Well-Known Member

FACTION: Dark Lotus Syndicate
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: 113 GSY
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.67 Meters
BUILD: Lithe/Athletic
EYES: Gold Irises, white schelra
HAIR: Bronze-Brown
SKIN: A light shade of bronze
-Careful: Mari plans things as well as she can, trying to mark out contingencies for when things go sideways
-Metabolism: She requires more food than a typical near-human due to her biology
-Incapable Pilot: Her people were never advanced, and she had never had any opportunity to learn to pilot anything, from ground vehicles to air cars to fighters to capital ships, she will screw it up every time.
At an early age, off world slavers raided Mari's village, and she was one of those chosen for servitude. For years she was used as a scullery made, too small and lacking curves for the more common use slavers pick women/girls. Before her body could grow into the image those slavers would more appreciate, their ship was attacked and defeated by a military patrol. Mari is unsure which government freed her, but she moved with the rest of her people into the underworld of galactic society, as it was completely alien to both their lives prior to slavery and after.
Mari fell in with a bad crowd, swiftly learning to earn her keep as a set of ears to help scope out targets in Coruscant's mid level. Her success led to harder jobs, and "on-the-job learning" in different arts of the underworld. Her long life allowed her to take her studies, as they were, carefully, not needing to learn quickly and burn out like so many of the shorter lived races did. This being the case, she never gained notoriety, despite being responsible for various crimes from simple larceny, to murder and assassination. Her activities were always planned out, and aborted at the first sign that things were going awry.
Moving into more recent years, Mari broke with her comrades on Coruscant, aiming to start her own syndicate with grander goals than just mid level crimes on a has been city planet.