Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
The Manticore Support Tank
Intent: This vehicle is designed to balance out the Protectorate’s land forces, especially in the lead up to Valen. Its concept has been around for some months, but we finally have the chance to submit it. This vehicle is designed to be neither excessively powerful, not against the spirit of the canon, but is designed for long range support.
Development Thread: Yes:
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries & Technology & Omega Pyre
Model: Battle Tank
Affiliation: Firemane Industries & Technology , Omega Pyre & closed market to approved buyers only.
Modularity: Limited; different camouflage stripes, can mount a single shot ground to air missile in exchange for one of its protective laser cannons.
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel
Description: The evolution of Omega Pyre into the Omega Protectorate involved some serious changes in the nature of warfare. Whilst the Pyre was dedicated to small and elite groups, the Protectorate faced numerous enemies on all sides, and required weapons to defend against all out attacks.
Thus the Manticore was conceived in the time after Pollis Massa to offer powerful support to Protectorate forces. The basis for the tank was the concept of the railgun. Railguns were nothing new in the galaxy, but had fallen out of favour due to the increased power of rockets and blaster cannons. However, railguns had some key advantages over both blaster cannons and conventional explosives; their ammunition and power source was non-reactive making them safer to use, and the power plant required could be housed easily inside a tank. Furthermore, the acceleration of the 10kg slug of shaped durasteel imparted a massive amount of kinetic energy on impact, able to literally tear apart most vehicles or buildings. The addition of a second fire linked cannon, timed to fire 0.25 seconds after the first ensured maximum destruction.
Naturally though, there were downsides. Railguns are useless for bombardment or firing at infantry, as the lack of explosive energy means that anything outside a small radius is only likely to be harmed by shrapnel. Furthermore, the power required to fire the cannon takes away from the power available to the tank, meaning that in combat it is both slower and less agile than when the cannon is in use. Lastly, the tank is vulnerable to air and infantry attack, as its side weapons are quite weak.
Overall the Manticore is best suited to supporting other armoured forces and sniping at enemy vehicles and walkers.
Role: Heavy Support Vehicle
Height: 3 metres.
Length: 12 metres.
Width: 4.5 metres.
Weight: 65 tonnes
Propulsion: Tracked
Top Speed: Max 60km/h, combat 25km/h.
[*]2 anti-personnel laser cannons. Useful only against infantry or unarmoured vehicles. Operation range 250 metres.
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Cargo Capacity: N/A aside from tools, spare parts and ammunition.
Misc. Equipment: Long range communicator, night-vision and infrared scopes. The vehicle can also be fitted with auto-launchers which fire smoke bombs able to conceal the vehicle for a couple of minutes.

Intent: This vehicle is designed to balance out the Protectorate’s land forces, especially in the lead up to Valen. Its concept has been around for some months, but we finally have the chance to submit it. This vehicle is designed to be neither excessively powerful, not against the spirit of the canon, but is designed for long range support.
Development Thread: Yes:
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries & Technology & Omega Pyre
Model: Battle Tank
Affiliation: Firemane Industries & Technology , Omega Pyre & closed market to approved buyers only.
Modularity: Limited; different camouflage stripes, can mount a single shot ground to air missile in exchange for one of its protective laser cannons.
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel
Description: The evolution of Omega Pyre into the Omega Protectorate involved some serious changes in the nature of warfare. Whilst the Pyre was dedicated to small and elite groups, the Protectorate faced numerous enemies on all sides, and required weapons to defend against all out attacks.
Thus the Manticore was conceived in the time after Pollis Massa to offer powerful support to Protectorate forces. The basis for the tank was the concept of the railgun. Railguns were nothing new in the galaxy, but had fallen out of favour due to the increased power of rockets and blaster cannons. However, railguns had some key advantages over both blaster cannons and conventional explosives; their ammunition and power source was non-reactive making them safer to use, and the power plant required could be housed easily inside a tank. Furthermore, the acceleration of the 10kg slug of shaped durasteel imparted a massive amount of kinetic energy on impact, able to literally tear apart most vehicles or buildings. The addition of a second fire linked cannon, timed to fire 0.25 seconds after the first ensured maximum destruction.
Naturally though, there were downsides. Railguns are useless for bombardment or firing at infantry, as the lack of explosive energy means that anything outside a small radius is only likely to be harmed by shrapnel. Furthermore, the power required to fire the cannon takes away from the power available to the tank, meaning that in combat it is both slower and less agile than when the cannon is in use. Lastly, the tank is vulnerable to air and infantry attack, as its side weapons are quite weak.
Overall the Manticore is best suited to supporting other armoured forces and sniping at enemy vehicles and walkers.
Role: Heavy Support Vehicle
Height: 3 metres.
Length: 12 metres.
Width: 4.5 metres.
Weight: 65 tonnes
Propulsion: Tracked
Top Speed: Max 60km/h, combat 25km/h.
- 1 twin linked Manticore rail gun. 60 rounds of ammunition carried on board. As the ammunition is solid, it is not subject to explosion like regular shells. This weapon has an operational range of two kilometres, but can fire further, with dramatically reduced effect for every 500 metres beyond.
The weapon has an auto feed magazine of 5 founds for each gun, these magazines are manually loaded by the crew. The railgun itself cannot fire quickly due to the power draw required. One shot every minutes of the duel guns is about average.
[*]2 anti-personnel laser cannons. Useful only against infantry or unarmoured vehicles. Operation range 250 metres.
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Cargo Capacity: N/A aside from tools, spare parts and ammunition.
Misc. Equipment: Long range communicator, night-vision and infrared scopes. The vehicle can also be fitted with auto-launchers which fire smoke bombs able to conceal the vehicle for a couple of minutes.
Firemane Industries & Technology & closed market to approved buyers only.
Original Section(s):
Affiliation: Omega Protectorate
Manufacturer: Omega Industries
New Section(s):
Modification: Affiliation: Firemane Industries & Technology , Omega Pyre & closed market to approved buyers only.
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries & Technology & Omega Pyre
Firemane Industries & Technology & closed market to approved buyers only.
Original Section(s):
Affiliation: Omega Protectorate
Manufacturer: Omega Industries
New Section(s):
Modification: Affiliation: Firemane Industries & Technology , Omega Pyre & closed market to approved buyers only.
Manufacturer: Firemane Industries & Technology & Omega Pyre