no as it`s only ooc, and thus count`s for nothing, in this instance. If how ever I say you are planning to do dominion on planet x, and we should get head start, on it before you. That would be meta gaming as just unposed rp, but since if you do attack they can send a signal. Then we could respond, then it`s not as I only making aware of possible request for help, not saying let`s all go to planet x to begin with, nor am I saying let all join the mandalorians to stop you.
All said was if they ask, would you be ready too, in what I mistook as a invasion thread.
Also in any invasion thread they are aloud to ask for allies in the ooc, I still say your wrong.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Darth Shara"] the ic not happening now, and me and darth ferus have taken it to pm, could you please delete this thread.