Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manifest Destiny | Dominion of Copero

Arturious Engel

Arturious shakes his head.

"Remind me to never ask you to decorate anything I may own in the future."

Arturious watches the explosion and rubble tumble down with a small hint of appreciation at the destruction it causes. Arturious closed his eyes the pain form the wound in his shoulder starting to seep through his consciousness. Shrugging it off Arturious follows Alexandra through the whole and up the rubble pile getting there just as she greets the stunned guards.

Arturious not wanting to waste the stunned nature of the guards charges in cross slashing through the group of them as he goes while he still has the use of both arms.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen let out a small laugh at the exchange of comments, then as the fight started, he simply came up behind his two allies, his sabers igniting behind him. "Take it from me. You should run. If you fight, it shall be our duty and coincidentally, our pleasure to kill you." The words were cold, smooth, and calculated. Of course, many men had just witnessed heir friends get slaughtered, and more of them had been blown to bits. Needless to say, the opposition was lessened as a chunk of chiss broke off and ran away.

[member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Aristocra's Palace

Darth Banshee had sneaked head of [member="Malphas"] and [member="Darth Mierin"], and gained entry to the places. [member="Darth Veles"] had taught her well, in this art. She had moved into the places it self, she was moving towards the command area of the rebels. Thy should submitted when they had the chance. She moved silently pass the patrols, even though she was hidden in the force. She still kept to shadows, and still made effort not to make a noise. This was so she could practice, as some enemies could see through force cloak. So she kept up the basic rules of sneaking around, that she used even when she did not know hide herself in the force.

She was slowly making her way to command chamber, she wanted to get their before it was sealed off. She eventually made it, know all she had to do was sit tight in a corner for them lock them self's in to their own tomb. The room it self, was a centralized communications hub. Where they got all their information, and then gave out heir orders to troops. The plan was simple, when the sith forces breached the outer wall. The chiss would seal them self in, at that point she could take down their command net work. Since the doors would be shut, they be no one coming to help them from her. They where all lightly armed and armored, though she herself was only where her light armour for this mission. As her heavy armour, would give them more chance to spot her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Darth Tsolan"]

Alexandra's smile turned into a mock pout as she watched them run and began to clear out upon hearing Vulpesen's words. "Come on Fox Face, you scared off the enemy, were suppose to kill them remember?" She was both serious and joking in the way she said it, serious in that they had to kill them else face punishment, but feigning and joking about disappointment in having to get to kill less. She sighed though and shot past Engel, her own blades coming across the chests of two men before she drew her hands back and sent a wave of for energy towards another group, sending them over the railing and to the ground below, likely to break a bone or die, but definitely not moving from where they fell.
The Mon Calamari could hear his fellow Sith making quite a noise and also felt many of them through the Force. Their dark signatures could not be mistaken, so powerful and so immersed in the Dark Side of the Force. Most of them, at least. Veles did not judge. Being a Sith meant freedom, after all, and he did not restrict himself by using the Dark Side exclusively either. It was important to have some balance in things.

Before he moved to help his allies in a more direct manner, the amphibian's webbed claws tapped into the console again, attempting to disable the automated security system, turrets and things like that. As much as he would have liked to reconfigure the machines to attack the Chiss in the building, he knew little about hacking so changing the targetting parameters of the guns was out of option. He did succeed at turning the turrets off, at least on the floor he was on, so his allies would meet much less resistance on their way, if any. Considering he had already killed many guards patrolling around the floor...

The loud sound of explosion tore him from all of his thoughts and he promptly dropped his disguise as a guard. Although Veles was justly proud of his mastery over bending light and sound, he did not want to get killed by his allies thinking him to be a real Chiss! As the light around his body shifted and revealed his real form, it could be seen the Mon Calamari wore a set of the Imperial armor, with a helmet shaped for his large head.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Arturious Engel"]

Sawa was moving watching te others ahead of her as she jumped coming down with a small shake to kick up some rock. Then she kicked out sending it towards the line of chiss while they went to work. Explosives, blades and powers all for a flurry of destruction she was rather... neutral about it, her body not feeling anything and that messed with her connection to the darkside as it were coming with her. She followed with her eyes the few chiss while she grabbed one and stabbed him in the chest with her blade using him as a shield.
The blood wolf's eyes narrowed as he watched the sith attack while the chiss retreated. "Any man left alive is a man under our control when we take over. I believe that killing is removing a future asset, thus I minimize it." He continued to advance on the enemy, every piece of his being calm and calculated as his saber slashed through them. Man after man fell from the sith's attack as Tsolan refused to give any chance of retaliation to those that got close.

[member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Arturious Engel"]

Arturious Engel

Arturious smiled as some of the group of Chiss took off running at the Sith's words. It would seem they would get to have a little fun stalking their prey.

Slicing down one more Chiss Arturious turns slightly to Alexandra.

"This just means that now we get to hunt as well as kill." "Come now it will be fun."

Arturious began to whistle joyfully as he continued his onslaught.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Sawa Ike"]
[member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Galen Otros"]

As Tsavong began ripping through Chiss guards, the Sith began to swarm past him, the titanic Yuuzhan Vong finding it hard to get his hands on a target before a Sith or a acolyte got his hands on another. The whirring of red blades ran amok, the Palace lit with a red glow from the basement as more and more men began to swarm in from the basement's invasion. A long, purple tongue streaked out of Tsavong's mouth to lick his lips as he approached another Chiss guard.

"Where is your leader?"


"The Nobles. Where do they sleep?"

"I'll tell you nothing, monster!"

Crack. The man's lifeless body dropped to the floor. Nearly a head taller than the rest of the Sith present, the Yuuzhan Vong bellowed as a great clawed hand raised in the air.

"FIND ME THE ROYAL FAMILY," The Warmaster roared. "SPARE NO ONE."
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

The clock continued to tick past the supposed time the One Sith were to engage the enemy fleet. But the Hand's orders had been "Leave the shipyards untouched." Kymaero found this to be a rather impossible mission, as the enemy's fleet was so closely guarding the external shipyards orbiting the planet. Unless the Hand was referring the the planetary shipyards, and not the orbital ones.

Ugh. A shipyard's a shipyard. Kymaero would be punished either way.

"I wish to parlay with their Admiral," Kymaero hissed. "Get him on my screen."
Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, a silent image sprinted across the backdrop of the city. Dispatching Chiss warriors that had taken the high ground. The image of a man, slitting throats and tossing disarmed men from buildings, continued until it reached a gap too large to simply jump. In his wake lay dozen of blood soaked, blue skinned, arrogant Chiss. So much for their superior technology. It was nothing against technique.

Peering out over the battle below, the silent image stepped into the light from a shadow cast by a nearby tower. Clad in his white and red armor and cloak, James Mathison, stood above the city. The saboteur of the Fringe, Inquisitor of the former Galactic Empire and Dark Brotherhood member of the Ancient One. Associated with many but no home to speak of. He went where the credits were, right now they were here, but no one else needed to know that.


The Sith Apprentice's starship was angling itself down to the planet below. It was on auto-pilot, and while it descended to the planet below Astraios began to put on his coat for the harsh climate. He tightened the belt and then just as he left the cockpit he grabbed a jetpack that he planned to dispose of as soon as he hit the ground below.

Finally beginning to break atmosphere he pushed the hood back and placed the mask on his face and looked out the viewport right beside him that showed him the fiery descent that he was taking. There was a chance he wasn't even going to survive this, but as long as the mission was completed, that's all that mattered.

Five minutes.

Arturious Engel

Arturious watched as the Monster roared seeking their ultimate target. Arturious sliced down one guard and then another before addressing the Monster.

"Perhaps we have not yet killed enough of them."

Arturious leaps forward slicing down a few more of the guards leaving one alive for the moment.

"Or you can tell him what he wants to know and save yourself the trouble of dying for someone who does not show you the same loyalty?"

Arturious shrugs as the guard tries to level a blaster cutting the man down.

"Oh well got to give them points for guts."

[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Galen Otros"]

Darth Odium

[member="Darth Veles"]

Odium stood in front of the Chiss guard as he continued to demand answers and Odium continued to be silent. The guard made a motion toward the camera with his hand....nothing happened.

"Send in the interrogation droid." he said looking at the camera....still nothing.

Odium smiled to himself as he realized no one was watching or listening. Odium turned his head slowly as the Chiss came to the same conclusion.

<<Do you want me to show you what happened on that ship?>> Odium spoke to the man's mind before springing at him and pinning him to the ground with large hands around his neck. <<It went something like this.>>

Odium quickly began draining the Chiss of life just as he had the ship of slaves. The glow in the chiss' eyes faded quickly and soon Odium stood and took the blood red crystal and began the binding of the Chiss' life to the object before taking his other effects that had been confiscated. Now it was time to cause chaos and distraction while the main force accomplished to main goal.

[member="Tsavong Kraal"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Arturious Engel"] [member="Sawa Ike"] [member="Galen Otros"] ((I mentioned you just because I didn't know who needed to know.))

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Arturious Engel"]

She smiled as she heard the Vong's Words, her eyes turning to her friend and a wide grin on her lips. "Ready to rid this planet of its leader?" She moved without waiting for an answer and pushed her way through two more guards, moving to slam into them with her hands as she was simply knocking them out now, a swift kick to one's head as she passed him.

Her eyes shot to the main archway and her mind reached out as she slowly moved through the minds of those she killed and drew in their last thoughts, deciphering where the head family was hiding, and soon she found her answer as she plunged her saber into the heart of a god. Her eyes shot back again and she stared at her friend. "Fox Face, cover me and make sure i dont miss anything or anyone." Her attention return to the enemy as she moved forward and began to head straight for the enemy's highest concentration of enemies. A bolt caught her in the shoulder once as she turned though, causing a burst of pain to fuel her actions as she drew on her own courage to ram into one of the guards, sticking her saber into him and using him as a literal shield before cutting him down the midsection.
Tsolan nodded and entered the room, his blade's twirling in his hands as he cut down the guards and kicked them away from Alexandra. Let it growl and let it snap. He made a quick turn around as he sensed a man behind him, sending a hard kick into his abdomen to hurl the man into a wall. Yet keep it chained all the same. Again and again he struck out, launching the men into a corner, their bodies seeming to pile into one spot. "Ace, Surrruu." A moment later, the blue form of his dog dropped from his robes, running to the pile while avoiding the blaster fire around him.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Darth Banshee was sat in a corner, waiting for the order to come for chiss commanders. Then alarm bell went off, the commander then turned and looked at it. He gave the order that she was waiting for, Close the blast doors! The doors began to seal on the command room, no one know could get in or out. Well not with out a cutting torch or his command codes.

She then moved into position to position to survey the room, their was a total seventeen chiss in the room. Twelve where staff giving information, the others five officers. Each officer was had a sector to keep eye on, and one them was in overall command. She looked around, for where she should begin her killing spree. She need to take some down before the rest could react. Then one people who worked on the desks, got up get some water. No one was paying attention to him. He was going to be first.

She moved towards him, still hidden by the force. As he went get his water from the fountain, she positioned her wrist to shoot out his throat. She also positioned her self to catch him, so he did not make a noise when he the deck. He then bent down to a drink, her wrist blaster fired a single shot. His throat was vaporized, he could not scream as she caught him. She then put his body gently to floor. Then one other member staff turned round and said, Rolong some thing come in. Then realized they could not see him, Hay where rolog?

She then rose up and shot that chiss in face. The others began reaching for their blaster pistols, as she then opened fire on the greatest concentration of them. A couple more went down, then others opened fire on her. She rolled out the blaster shots at her, though one made it mark. It hit her square in the chest, the blast made her wince in pain. She then turned and got up, and let out a force bellows at them. The noise echoed around the command center, smashing the computer network. It also felled few more.

[member="Darth Mierin"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Darth Tsolan"]

Sawa heard the man and smiled at that, a noble idea one that had merit but it was also a dangerous thought because potential assets also meant one more knife aimed at your back when you turned it and these ones were showing they liked to resist. Her blade came around and sliced itno the throat of another before heading off. She wasn't using traditional force powers she was taking the shaping skills and pushing them to the edge as the flames from her blade spit off to surround a mans face and she just heard the screams taking it all in while moving forward. The others were handling the problem, she was working on making a solution of her own and incinerating all their enemies.
[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Arturious Engel"]

As Tsavong passed [member="Darth Odium"], the beast looked over in his direction and growled.

"Don't play with your food, Sithlet. We're here to accomplish a job."

Above the clanging sound of armored guards and droids rushing into the fray, the four armed behemoth yelled back to [member="Arturious Engel"]. "Then kill more!" Tsavong dove forward into the lines of the enemy, knocking a few down with his massive arms before standing up to full height and stomping on a soldier's helmet, crushing it beneath his boot.

"WHERE ARE THEY," he shouted.
The image of the opposing Chiss Admiral appeared on the screen.

"Admiral," Kymaero uttered out of respect, bowing his head.

The Chiss Admiral nodded.

"I am Admiral Kymaero of the One Sith expeditionary, I have orders here for your arrest. How do you plead?"

The Chiss Admiral smirked, and uttered one word.


Kymaero stood shocked. He thought they would fight until their death.

Lieutenant Quaggle turned to Kymaero.

"I've got two alphas turning tail for the planet's surface. The others... are lowering their shields?"

A sign of surrender.


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