Double post. ree.
I am massively in support of this mandate. Because, as it stands there is a big problem with getting more isolated groups off the ground. This should be a mandate that helps get groups like the Bryn'adûl [soonTM], Chiss Ascendancy or whatnot off the ground. Something that, due to its nature is harder to gain members.Calico Tal'verda said:Racial Supremacists
Strengths: Characters belonging to the major faction's parent species have their posts count for twice as much in dominions, and have unlimited ally slots for members of the parent race in defending invasions.
Weaknesses: Characters outside of the parent species must have their posts count for half a post in dominions, non-members of the parent species cannot be allies in invasions.
I love this, factions can't hide in their Faction Threads anymore. Perfect. This sounds like, ALL of the fun.Gilamar Skirata said:Galactic Bully
- Strength: This Major Faction can enter any thread labeled Faction Thread and can invade up to 3 Major Factions at once.
- Weakness: This faction has 0 requesting aid slots and its territory immediately opens up to a Rebellion if the faction posts any Faction Thread after its first Dominion.
I like it, but this requires a far more significant weakness than what you've written. As it stands, the mandate opens the door for big majors to abuse smaller/newer ones to a much more significant extent than what is already happening on the board. Perhaps, make it so that any faction that invades a Total War faction can force the defending faction lose an adjacent two hexes of their choice in the event that the invading faction wins.Kiff Brayde said:
A faction may declare Total War on another faction and invade, with all normal invasion rules applying; if the invasion turns out to be a victory, the invaded hex and the two adjacent hexes that are a) controlled by the defeated faction and areclosest to the invading/victorious faction become neutral. If the invasion is unsuccessful, then the invaded faction can counter invade without repercussion. This mandate cannot be used against a Major Faction with five hexes or less, and may be not used more than once a year.
Strength: The potential to invade and wipe off three hexes of a rival faction is something that would make invasions more palpable, and clear up territory for dominion if two adjacent factions are going head to head.
Weakness: This hinges on the faction winning the invasion; if they lose, the defending faction can counter invade and potentially take three of their own hexes. Additionally, this mandate cannot be used more than once a year.
I'm thinking this would be a good mandate for factions that want to seriously hurt another's influence cloud, but it takes away the stress and rigor of writing three invasions and turns that into one invasion.
Weaknesses: If a faction uses the Total War mandate, then while it is active (i.e. while the Total War invasion is active), another faction that is either allied to the defending faction or has previously invaded the attacking faction can invade and, if victorious, the same results will occur as if the faction was using the Total War mandate.Immortal Cyan said:I like it, but this requires a far more significant weakness than what you've written. As it stands, the mandate opens the door for big majors to abuse smaller/newer ones to a much more significant extent than what is already happening on the board. Perhaps, make it so that any faction that invades a Total War faction can force the defending faction lose an adjacent two hexes of their choice in the event that the invading faction wins.