Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mantell Me [Bar/Vendor/Mingle Thread]

Cadan would look at the dead and injuried spacers, and take in the scene. "Cap'n. This skinnly, little, wanna be, Jedi causing you trouble?" He'd say as his left hand sliding into his cloak, his fingers caressing the hilt of his DL-18. His right hand hand would be resting on his DH-X Heavy Blaster Rifle.
Kelictu looks around, the Twi'lek girl holding his hand and he wanted to go, now. He'd reach into his pocket, and pull out 200 credits, placing them on a near by table. "Here are your credits gentlemen...i'm going to go, seeing as this Cantina doesn't like Barabel..."

Once Kelictu had placed the Credits on the table and bid them farewell, he walked away from the cantina far enough to where both the men couldn't see him, and Vise Versa, with the Twi'lek girl's hand still in his. @Sannika Brynn
"Pleasure doing business with you." he'd say snatching the creds his sausage like finger's running the length of them counting their contents. "May the solar winds ever be blowing in your direction." he'd say moving off, his crew trailing behind him into the cantina.​

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Sannika brushed off her bomber jacket and stared up defiantly at the mercenary crew. She was not a typically scrappy type--in fact, she preferred to avoid situations such as these, being just way too small to pack enough punch. But she was a Rebel. These sorts of long odds were what she had grown to scoff at.

But life did take precedence. This 'captain' dude was not offering just a slug to the eye. She accepted the Barabel's hand uneasily, but she did accept it. It was nice to have a bigger guy sticking up for the little one. "That's a lot of money," she commented, annoyed that her 'guardian' had actually elected to pay for peace. "That was really unnecessary. It wasn't that big of a deal." It really was. But she felt rather guilty about the whole thing. She should not have been wandering into shady places like this.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Thraxis"], [member="Kelictu Moreantu"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"], [member="Gavin XIII"],
"Unnecessary? trust me little one, i've seen how they treat cute Twi'lek girls like isn't pretty..but besides that, what's your name?" Kelictu is still holding her hand, like a father would with his daughter, securely but not super tight to where it's crushing her hand. He's already feeling a bit of a bond with her, mostly as a friend for now, unless something comes up that makes that change. "Think there's some place you and me can talk privately, mainly so then we can have a personal chat? so then we can get to know one another, rather than have this become the most awkward situation the both of us have ever been in."

He'd quickly scan the area, finding a lone table with two chairs, and sits down at it, her sitting at the other end of said table. [member="Sannika Brynn"]
Thraxis would look to the captain "So Captain, we made a nice little amount of credits from that irritating situation, which does beg the question, do we still get donations from the Barkeep?" looking to the captain with eyes filled with glee, a smile radiating with zeal and a twitch, that moved ever closer to his blasters.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

"I've had enough fightin' for today, learn some of that class I will, you always talking about it so it must be good." he'd say settling into a neighbouring chair scuffing his boots against the tables legs. "Besides that fella gave the cred to enjoy ourselves, we can't not use it. Just wouldn't be right."
Yuroic watched the situation and growled, he didn't like the fact the pirates won again gaining more credits. He walked past the twi'lek and her guardian, hand Sannika a note that read:

'If you want to fight those pirates, nod your head. I will try getting those credits back for your guardian.'

He then moved around a crowd of people and settled down on a chair watching and waiting for her reaction.

[member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Kelictu Moreantu"]
Cadan would walk back towards Flannigan. "Shall we celebrate!?" Resting his weight on his DH-X Heavy Blaster Rifle, which is tide around his shoulder. He'd look towards the bar keep. "Bring me a drink!" He'd shout. Spit and debris flying from his mouth.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
"Cadan, name an instance when we don't celebrate!" Thraxis would say, pondering on how to celebrate, his hand would twitch as vivid imagery passed through his mind, "So few rules here, so little time, so much to do, its really a darn shame that we cant do it all." he would say, his eyes starting to bounce around the cantina, "This place is lovely though, maybe we can do everything I wanted to right here!" his hands starting to twitch with his eyes in a near perfect metronome.


Active Member
Vual would be sitting around the back, his presence would go unnoticed for multiple reasons; him actively hiding it, casually staying out of attention and simply drinking. His blood red eyes would have meaning burning in them as he casually looked around the room mid-sip. Usually the pureblood wouldn't bother wearing clothes that didn't suit him but as ordered he wore regular robes for the weather with a half hood that covered the back half of his head, hiding his tendrils which contorted whilst Vual was in thought.

"Anyway I didn't just come here for the sake of it, its a large city filled with people and where there's more than two people there's problems. So some bounties or if we luck out we might just catch ourselves a Jed padawan." he'd say giving a rye smile towards Thraxis and Cadan. "They're popping up like the plague, I don't know if its good for the universe having so many casters running around, I've never liked it to be honest. But drink up, to the Jackals and to our future victories!"
[member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]​
"To the Jackals indeed!" Thraxis would say, a cheered smile starting to grow on his face, though his hand would remain ever present on his gun, "Give the Jackals some time I say, and soon we wont be making tiny ripples, we will be making tidal waves!" he would bellow, making sure that everyone heard the name.


Active Member
Vual brings out a datapad and simply writes down 'The Jackals', before sending it off and then removing it. He would then take another sip of his drink before calling over the barmaid.

"How can I help you sir?"

"More of this and something to eat, that is all."

"Very good sir."

The barmaid leaves and he returns to listening to the conversations around.

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