Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Marcus Dinn | The God of the Morning


Huge and hulking, Marcus is a giant of a man with broad shoulders and toned muscles. His childhood spent on Chaldea within range of the Nezamiyeh Force Nexus has made him grow exceptionally tall, as well as improving his overall health. With his red hair and sharp features, he strongly resembles his father, but has his mother's green eyes. His hair is perpetually mussed and he is often covered in some kind of mess, usually paint or motor oil. He has a dimple in his left cheek, visible when he smiles. He favors the smooth, elegant black robes which Sith are notorious for, and is always looking for ways to incorporate them into his outfit while still maintaining practicality and ease of movement.

  • Phenomenal Cosmic Knowledge: At the age of four, Marcus gained abnormal levels of clairvoyance from eating a Force-imbued pastry (don't ask). Ever since then he has experienced visions, so much so that it could be said that he no longer perceives reality or time the way most people do. This deep knowledge of the universe naturally has some pretty neat benefits - it's very hard to surprise him, and he's almost always crazy prepared for even the wildest situations.
  • Tania's Grace: Having spent his early childhood within the vicinity of the Nezamiyeh Force Nexus, Marcus has received its blessing. He is remarkably tall for a human male, and is overall exceptionally healthy and resistant to diseases.
  • Sith Upbringing: Marcus' parents were Sith Alchemists who shared their knowledge freely with their children. He is not a stranger to the Force, even if all of his training has been in the Dark Side.
  • Resilient: No matter how hard he falls or how badly he fails, he'll always rise back up and try again.

  • Psychologically Impaired: There are some things mortals were not meant to know. As a consequence of his altered state of mind, Marcus cannot function normally in society and would likely be considered mentally unstable or even downright insane. He is also almost always distracted by his visions, which are sometimes realistic enough to qualify as hallucinations. This lack of awareness of the world around him can pose a danger to himself and others.
  • A Sad, Pathetic Little Man: Marcus is non-confrontational, timid, and tends to run away from fights. It isn't that he's a coward - well, okay, maybe he is a little bit craven. If you land a good hit on him or he sustains damage in any way, he probably will attempt to flee at that point.
  • Mommy & Daddy Issues: Marcus has a very good relationship with his parents, thank you very much. What's that? They eat people? Oh well. Sucks to be those people, I guess... Okay, fine, so it isn't all fine and dandy in the Dinn household after all. So what? At least Marcus knows his mom and dad love him...

Conceived during a drunken night of celebration after his Sith Acolyte parents conquered a planet together (Folende; they lost control of it not long after), by the time Marcus and his twin sister Eloise were born, their father had gone missing and their mother was left destitute and adrift. Mom tried to take care of them by herself, but she couldn't watch them all the time. Thus did four year old Marcus get a hold of something he shouldn't have: a Force-imbued pastry. Upon taking a single bite of what he thought would be a tasty treat, Marcus' eyes were forever opened to the ebb and flow of the universe.

Not long after that, Dad came home - except he hadn't aged a day, didn't even know his children existed, and couldn't handle the pain it all caused him. So he ran away again. Mom finally bit the bullet and decided to leave her two young children in the care of her parents, Senator Toloth Threepwood and his wife Charisse, while she took off after their elusive father... and was reported deceased on Tython, killed during a battle against the Maw. Marcus spent the next three years of his life on Chaldea, where he and his sister were doted upon by their loving grandparents. On the other hand, Grandma and Grandpa didn't much like Force Users, and there was talk of sending Marcus to someone who would sever his connection to the Force and stop those pesky visions for good...

One night, the seven year old Marcus was awakened by a commotion downstairs. Mom and Dad were alive and well, and now they wanted to take the twins with them. After a tense confrontation, a deal was struck and the children were turned over to their parents, who immediately whisked them away to the distant planet of Zaathru. There they were raised in the lap of luxury, surrounded by primitive natives who believed the Force Sensitive family to be gods incarnate. Quite the change from Chaldea, where Force Sensitivity was viewed as a curse.

Marcus was informed that he was the personification of the moon god Dagda, the King of the Morning. The boy took to the charade with enthusiasm. Of course, deep down he knew that he wasn't really a deity. But he also understood that all of this godhood stuff was a necessary evil so that his family could be together. Marcus understood a lot of things...

His sister Eloise, on the other hand, did not understand. As they grew older she began to rebel against their parents and the mythological world they had created. Upon discovering the true reason why the family had come to Zaathru, she turned to her twin brother, begging him to run away with her. But Marcus already knew all about the Secret. He'd known about it for so long, it had ceased to bother him anymore.

So Eloise ran away on her own, leaving Marcus behind...
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TypePowerProficiencyLearned FromThread
FormNameProficiencyLearned FromThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
TypeSkillProficiencyLearned FromThread
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
WeaponMarcus Dinn's LightsaberA fairly generic crossguard lightsaber with a blue blade.Backstory
ClothingMarcus Dinn's RobesGeneric black Sith robes.Backstory
TalismanHalf of a Tashai Bond Tracker TalismanGiven by a Stennes Shifter to use as a lockpick.[x]
TalismanDreamwalker LeashAcquired at the Academy of Darth Drear.[x]
Kit2 Alchemist Starter KitsPurchased
Fragrance1 bottle of RAGE: Exclusive Cologne for HimPurchased
SubstanceDevaronian Blood-PoisonPurchased
Pet/FamiliarNostremousA snow mouse who can serve as a familiar. Gifted by his father.Backstory
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn FatherA Sith Knight. Adopted son of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . Known on Zaathru as Desdinova, the God of the Underworld. Marcus' relationship with his father is complicated due to Arc's history of lengthy absences from the home. It is (mostly) not his fault, though.Backstory
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn MotherA Sith Acolyte. Born on Chaldea. Known on Zaathru as Adamanthea, the Goddess of the Upper World. Marcus has sensed his mother's love for him all his life, but she has never been able to reach him. The visions get in the way too much, preventing her from understanding him. Nor does he fully comprehend the deep pain she carries.Backstory
Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Twin SisterA Jedi Padawan. Born a few minutes before Marcus, he and Eloise have been thick as thieves ever since they were small. However, recent revelations and spilled secrets have driven a wedge between them - to say nothing of her having run away to join the Jedi Order.Backstory
Starlin DinnBrotherA young boy. Starlin is Marcus' little brother. Despite their age difference of seven years, they are quite close.[x]
Caspian DinnBrotherA sickly little boy. Caspian is the most troubling of the Dinn children. Marcus feels a deep sorrow for his lot.
Julian DinnBrotherA little boy. Julian is smart, but spends all his time studying.
Persephone Dinn Persephone Dinn SisterA little girl. Persey is a spoiled brat, but has her endearing qualities.
Altrea DinnSisterA little girl. With her bubbly personality and flair for the dramatic, this young sea goddess is easy to love. But her prodigal powers are a little bit frightening, as are her mercurial moods.
Silas FoggMentorSith Alchemist. The heir to the great Khayyam's alchemical knowledge, Silas is an enigmatic figure. He serves as a casual mentor and ally of Marcus (much as he was to the boy's parents), though each knows that the other has his own agenda.[x]
GorgonAcquaintanceSith Knight. Explored the Academy of Darth Drear with Marcus.[x]
Syala Syala AcquaintanceSith Acolyte. Helped take down Bith defenses.[x]
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus RivalZeltron Jedi. Dueled Marcus in the Bio-Spire.[x]
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr MentorHuman Sith. Heir to a notorious noble house, Malum is an unconventional Sith eager to help the younger generations.[x]
Ansisa Ansisa AcquaintanceChiss Sith. A mouthy and sadistic fellow acolyte with a love of history. Asked Marcus to make her a chakram.[x]
Annika Starfire Annika Starfire AcquaintanceZeltron Sith. A chatterbox acolyte and live streamer/social media influencer. Somewhat obnoxious, but less off-kilter than Ansisa, with whom she has a rivalry.[x]
Rayth Rayth AcquaintanceSangnir Sith. Quiet vampiric acolyte, forget who he's apprenticed to. Probably doesn't know what sex is, but is apparently sleeping with Annika.[x]
Revna Revna AcquaintanceHuman Sith. A timid acolyte apprenticed to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . Former slave.[x]
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