Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: update codex subs
- Image Credit: Pokemon
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Mar-Ro-Toe
- Designation: Semi-Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 300 Years
- Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
- Description: Tall with thick muscles, tails for balance and overly developed bones in some places. Protruding spines and forward facing eyes. Three fingered hands with ball tips as well as small fine fur. THe males are larger then the females and thicker overall. No ears or visible signs of auditory reception.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: From tail to wing tip 9m
- Average Length of Adults: 30 to 36 meters
- Skin color: Dark blue, Greens
- Hair color: N/A
- Distinctions:
- The males of the species are slightly taller then the females and have more muscle mass. The females have thicker fur and sharper claws. Both genders vocal cords are unable to speak other languages (similar to wookiee's)
- No ears or means to hear.
- Races: There is only one type of them
- Force Sensitivity: Standard
- Strong Immune System
- Vulnerable Spine: The males of the sp[ecies have protruding spines that rise up and out of their own backs. Making it more vulnerable but it gives them a better means of turning their heads to look for predators as they do not have to twist as much as turn it.
- Communicative issues
- Allergic to bacta
- No Night Vision
- Just becoming sentient
- Hearing: THe males and females of the species lack ears or means to hear. They communicate through non verbal means and watch other species intently learning by reading their lips.
- Diet: Ambient solar energy and heat
- Communication: Telepathic communication among each other, sign language with their hands aand tail.
- Technology level: Primitive tools and equipment with dwellings near vents from lava tubes to provide warmth and heat in the colder planets.
- Religion/Beliefs:
- The Mar are warlike, with their talents being in fighting their believed natural enemy the Do... Living plants who live and survive in the coldness of the planet. They are just starting to move from hunter gathering to a slightly more rooted society. Making homes near vents that bring heat and warmth from deep within the planet to the surface for the caves and forests. They pride themselves on stables, with the males having several females for their offspring and to oversee the caves they have made for themselves.
- General behavior:
- The Mar are simple, just discovering the power in community for protection. The males fighting against the strange bugs and plants on the planet that serve to strengthen and build conflict. Their communities are always built near vents in the earth that pump heat and warmth up into the air. Teaching them the value in fire and how to protect against the night when it comes as their eyes are not made to see in the dark. The females see to the children and tend to the gathered food they have, the males going out and braving the windswept surface to find bugs or the lush underground jungles that have the dangerous Do. They also are the primary caretakers with the male either sleeping until he decides to go out or sleeping the day away. Their relationships are more a stable with the males taking several females.
The Mar are just starting out, evolving from their cousins after centuries of struggling to survive and live on the harsh world. The frozen surface hiding below it some sections of life that are warmed by vents bringing heat from deep in the earth to the surface caves, then to the few living things on the planet. There is some life, dangerous life on the planet with giant bugs that roam the surface posing a threat to the Mar and their natural enemies who are sharing the caves the Do. They were discovered by the Del-Ya when they were still primitive in the polar regions of worlds like Cazador that housed them. Some were taken to observe and try to teach as they showed the promise and potential to become something more. Using rocks to crack open shells and basic tools. A prime directive of sorts to let them develop on their own and not encroach on their homes until they were able to make contact. Their species has been slowly developing and growing more sophisticated tools and technology. The years have been helpful.. they still lack much in terms of development but they have been expanded and small groups have gone offworld with observers to see how they adapt. Humanely as always but it gives a chance to influence the development of their culture among the jedi as all life is able to feel the force and add to the experiences.
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