Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Maple Blosoms

Kurenai had to wonder how Maples was able to stay upright with the drunken method, but perhaps she was just a lighter person, if she attempted to do such a move her own body weight and muscle mass would make things difficult. The feint again was hard to keep track on, the way maples body moved making it look dislocated in some instances, but never the least she was able to react in time once more. As the spin kick came around Kurenai did not dodge but instead went for a preemptive strike, raising her weapon perpendicular to the ground, placing it in front of Maples strike the woman leg hitting against the wodden pole arm, but that was at the start.

As soon as she felt the force lesson on her block Kurenai made a downwards trust with the blunt blade towards Maples center, a potentially easy block or parry is the woman managed to get herself in a proper position. Though considering what she had done so far Kurenai expected maple to do another momentum like doge, either taking the hit or going around it to put distance between the two. Either way there was a very lightly possibility for this fight to go on for a long time. Not that Kurenai minded, Maples was a skilled fight and if possible she'd spar with her all day, even if she knew the mercenary would soon get fatigued. Unlike herself with naturally increased stamina Maples was just human, and no amount of training or force powers could keep up with a vampire so too long, less so a vampire force user.

[member="Maple Harte"]
When Maple felt the strike on her leg from the staff, she knew her little trick had failed. Kurenai's wooden blade made a jab towards her midsection, and she had less than a second to fully react so she used the kinetic force from Yumi's blow against her leg--which was going to leave one hell of a welt, for it was already stinging sharply--to twist in the other direction in mid-air though it did not put her too far from Yumi's attack radius...she was still in the immediate radius in fact. She landed hard on her feet, and the impact traveled up her knees, but it still allowed her to shift her staff to Yumi's and bat it aside, but it was obvious she was getting tired, even with the immense speed she was demonstrating.

Once Yumi's staff had been sweapt out of the way, Maple dropped low for a sweep kick that traveled up a high angle behind Yumi's legs, muscles yelping as she went as fast as possible to prevent Kurenai from simply leaping out of the way, but she had left herself completely open to attack, and had no way to defend if [member="Kurenai Yumi"] managed to react in time. There was no assurances she would be able to dodge the retaliation, because at the angle Maple was conducting the sweep, it would be too awkward to dodge, and there was no way she could bring her staff up in time...
She could see the somewhat hasty attempts on Maples part to keep the fight going, one more hit may have very well ended the duel right here and now but once more the skilled fighter. Her muscles becoming warm and tight, Maple sure was giving her a nice work out all things considered.

As her weapon was batted from the side Kurenai used the moment to keep it swinging, telling the blunt pole arm spin around her body from right hand to felt as Maple came in for her attack. Wrapping around her body Kureani aimed the blade at the incoming leg from maple, seeking to intercept the hit but that was not all. With one arm of her Natginata her other was free, a flat palm strike being directed at the women's shoulder. She was unsure if such an attack would work to it's full effect but it was better then letting Maple get a free hit.

[member="Maple Harte"]
Maple could not dodge the attack, and took Yumi's strike to the shoulder, knocking her down and knocking the staff out of her hand, ending the duel.

The bounty hunter also had the wind knocked out of her. Skip. The Madalorians lined her up against a wall and shot her along with all of the other prisoners. Skip. Maple shot up out of the delusion, hand feeling for the slug that hadn't gone through her chest. The pain had felt real enough.

Maple glanced up at [member="Kurenai Yumi"], grinning.

"You, Crimson Shadow, are fast." Maple admitted, getting up, limping from the impacts she had taken. "Ouch."

The brown haired woman looked particularly spent. That fight hadn't lasted as long as some of the really bad ones, but the stamina advantage the vampire had, to say nothing of her reflexes, was undeniable. This was not a woman you took on up close. She'd have destroyed Maple in a real fight...

...and this made her smoking hot to Maple.

"When did you start using your Naginata in battle? Does your style have a specific name?" Maple asked in curiosity. Hers had never really had a was simply "her style". She didn't know its lineage. But just watching how the vampire had moved her staff gave her ideas on how to start improving her own technique, which, for all its fantastic speed and agility, still needed considerable work. She was not in her prime anymore, which did not help matters. But she had definitely picked up something all the same.

Also, Kurenai Yumi was so, so hot. Always a plus.
Kurenai whipped her brow of sweat as she walked over to the downed maple, giving her a small grin, happy with the fight that had just taken place between the two. "Thank you, when I don't wear my armor people tend to say I am very fast, though crimson shadow... I have not been called that for 40 years, were did you hear about it"? Ture, her reputation in the mercenary business may have been a little more notable then she had imagined, Maple could have met a past associate of some sorts to heard rumors and put two and two together.

Her eyes glanced down to the woman damaged leg, Kurenai kneeling down to inspect it as they continued to talk, "My weapon? I only really picked up the the art 30 years ago, as for my style it is just called So-Jutsu". "More specially for a Naginata Nagia-Jutsu, in a sense is it like Niman, a universal skill good for almost all combat orientations but with a little bit of Ja'Kai mixed in one could say". It was not something she often explain, her style more or less just coming naturally over all the times she had fought, the skill being rather useful due to the fact few people knew spear fighting.

"Tell me, how is your let? you need some healing or you want me to carry you back to the house"?

[member="Maple Harte"]
Maple paused at Kurenai's question about the alias.

She was about to answer confidantly...and then she stopped.

Where had she heard it?

Maple would be the first to admit that her memory was not reliable. She was no longer sure what was true or false when it came to her history. She wanted to say she'd heard it from one of the soldiers but that seemed too...simple.

Where had she heard the term?

"I...I'm not...sure...I could have sworn I heard just popped into my head like magic...I wish I could give you a concrete answer..." she said to [member="Kurenai Yumi"] with an expression of genuine confusion.

"You're right. I have not fought a spear fighter before you on our last assignment. Its a very efficient and deadly technique, now that I've had a chance to examine it better."

She winced as the leg stun badly. She was lucky the blow had not done worse. It had been a good hit. She wasn't going to be walking right for a little while. Nasty welt.

"My own lightsaber style was Niman. It was mandatory to learn it in The Marksmen. My staff style however...I dunno what its called but some told me it looks Atrisian. I found my first staff in a cave, with the movements of the style painted on the walls."

When Yumi asked about the leg, Maple winced...but fought through the pain and stood up.

"I can walk. Need some ice." Maple answered, bright green eyes glittering in the natural lighting.

As she walked, she tested her weight on the leg. It held, but the pain was immense.

"So, Kurenai, what inspired that name anyway, Crimson Shadow? I was called The Golden Eye, myself."
"It's fine, no matter, though I may just mean my feats in the assassination business are still well known after all these years, that is nice to know... I think". Still it was not the first time someone had called her by that name, quite a few Hutts and crime lords still knew who she was, it was actually through someone of that nature that she;d be able to track down her children. For the moment Kurenai would give the younger brunette the benefit of doubt, knowing how her memory and over all mental state was not reliable.

"Also thank your for the compliment, many people don't seem to take pole arms seriously these days, swords and giant axes are all the rage one would say". Probably due to the assumed higher skill level it took to wield a sword over a spear, most just thinking it reacquired basic thrusting and nothing more, oh how wrong they were. "As for your fighting style, there is a form called BĹŤjutsu that is the art of fighting with a quarterstaff that incorporates Sojitsu and Jiu-jitsu, though I'd have to do a little bit of research into that, but first let's get you back to the house".

Watching as Maple stood up she gave a small sigh, taking the woman's hand over hr shoulder, supporting their weight while waltzing back to the homestead. "My name? well I am a vampire and a mercenary with quite a lot of blood on my hands, I've probably killed more people then causalities in a small planetary war, as for shadow, well before being juggernaut front line fighter I was a decent stealth operative, still am but not as much these days". Not with half the OK knowing force cloak and able to turn invisible with a click of the figures, made her knowledge in traditional camouflage and concealment obsolete in many peoples eyes. "That and my current name, Kurenai, it means crimson in galactic bas- wait no never mind 40 years ago I went by Annette".

[member="Maple Harte"]
"Eh, should have known why you were called Crimson Shadow...obvious really, now that I think about it..." Maple quipped as [member="Kurenai Yumi"] put her arm around her and helped her back inside. Maple made her way to the nearest couch, smelling the clean, welcoming interior of the Dojo.

"Annette...that's a very pretty name, Kurenai. My birth name is Uri Udinia...I got my current name after I left the Marksmen. It was a diner where I had gone, didn't have many credits left. Enough for a coffee. Homeless guy walks in trying to get a coffee too, keep warm for a little bit, but he doesn't have enough change. I buy him his coffee, go hungry, but as I leave, he tells me 'Young Lady, you have a heart as sweet as maple syrup.' And I had my new alias then and there."

Maple looked at the welt on her leg Yumi's staff had left. Nice, good, training blow. Gonna sting for a few days, certainly.

"Truth was, I'd stopped being Uri at Mimban. I think the old me died in a way completing that mission..." she pondered as she examined. "And the new me is still trying to take out the old me's final and possibly most dangerous target. And the new me is not sure what to do afterward, should I succeed."

She did not believe she was exaggerating when she said the old her was dead in a sense: the old her had been cold, and frozen, relentless, not knowing what to do with normal. Kurenai had met the old her in that jungle, dug out of its snowy grave by her patron spirit.

Maple looked up at Kurenai, smiling and blinking wet green eyes.

"You said previously that you often considered retirement...was there ever that one mission, like I got, that made you want to quit more than you had ever wanted to quit before?"

Yumi's past deeply interested her, not just because she was a history buff, but because, being so long lived, Maple wondered if the length made the pain of some memories hurt less, have less impact. She had a shorter span of time to deal with her issues than Yumi. And that was even with having far less corpses in her past. (Her most official number of kills was a little bit past several hundred...unconfirmed was around three thousand.)

"Oh, and, uh...may I please have some ice for this?" she asked with a playful grin.
"Quite and rather iconic to some degree, though unlike you very few people actually know I am a vampire, or aware of how many wars I've participated in, I'm just the mercenary hired off the street that worked their way into the Knightly order for most of them". With a flick of the force the door to the Dojo opened, Maple being placed on the nearby couch.

"Hmm that is an interesting story, though you seem to have adapted it into an actual name considering the spelling behind it, in a sense that seems to contrast with my own". "Well said from my last name but that is my husbands so I am not sure it applies to me, the characters used to spell Yumi are Yóu meaning reason or cause, while the Měi stands for beauty". "More or less my last name is properly pronounced 'you me' though for galactic basic most people say Yumi". Hmmm that was a light derail from the current topic, come to think of is she had not talked about her name or past this much with another person despite immediate memory. It was not as life changing as what maple had said, such events and the 'removal' of ones past self into a new life certainly was unique.

"Retirement... that was more to do with several mission I did recently were my presence was next to useless, that and combined with people viewing me as unimportant, more focused on some person from some rich family who had been given training all their life". "As for a mission that went south, to be honest I have become desensitized to that, ever since the Vong wars the loss of comrades on the battlefield is more or less somthing I just got use to no matter how horrific it could get". "The closest I came was when my family was in danger 10 years ago while I was away on tour, but my husband and children were able to handle it, even if it was a close call".

"That does not mean I am not without mental scares, even today just the sight of a clone trooper helmet gives me flash backs to order 37, the pain and distress often causes me to act rashly". "There have been many times that I have attacked people wearing such armor, it was most prevalent during the civil war when fighting storm troopers.... but I guss that is what happens when you and your family are rounded up and shoot like cattle". Her fist clenched up, it was a hard memory, one she did not like to think about, it was a very dark period in time for her, and everyone else in the galaxy.

He self induced flash back was halted by maples words, Kurenai looking back up to the injured women, "ah yes sorry I'll make some". Opening her palm a few moments past before a frost like materials formed, bit by bit a rough but cold ice cube formed in her had. "Kinetic techniques sure do come in handy for outside of combat don't you think".

[member="Maple Harte"]
Maple was given great pause as Kurenai recounted more of her history. Including all the angry parts. Maple suddenly wondered about the flip side of living as long as Kurenai. Eight times the length of joys in ones life...but eight times the length of sorrow.

If someone offered her the chance to live as long as Kurenai, Maple was not certain she would take it. Perhaps it was for the best if she aged as normal, and learned to accept her shelf life. At least death held with it the end of her madness.

"Oh, yes, very much so. I can't tell you how many times I've used it just to fetch the remote." Maple said to [member="Kurenai Yumi"]. "As a matter of fact, I find mundane, everyday tasks to be a really good way of understanding how to use the Force properly, and in what context it will work."

Maple spotted a datapad and floated it towards her letting it orbit around her hand.

"My master, Ursula helped me refine my telekinesis by studying planetary orbits and gravity. I didn't understand why at I do...movement without visible means. An all powerful law of reality that you can only scratch the surface of..."

Maple floated the datapad back to its spot, she looked at the welt of her leg and stretched it out, while she waited for more tea.

"Hey, once I feel feel like testing my cane technique again?" She asked with a knowing grin.
Kurenai let out a small chuckle at Maple shamelessly admitting to useingnthe force for such mundane and simple tasks, if it was not for all the training or had be under take to master levitation she could certainly see many couch potato Jedi and sith. Fortunately the healthy habits instilled in the Jedi and the more or less forfule nature of the Sith and having to remain strong such was never really seen. “I can see what you mean, it is like learning a new language, you can attend class and all that but using it on s regular basis I no matter how small greatly improves ones skills in that area”.

“You certainly had a wise master, that is somthing you defiantly have over me, I still need to give at least some minor hand gesture to move an object”. “Though on the subject of teaching, there was actually somthing I think you could pass onto me, that power you showed during our little parley in the forest not long ago”.

[member="Maple Harte"]
"Ah, the spell!" Maple said, as [member="Kurenai Yumi"] reminded her. "I found it in this old library on Dantooine. Some archive written by people called The Resistors of Darkness. Its called The Spell of Arrows.

Maple managed to rise up a bit, keeping the Ice on her leg as she walked. She called on the old forces within. Magic was more chaotic, which paradoxically, she had found, was much easier to call on than the Force. Magic did things pure Force Users could not easily replicate...


Uri Udinia sat crosslegged in the training chamber, assembling her rifle blindfolded with telekinesis. Ursula paced about in the outer darkness of the chamber, crystal blue eyes set against lavender skin as the Twi'lek circled her student in the outer darkness of it.

To call Ursula beautiful was...not "inaccurate". She had fine, sharp cheekbones and purple lips. Her nose long but not wide, and her ice-blue gaze that reminded her of the gaze of an eagle. But it was the beauty of the glacier. She was clad in white training robes, a light but noticeable floral pattern on the tunic.

"The greatest weapon is not the lightsaber, dagger, or rifle and pistol. It is the mind. It is The Force Uri..." Ursula explained in that ever clinical tone.

"Without a mind to plan the attack, of what good is a weapon? Nothing but an inanimate object..." Ursula told her blindfolded protege, who was struggling.

"A mind tells the Force what to do. How to affect the world. Without living minds the Force would largely be useless. Would have no purpose without creatures who can think and feel to work its will. It needs us, and we need it. Basic symbiosis..."

The parts to the rifle started assembling faster even as they orbited now around Uri, who was in a trance guiding the Force. Uri waited for the attack, her own cane next to her. She knew the rules. She must not lose focus, even while defending.

The attack from Ursula's blue lightsaber came faster than expected, hissing and spitting for her chest and face, but Uri was ready, her own Jedi Lightsaber going active with its shining, golden yellow blade clashing against blue light.

The parts, still orbiting around her head, started to waver as she maintained a tight order in her head, as she defended against repeated but fast and focused stabs from Ursula's blade. Plasma clashed with plasma, the blaster rifle assembling itself albeit shakily, Uri's need to finish the blaster against Ursula's relentless assault.

Ursula's Niman barrowed much from Uri's preferred form Ataru, overwhelming, aggressive power blows from all sides but with just enough energy in reserve to defend against counterattacks. But Ursula moved so fast in her attacks that counter attacking was next to impossible. Ursula was a superior athlete. Even Uri, who exercised like a woman possessed, was not at Ursula's level.

The parts orbiting her head continued to waver, and in the end both the uncertainty and strain proved too much, and Uri was finally sent tumbling to the ground, after Ursula simply knocked her to it with a sharp elbow. Her rifle parts clattered around her.

Ursula was looking at a nail. "Sloppy. But better than last month. You need to focus--"

Uri, winded even by the brief exchange with her, rose, shaking a little from the adrenaline.

"I can only focus for so long..."

"That attitude will get you killed. Only the best, the most enduring, will survive the garbage heaps in the dark places we hunt Sith. Do you know why Anakin Skywalker was the greatest Jedi Fencer of all time?" Uri asked sternly.

Uri shrugged, confused. "But he lost to Luke Skywalker in the end. He ended up dead just like all the other traitors."

Ursula frowned.

"Anakin was the greatest fencer of all time because he learned the single most valuable lesson of all his life on Mustafar: He finally learned through pain what he could never learn through Obi-Wan."

"What did he learn?" Uri asked, finally catching her breath.

Ursula rolled her eyes. "Typical. No gift for looking beyond the surface beyond knowing which caliber works best against it. One of your biggest flaws."

"I am getting better, like you said."

"At delaying your inevitable defeat longer, not at showing patience. Which, by the way, is the lesson Anakin learned: Patience."

"How did getting melted teach him patience?" Uri asked, hands on her hips."

"He never made the same mistakes again afterward. He forced himself to focus and play to what strengths he had left. He forced himself to be patient. It served him well. It served him so well he was the only one left standing in the end to kill Sidious."

Uri's face betrayed her skepticism. "Are you saying that was his intent all along?"

Ursula shrugged. Her gaze went strangely glassy for a second and her voice became a little bit more glacier-like in tone.

"Maybe not consciously..." she surmised. "But the point is, mastering your greatest weapon is as much a matter of patience as it is of strategy. It was the perfect duel if you want to look at it from a certain point of view. But perhaps the duel was not so much between Anakin and his son so much as Anakin and Sidious. A duel that lasted over two decades and how many dead, all so Anakin could have the perfect moment and motivation to finally kill the rotting old bastard. Palpatine should have killed him on the beach then and there, but he was in need of a powerful, but ultimately disposable slave." Ursula elaborated.

But soon the Woman turned to get some distance.

"Disassemble what you have...and start again..." Ursula instructed, flourishing her blue blade.

Uri sighed and got back down to meditate on the rifle parts.


Maple snapped out of the memory, having been gone only half a second in the real world. She saw a target post set up.

She focused, being patient. Her mind would clear when it would. She felt the magic surge.

"You have to connect to it, deep in, and speak these words while holding out your hand..." Maple told Kurenai.

"Mother Nature, a flight of arrows speeds to my foes..."

Bright purple light erupted from her hand...but five more arrows than normal flew out of her hand, purple and fiery, wispy in nature, striking the target post meant for arrows.

Maple turned with a pained look to Kurenai.

"Try it. They won't go through anything more than light armor but I found that its not good to so much as hit the opponent as to try and make them avoid it and go in the direction you want. They got a slow travel time so if you use it for ambushes just make sure you are at close range and behind the enemy."

Maple staggered aside a little to give Kurenai a try.
Kurenai stood up, following Maple back out the door from which they came, descending the steps back into the large training yard. For what felt like a split second she sensed a sudden lurch coming from the brunette Jedi, in both the force and her movement, was that one of her 'skips' she had heard Sawa talk about? So far it didn't seem to be a problem, kind for make her that bit more interesting over all.

The two stood in the center of the court yard as Maple explained the basics of magic, something she herself had a little bit of knowledge about from the CIS Mandagora but had yet to try it out. The demonstration was quite the spectral, when not on the receiving end of it, the ethereal like beams being a mesmerizing site to see. "I must say, that type of attack has a lot of application, I like the idea about it's use... okay my turn".

Taking a deep breath Kurenai set her mind deep inside, searching through the force for the more mystical and unknown of it, shimmering like a purple/pink flame. Grasping hold sh guided this 'power' through her body, slowly raising an open palm, feeling the odd strength flow up and along her arm. "Mother Nature, a flight of arrows spears my foe"!

In a controlled bu wild fashion the beam like projectiles shot from her hand, hitting the archery target in a scattered pattern, two missing to the left and right. "Hu, not what I expected, the feeling it strange, like you are more directing the power in a fashion but letting somthing else do the work, I'll have to do more practice in this area, also improve my accuracy". Perhaps it could become a new part of the training regime she had going on here, maybe use it against some of her more skilled students.

"So, may I ask if you have any other moves to show me? or would you rather we retire back to the home stead and relax a bit more, you seem to be a bit out of it now". The women's staggering a few moments before having not gone un-noticed to Kurenai, did the magic take away to much strength? or was something else effecting her movements.

[member="Maple Harte"]

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