.
The whole dome is surrounded by Ysalamir making the place literally a 'No Force zone'. You've got your fists and wits.
[member="Aver Brand"] vs. [member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Nyx"] vs. [member="Vesphira So'Kil"]
[member="Abyss"] vs. [member="Elizabeth Maru"]
[member="Saera Willamina Savan"] vs. [member="Varik Ryjin"]
[member="Katbirye Rekr"] vs. [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Mendacium"] vs. [member="Kyber Salurra"]
[member="Queen Sovereign"] vs. [member="Alkor Centaris"]
[member="Krest"] vs. [member="Artemis Vahl'Nyx"]
Show us what you are made of.
Just tag your opponent. All fights are to be done in this thread just like invasions and dominions work.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Finally. Somewhere to work out some of her aggression. This wasn't the first time Nyx had found herself in a situation like this, clad in only a sports bra and shorts, about to punch someone till one of them fell over. She'd been doing this since she was twelve years old. This was just slipping into an old pair of shoes; ironic, given she wasn't wearing any.

The red haired woman did arm stretches as she considered her opponent, [member="Vesphira So'Kil"]. Her father's estranged lover, and mother of her half-sister and brother, Deneve and Ithiel. So, while she was suffering in a Coruscanti orphanage, this woman was distracting the one man that could've saved her. That only made her a little angry, she promised herself as she seethed.

Nyx's face retained it's usual cocky grin as she stared the other woman down, already feeling herself becoming excited by the prospect of a fight. Win or lose, she would enjoy the chance to engage someone else in good old fashioned fisticuffs.

"You ready, Grandma? Or you need another minute?"
"So you're the girl with daddy issues?The younger sibling who's mother couldn't be bothered..."

Stepping into the ring, the woman would stretch momentarily before shrugging off her coat she had worn over the simple sports bra. A few brief stretch were given before she would hold up two fingers. "Two things. First , pleasure to meet you. Secondly, let's work through these resentment issues I hear you have.. I'll throw punches and you in turn can throw yours. Because violence is a lovely way to get through certain emotional baggage.."

It was then that she made her way closer, a soft smile gracing her features. Honestly, she didn't care if she won or lost. She before all else enjoyed combat of any kind. This little occasion was the perfect place to one that thrived on violence. Motioning the girl close, she would fix her stance whilst she awaited her opponent, she wanted to see what kind of a fighter the girl before her was.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
Oh. Oh, she did not just mention her mother. Nyx's right eye twitched, and her mouth tightened, her inner anger beginning to rise. The mere mention of the woman's mother was known to send her into a raging fit, but she managed to restrain herself. The redhead took a long, deep breath, to calm herself. Those anger management classes were starting to work their charm after all, it seemed.

"Aye, a pleasure to meet ya. I'm gonna enjoy this, Grandma."

Nyx steadily moved closer to [member="Vesphira So'Kil"], not bothering to rush her. It was rather obvious this woman was an experienced fighter, but she didn't know just how experienced. It was best to feel her out, first. This wasn't the first time Nyx had fought someone with possibly more experience than her, and it likely wouldn't be even close to the last.

As she drew with a meter, she breathed hard through her nose, and sent the first punch, aimed straight at her opponent's nose. Her feet were ready to move quickly, in order to respond appropriately to her opponent's counter, and her other fist was ready to make the next hit, if she found


This was different. For the first time since the Zabrak lost his arm and leg, he could feel them. The wonders of technology. The Mandalorian Fight Club sponsors made sure the cyborgs in the roster got the best, and fair, tech for limbs. Both the missing limbs were still replaced with cybernetics, but the kind that resembled and acted like the real deal. Including how easy it was to break them. At least the techies behind them made the 'bones' as strong as his real ones.

His normal limbs didn't feel anything close to this.

So as he walked his way into the ring that was only slightly taller than him if he laid down, he wiggled his fingers. And his toes. It was as if he had just noticed he could. Though the happy sensation of being able to feel his fingers drifted towards that ever present enjoyment of the fight. It's what he was born to do after all. For now he'd just stand in the ring, both hands down by his sides. As per the rules, no shoes, no armor, no shirts. So the fact that his arm was a fake was clearly seen by the 'seam' of where his flesh and the mechanics met.

[member="Artemis Vahl'Nyx"]
She chose to ignore the woman's comment, they were here to throw punches not to trade banter. She saw the girl react and smiled a twisted smile, her left arm shooting out to catch the fist aimed at her face. The second her hand shot out, her leg too would follow in a sweeping motion, one used as a guise to sweep the girl off her feet when I'm fact she was testing the reflexes of her opponent.

Her guard had moved up, she would treat the child of Isley as a seasoned fighter. The girl wanted a fight and she would get one. She too would get a feel of the girl's character during their spar, a way to see if she should be watching her own children closer.

"Definitely Isley's child. Jumping head first into things like him.."

That was the last thing that she would say to the woman before her , now they would dance and blood would fly and hopefully the girl could work out her daddy issues and get over the fact that crap didn't go her way in life.



Insert Hilarious Title Here
No more banter, or smart quips. Now, they would communicate in the oldest way known to sentient species; the art of combat. The hand that caught her fist was fast, faster than Nyx was expecting. Almost fast enough to distract her from [member="Vesphira So'Kil"]'s move with her legs.

Her feet, already prepared to move, leapt back, her hand attempting to worm out of the grip it found itself in. Her legs weren't quite fast enough, however, and the woman's foot clipped her ankle.
Son of a Sith that hurt!
Now forced to favor her left leg, Nyx made a counter, moving her knee to connect with the other woman's stomach, hoping to knock the breath out of her.
Having watched a couple of the earlier fights, Varik had been surprised by the number of female competitors. There weren't usually very many in the pit fights he tended to wind up in. Of course, there were usually a lot more hulking aliens in those too, and there had been several where he was the only human involved. Well, near-human, at least. This one, while sponsored by the mandalorians, seemed to be a much more level playing field species-wise. From what he'd seen, all of the competitors were human or near-human, which would make things considerably easier on him than they usually were. Which is not to say that he would be taking this lightly. Experience had taught him long ago what would inevitably happen when you underestimated an enemy.

He entered the arena wearing naught but a pair of shorts, and halted just inside the door to await the arrival of his opponent for this round, anxious to discover who it would be.

[member="Saera Willamina Savan"]
The no-weapons requirement didn’t ruffle her feathers none.

It was the no-armor requirement that got her boxers in a twist. And what a mighty twist that was! Like she’d once explained – though briefly and pointedly – to a certain Beastia of Onderon, armor served a very noble and grand purpose. And it could only serve this purpose while the person was actually wearing it.

And that, my friends, was the root of her problem.

The merc thus looked appropriately displeased as she entered the ring. Not that the expression wasn’t a regular visitor of her features, mind you. Anyone who knew her well – maybe a grand total of three people in the whole Galaxy – would be able to tell that her mood was particularly sour, however. The thin line of her mouth looked like a deep cut from a razor blade across her face. Her jaw was set. Her nostrils flared. Her muscles drawn into taut cords. And her cold, cold eyes were glaring at the opponent’s side, very nearly frosting the grate with the intensity of the stare.

With a cursory glance, Aver took in the arena. Smallish, but nowhere near the worst she’d fought in. A memory of another Mando and a different, much closer-quarters fight jumped to the fore. [member="Davin Skirata"], a maintenance shaft, and a whole lot of blood. Boy, those were the times.

She didn’t have a blade this time to shove into an armpit, but she had her hands.

And her hands would do. Especially when one of them held a fistful of sand she’d grabbed on her way through the darkened corridor. The other was just a knuckle sandwich waiting to happen.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
The young acolye step into the arena, the upper half of his body exposed, revealing the modrate muscles under the pale grey skin. With his almost glowing yellow eyes focused on his opponent in the other side, he looked more like a demon than a man. The way of the sith was not only a path of force but also a path of will. Even without the force the sith could use his anger and hage to fuel his attacks, and to resist more pain than most could.

Wordless he starts to circel around the arena. While he was strong, he was a sith not a brawler. Like always this would be a fight he would win by using his wits evem more than his fists.

[member="Elizabeth Maru"]
This wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. Keira had entered many a similar arena in her life. The Red Ravens had entertained a fight club as well, once upon a time, with varying rules and regulations depending on who entered the ring. It was there she had first lost her arm, and received the scar that still marred her jaw to this day. In comparison to that veritable whirlwind of chaos, this would be relatively straightforward. Figuratively. The rules weren't something she took any particular issue with, even if the idea of combat without her armor came as an oddity. Donning the phrik plates had become a regularity over the years. This was a breach in protocol she wasn't entirely certain of.

The lack of the Force was, well. It was something. She had fought without its aid enough times to be more than well aware of what she was doing, and that didn't dampen her confidence in the least. If anything, this was just another challenge. And as a Corellian, it was in her blood to overcome it and come out on top. Never tell her the odds, as the saying went. This time she wasn't exactly sure what they were to begin with. In a galaxy filled to the brim with all number of advanced technology intended to make survival on the battlefield a simplistic task, the true art form of combat like this seemed to have been lost. Now the odds had shifted.

Her entrance into the arena was just as subdued as her opponent's. No fanfare, no grand arrival. Her willing existence across the space was enough defiance by itself. A handful of seconds passed, before recognition flitted across her features. A quiet laugh passed her lips, and she shook her head. "Ah, hell." So this was why she had been allowed to keep the same cybernetic limb that had served to save her life on other occasions. Because the one she was fighting was just as capable as her on that plane, not to mention one she had clashed with before on the live battlefield. "So, you miss me?"

[member="Aver Brand"]
The moment her opponent entered the arena, Aver noticed three things. She’d have the height and weight advantage. Her opponent had a cybernetic arm. Her opponent… wasn’t new.

“Like I miss an intestinal parasite,” she replied with a wry smile curling her lips. This changed things. Quite a bit, too. First off, they were experienced fighters, both of them. Second, they were experienced with each other – far more annoying. Thirdly, exhausting her foe was pretty much out of the question. She’d seen twice already how the woman could pace herself, which left them only one way to victory, really.

Pummel the other to a bloody pulp.

She could work with that. Rolling her shoulders, the firrerreo dropped down into stance, knees bent, muscles lax. Quick reactions and exploited opportunities would dominate this fight, and Aver intended to be on top. While [member="Keira Ticon"]’s assumption about mutual cybernetics was logical, she’d fail to see anything out of the ordinary on her person. Well, maybe the rock-hard abs, but that wasn’t nearly as dangerous as that which lay under the surface. Aside from a myriad of silver-white scars criss-crossing her skin, not a thing marred the pale blue flesh. Not since She had burned out the massive tattoo sprawling her back.

With practiced steps, Aver quickly closed into her wide measure. (Which is to say, the distance where she could hit her opponent, but her opponent couldn’t hit her. Force bless longer reach.) Muscles coiled, her hips twisted, and she threw a straight punch at the Mando’s face. A breath before it would land, however, the woman would pull her shoulder back to shorten the strike, and open her fist instead.

A cloud of sand would shoot forward, hopefully blinding her foe. Bonus points if she inhaled some of it.


Well-Known Member
As I walked into the arena , I delt nothing but the wish to hurt someone, I could see mt opponnet a bounty hunter who also wasn't wearing armor aand didn't have any weapons. Normally I would have opened up by throwing the man across the rooom, or picking him up and smashing him into the ground, But as this dome was surrounded by Ysilmari, I couldn't do that. So I needed to get a feel for my opponet, "So who are you anyways?" I asked as watched him, ttrying to be ready for any move he may make.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Katbirye Rekr"]

He clad in nothing but his black army fatigues, but he had stripped himself of the shirt a while ago, reveling His full back tattoo, and he sized up his opponent, and noted that he was doing the same to him. The question was a stalling maneuver, and Nate could feel this man's eyes boring into him, but he shrugged as he replied.

"That depends, who are you?"


Well-Known Member
"A warrior." Katbiyre replied, he had mercifully been allowed to retain his blindfold in order to not creep out the competition, "But who are you?" he said the last words as he threw a punch to the other man's head, and followed it with a sharp jab at his stomach.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
He noted the blindfold, and then the punch aimed at his head, that he sidestepped, but the jab, caught him a little off guard, it's glanced off his ribs, but he now knew someone had time for pleasantries. "Jumping right at it like that huh?" He lunged forward, putting all of his weight n to right hook, plus using his shoulder to add that extra 'omph' .

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
As he leaned back to avoid the right hook, Katbiyre was hit in the jaw by the other man's shoulder. As he stumbled back slightly, he tried to see what the man would do next
Latbiyre would clasp his hands together and swing them up at the man's face. "Nice to work off some steam." Katbiyre said.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
He felt his shoulder make contact with the man's chin, and then saw the two handed uppercut come felting up at his face. Being in close quarters with the man already, he stepped , the punch hitting in him the chest instead, knocking the wind out of him. With that, he shoved his shoulder into his opponents chest vaulting him over his shoulder and slammed him down onto the floor behind him. "Indeed, but I miss the weight of my gauntlets, but alas, I will have to make do with these,"

Not being a fan of cheap shots, he stepped back, out of reach and in s ready stance.

[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
As Katbiyre slammed into the ground, he saw his opponet step back waiting for him to get up. He obliged. "Nice job." Kaatbiyre said as he popped his jaw back into its socket, it having been knocked out of place when he had been slammed into the ground. Once he was ready Katbiyre threw a jab at the other man's face, pulling it back before it made contact.

[Member="Katbiyre Rekr"]

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