None of the stuff mentioned has any kind of a tactical advantage, with the exception of my hand grenade saber (hereafter patented and referred to as the HGS). Everything so far has just been cosmetic. Couldn't you just describe that or put a picture and description in your bio? That's what I would have done. I mean you could submit a factory post, but it shouldn't be mandatory. It's kind of a waste...
The HGS provides an unfair advantage at a cost. It would have to have a mandatory submission.
On this note ... this thread finally gives me an opportunity to mention something that has bothered me for a very long time now. I'm finally going to say it....
How do you even make a lightsaber?! Oh sure you word it vaguely in your dev thread, but seriously...
Lets be very fair here. MAYBE Luke could have done it because he spent his entire life making half dead junk work with spare parts. Obi wan kenobi though? No
There are two ways to make a lightsaber.
1) KOTOR style - You walk to the nearby storage crate, grab the four or so parts you need and puzzle them together at the adjacent workbench. No major dev thread needed.
2) Realism style - Between meditation, yoga, and force mastery classes ... you attend a four year college degree program focusing on advanced electrical engineering, metal fabrication/CNC machining, nuclear physics, and magical focusing crystals farming. You're going to need a major dev thread.
Another example of this is Mandalorians MAKING their own armor. No ... no no no no no!