Cryowitch Caporegime

In front of wall
Currently at barracks
At CEO location
Assorted locations
- 7 Security guards
- Ballistic armour
- Tactical visors
- SMGs
- Stun batons
- Stun grenades
- Loading droids
Currently at barracks
- Unknown number of additional guards as above
- 5 light infantry fighting vehicles with E-webs and grenade launchers
At CEO location
- 12 "Specials"
- Advanced combat armour
- Tactical visors
- Assault rifles
- Electro-tonfas
- Stun grenades
- 1 heavy APC with E-web and usable firing ports
Assorted locations
- Two AA positions, at opposite ends of base with heat seeking Missiles
- Armed guard posts with light repeaters at tactical locations
The two guards made their rounds along the heavily ladened landing pad, stacks of durasteel crates made this the perfect posting, very easy to stop for a crafty cigarra when the super's view was blocked by twelve tons of self sealing stem bolts. The pair were part of a private military contractor that had been hired by the company to guard this place and keep the staff in check, their black duraplast armour was coated in all the paraphernalia of their role. Radios, torches, chemical irritant spray and extra Ammunition for their sub machineguns, the works. Well off in the distance their was the next shuttle and the guard looked up towards the contact, his tactical glasses popped up with the false registry of the Harbinger and access links to its manifest should they require to inspect it.
"Hey bud, we've got a first timer, shall we go check they've paid all landing charges?" he said with laugh to his colleague, a heavy set man in his forties, similarly armed. "Sure, baby girl's got her eye on some earrings" he smirked a they began lacing towards where their mark was about to land. The first looked back over towards the docking terminal. There wasn't many people out and about, another four or five guards ran patrols nearby, and there were a number of orange overalled deck crew moving around accompanied by their loading droids. Give it a few hours and this place would be a give of activity, large shipment was due to go out to Corellia and everyone would be working overtime to get it loaded up.
A hundred metres or so distant, atop the large perimeter wall, a heavy anti-aircraft turret tracked the incoming aircraft until it went below the combat umbrella and landed, heat seeking buzzer Missiles were ready to shoot down any hostile craft and reminded any onlookers that, despite low level presence at the front of the base, this place was well defended and could quickly step up its firepower. Beyond this wall was the main bulk of the PMC forces, stationed in two barracks, one either side of the base, each with a small motor pool of infantry fighting vehicles in case of emergency. They had mostly sat unused for months, it was a very high value target and an expensive contract, but it was in the middle of nowhere and the locals were hardly going to rebel against the biggest employer nearby.
The only vehicle that was regularly moved was the heavier APC that ferried the "specials" back and forth to the offices and living quarters of the CEO. Hidden in his luxurious but heavily defended premises built into the side of a cliff to one side of the facility was the CEO of this entire operation and his mistress. They were guarded by the worst of the best. These guys were trained thugs with the best kit, many of them were death row, released on condition that they remained free at the leisure of the CEO. They were violent and kept at arms length even by the other members of the PMC, but the fact that they had a choice between protecting the CEO and being sent to die for their crimes kept them "honest".
Finally the shuttle was about to land and the two guards walked with a smile on their face and gun in their hands to welcome the unlucky hauliers
Welcome to Sump…