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Map of Midvinter - Discussion

Significant Places on Midvinter

Tháinbroek -
Capital City of Midvinter and Seat of the High King.
Notable Characters: [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"] | [member="Kära Hearthfire"] | [member="Thrand Hearthfire"] and All Valkyri and Citizens.

Daal -
Destroyed Village west of the Capital.


Fridheim -
Capital of the West and home to the Wardens of the West.
Notable Characters: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and Warden of the West [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Thirdas Heavenshield"]

Fortress of Dawn -
Small Jedi Temple to the west of Tháinbroek, a place of solitude for Jedi.
Notable Characters: Grand Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and any Jedi wishing to visit.

Village of Húsavik - Besieged by the Sith and all but destroyed.

Nágrindr -
The Gateway of the Dead discovered by [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] and Théo Heavenshield.
Notable Characters: [member="Velkar Odiirson"]


Norvegr-fen -
Capital of the North and home to the Warden of the Northmark.
Notable Characters: Théo Heavenshield | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Boo Heavenshield"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"]

Lake of the Dead -
Far north and surrounded by dead forest. The initial place from which the Vinterbound began their march south. This was the first location of the Sith Relic.
Notable Characters: Vinterbound [NPCed]

Fafnersvik -
Northern village that saw the first wave of attack from the Vinterbound. A battle between the Silver Jedi and Vinterbound has passed into legend.
Notable Characters: Silver Jedi

Falls of Crystals - The first sighting of the exiled king Thrand Dawnbringer.

The Silent Bastion - Je'daii Order Temple of Martial Arts.
Notable Characters: Master [member="Jericho"] | Toru Xevras

Village of Reykjaa -


Rildonmark -
Large town to the south and noted for the breeding of war horses.
Notable Characters: Master Aerin Firebrand [missing assumed dead]

Stydorn - Isles of Tears


Lake of Mists -


Isle of the Beorni
Notable Characters: [member="Kiriko"] | [member="Arnor Oathsworn"] | [member="Siare Snörvla"]


Woodland Realm of the Aelvar
Force Nexus - Frostvatn
Notable Characters: Eregon and Ióunn Wuduaelfen

Westgate Pass

A manned fort serving as a checkpoint between the Westmark and the Crownlands, providing a place to rest up before continuing the journey as well as protecting and guiding merchants and travelers through the mountain pass connecting Fridheim and Tháinbroek.

Trinity Cross

Another manned fort and checkpoint located at the narrow pass where the main roads connecting the Crownlands, South- and Eastmark meet up.

*note: this post will be fleshed out over time. If anyone has anything to be added please let me know.
Places on Midvinter updated and there will be more to come.

Also map update will come with the end of the Midvinter thread. And a couple of others.

[member="Ylva Solveig"], can you post the name of your Clan Village here, with a rough guide as to where you would like it on the map.

[member="Mysa Snowstrider"], can you tell me the name of the Je'daii Temple and a little description of it. Notable characters etc.

There will be a new capital city for the Northmark, which I have included on the places of Midvinter area.

If there is anything else I have forgot or you all would like added, please let me know.

[member="Audren Sykes"], there are two Marks open for someone to take leadership of (and develop), would you like one? There is the Southmark and the Eastmark available.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], may I please have a copy of the (isolated) banner emblems images for the Heavenshields, Hearthfires and Theo's? ^_^

Aren't I demanding today. :p

Ylva Heavenshield

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Clan Havardr, of Midvinter.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, I've been in over my head lately with studying but our private thread Westgate Pass is currently establishing a general whereabouts of Ylva's Ancestry right? I figured that might be the best place to start, the valley they have just recently come into? <3

Ylva Heavenshield

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

I'm also one of three Admin for the Je'daii Order (Caedyn Arenais).

Stav Kesh is not only the name of the temple on Midvinter but also the path of learning for the Je'daii.

It focuses on the mind, body and self discipline of students within martial arts training and the overcoming of weaknesses to promote healthy living. Where it is on Midvinter however I cannot tell you, I believe that one's in Libby's hands but...-I'm just showing off, I love Stav Kesh xD
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

The Midvinter Temple is known as The Silent Bastion

As mentioned by our resident Kiwi, it is a modern day equivalent of Stav Kesh - the Temple of Martial Arts - which naturally has a focus on combat as well as meditation and self-discipline/improvement. At present the Temple Master of this branch of the Je'daii is Toru Xevras, and the Steward is [member="Jericho"] - they would be the two ICly responsible for most of its running, though given that they also have duties in other Je'daii Locaitons we may end up with a more specialized individual specifically in place at the Silent Bastion in the future. The Temple itself is made of white stone, and a visual representation can be found here.

If you need any more information please let me know!
[member="Mysa Snowstrider"], thank you for all that, I will make the changes tonight.

Edit: Updated.

[member="Audren Sykes"], The Eastmark is pretty much a clean canvas, nothing has happened in that part of Midvinter (as far as I am aware but please someone correct me if wrong).

The Southmark, has a little history with Rildonmark and Clan Sabina which is written in the places on Midvinter post. It is home to the horses of Midvinter, basically it is the place where the best war horses and the like come from. Master Aerin Firebrand was from there but she is no longer around. But that is about all I can tell you, as there was been nothing much happen in the south since.

So it is pretty open too.

[member="Ylva Solveig"], I know you have told me the name of your family village in the west, but I can't for the life of me remember it, nor can I find where it was writ. You are going to have to tell me here. Unless you mean for Havardr to be the village name as well? (I was certain it was different) ..
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

I was thinking of having each Mark excell at something, so that they're all specialised in some way:
  • Eastmark could be big on mining and forging of arms and armour.
  • Southmark breeds the best horses and grows the most crops.
  • Either Westmark or Northmark could have the most forest and biggest trees, so they would export lumber.
Haven't thought of what the fourth one would be, but the Crownlands would naturally borrow from all the above as the central province.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

The Northmark is also home to the people of Falls of Crystals, who I was RPing as being artisans, like weavers of cloth and tapestries, and arts. Which also operates as their main trade product. But they are unique to Midvinter (and an isolated pocket), it would not cover the entire Northmark.

So the idea of the lumber is a great idea, and will give the rest of the Northmark a trade product.

The Westmark has a very big coast line, maybe that Mark could be centered around fisheries?
Sorry guys I have not done any replies today. Been fighting a headache for the most part of it. On my day off work too. <_<

However, I have managed to sit and tinker with the Midvinter map, pretty much got most of it done.

Now, shall go and think about dinner, and hopefully that will help get rid of this pain.

Ylva Heavenshield

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

Sorry ! Been such a Full/Crazy week. Honestly I can't remember the name of the village either...

The Clan name would be fine to use lol if that makes things easier.

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