Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Market / Auction / Bounty Boards: Realism / Unfair Use

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I wanted to start a discussion on the Market / Auction / Bounty Board area of the factory. I and others have observed issues with realism and unfair use of these sections recently, particularly in the auction area. We have observed substantial bids being made for items that are not worth the price they're being brought at, and whilst this is the fault of the buyer for making a substantial loss, there is no fault or repercussions that are being dealt to them.

Players are putting up Star Destroyers- or ships like them- that exceed hundreds of millions of credits in return for something as small as a Lightsaber. It's unrealistic and unfair, not only those players who are making realistic bids, but for the person selling their items on the board. I think that there needs to be a real debate and discussion over this, so that we can sort out the problems that are on-going in this section.

To the community, I say this: the bounty area is not the place for you to intimidate or get one back on another writer because of drama that mostly stems from OOC; and the auction / market area isn't a place to throw Star Destroyers and ships worth hundreds of millions so you can own Darth Revan's toilet brush. Keep it realistic and don't be an idiot about it.


Well-Known Member
[member="Alicia Drey"] agreed about the bounty board, market i never found any issues with, but yeah I am guilty of as much as anyone else in auction house.
Factory Judge
Whelp, lets not just stick our hand in the cookie jar and get caught, lets also trip over the stepstool to get there.

Yes, These ridiculous bids need to stop. In my honest opinion, Auctioners have the right to refuse a bid purely on how outlandish it may be. *Ahem* throwing star destroyers and enough weapons to outfit an army is not the right amount for a Mask that would mean nothing to some of the people buying it.

IE people who make real bids are lost beneath the wall of a post for submissions of items.



Well-Known Member
ic rationale for the beskar armour, was simple a present for new mandalore. When faction decide how it is going with that, and that is worth more to me than a frigate. Also worth more a million, though I lost, as I was asleep.
Factory Judge
Ostanes said:
I'd advise the OP to relax and remember it's just Role Play. Not that big a deal.
We had some people who thought it was unfair that the auctioneer take an item off the auction after the bidding was done, and make people fight for it.

"Life is unfair"

and like you said, its RP. Who cares if you can't get some plebs special mask.
Zephyr Carrick said:
We had some people who thought it was unfair that the auctioneer take an item off the auction after the bidding was done, and make people fight for it.

"Life is unfair"

and like you said, its RP. Who cares if you can't get some plebs special mask.
Yup. Because, realistically, if we follow setting, the vast majority of the Galaxy would be like "Revan who??".... The guy is so far remote he is like Ozzmandias, a few worn statues with his name on it and little else to know him by.

I get people wanting it. I just typically avoid the auctions because they come with enough salt you could shut down several mines.
[member="Alicia Drey"]

+1 this.

Spencer Varanin said:
Everyone is Oprah rich here.
Sad but true. I started all me chars with the clothes on their back--the lucky ones got a weapon too. They had to grind to get what they wanted and one--ahem Akio--still has zero dollars and zero cents on purpose. But yeah, so sad. So true.

I Personally feel that the auction board is per the wisdom of the buyer. If they got more dollars than sense, then more power to them to waste their creds away. However, the bounty board, I have seen a lot of drama come from. I can think of a few occasions where a character I am in kahoots with gets one for really ridiculous reasons--such as auctioning off a ship they rightfully acquired or doing no harm to another in a thread, but just being themselves. In turn they look to me for help and, yes, I do help them with "sanctuary" and helping to make a counter bounty large enough to make the other fella consider negotiation. That doesn't happen all the time, but a lot of the time.

Come on guys, let's stop being petty. Be the bigger person and forgive. Or at least be mature enough to be professional and try to settle your differences before airing your dirty laundry out. Its the policy I try to adhere to, and while I am by no means perfect, at least give it a shot.

As Alexander Pope said, "To error is human, to forgive is divine."
| [member="Ostanes"] |

How are we meant to solve a problem, when it's just putting your head in the sand about it? That's a metaphor. Put it this like. If an RPG had a bug in it's system, and players were exploiting that bug, what would happen? I would think the bug would be fixed and the players abusing it would have some repurcussions come their way.

| [member="Zephyr Carrick"] |

Darth Revan's mask had something to do with me creating this thread because I happened to agree with [member="Camellia Swift"]'s points. I disagreed with Cam's points about it being unfair that [member="Miss Blonde"] took the item off sale and then decided to do something else with it entirely. Darth Revan's mask belonged to Blonde and they were free to do with it what they wanted.

But I agreed with Cam's points about Star Destroyers etc. being put up for offer. It's so unrealistic and it's just genuine bad roleplay, that needs to be stamped out and fixed. We've seen some drastic changes being made to the map game recently, such as the introduction of rebellions and the upcoming changes to invasions. I think the some thing needs to happen in this section of the forum. There are a lot of issues with the corporate / business roleplay that happens on Chaos and these issues are just the start of them.
[member="Alicia Drey"] - Because frankly, your problem is so minute and off the point of this forum that it warrants no response what-so-ever in my eyes. Not even a lifted pinky finger. I was trying to be nice. But there is the fullness of my opinion.

If whoever owns or bids whatever on Revan's Disposable Razor from Last Tuesday is a big enough deal you feel there needs to be rules and regulations to make it more fair, I would be so bold to suggest that you reacquaint yourself with what the board is about, and ask yourself if that thing is really integral to said purpose. I only suggest such because until very recently I butted heads on a few things just like you are, and it brought me literally nothing but a strained temper.

If it truly is an unignorable issue for you? Fine. Crusade on. Just be acutely aware that there is a strong likelyhood the rest of the board is merely going to shrug and ignore the issue. Not bury our heads, but ignore it because we see no issue with it, because it doesn't factor into our roleplay experience. With that said, this issue obviously does matter greatly to you, so I wish you luck in it, but still advise you to maybe just let it go and try to enjoy the site for what it is rather than become so wrapped up in the situation presented and gain stress rather than a bit of fun out of this place.
| [member="Ostanes"] |

Thanks for being rationale. However, people were saying the exact same thing about the map game a year ago and look at the changes we observed there. I think that there are enough people who participate in the business side of the roleplay who want to see some changes. Talking about it is the beginning of seeing whether or not if it's a problem going forward, right?

If the staff and larger community don't see a problem, then that's fine. I'm not some Social Justice Warrior on some crusade to stop people spending credits they wouldn't have on Darth Bane's favourite shoes. However, when it begins affecting my roleplay, then you can see why I would have a problem about it and make a fuss.
James Justice said:
And thus the salt and insults did begin.......

Alicia Drey said:
| [member="Ostanes"] |

Thanks for being rational.
Just so we're clear, couple of quotes.

I can state my point and disagree, vehemently, without being insulting in doing so. An insult would be something that somehow aimed to make the OP lesser. Nothing I said did so. But we move on, no? If I was insulting, Alicia can feel free to point it out to me, and we'll reconcile things and move on either with grievances abridged, or still eyeing one another. Tis how big kids roll, yes?

Alicia, I agree if it impacts your roleplay, absolutely bring it up. I think, with the recent whine in everyones' voice, you might have been better served to take it to an RPJ that is over the Factory, or the Factory Admin, since that part of the site is under their purview. Any real change will come from them taking action anyhow. And then if the public needed to be gauged, or polled, like this thread is doing, they could have done it. Much less mucky. Just my $0.02 though. I get where you are coming from.

Heck, if you want a Mask connected to Revan... Hit me up in PM... We can find his bloody tomb or someplace connected to him and I'll make you something nicer than some old moldy thing he used to wear. And you'll only need to pay me half a star-destroyer to do it. Or some nice biscuits and tea. I'm a sucker for good Atrisian green tea. Or a fine Dathomirian Swamp-Lichen Wine, but those are rare... ;)



Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Agreed, I roleplay as realistically as I can on this and my other characters. This character was only able to get a ship through his connections with the underground. During that meantime I had to literally hitchhike and get rides from friends. I shouldn't be able to go down to Nadramie crystals and buy a handful of rocks to exchange it for a cruiser. Lightsabers are worth a bit yes, that's true but now millions of credits. Well said [member="Alicia Drey"] I'm very proud of you for posting this.
Samael Rekali said:
Auction Rules
  • An auction's end time must be set when the auction begins.
  • Bids must increase by reasonable increments.
  • Minimum bid accepted for items up to 999,000 credits is 100.
  • Minimum bid accepted for items over 1,000,000 credits is 1,000.
  • Bids of goods, services, favors, etc. will be taken as legitimate bids and may receive preference over monetary bids, per the seller's prerogative.
  • No outrageous bids.
  • Like a merchant in the Marketplace, an auctioneer is responsible for verifying that bidders can afford their bids. Auctioneers can ignore bids at their discretion if they feel a bidder cannot afford to pay dubious bids.
  • Bidders who feel their bid was unfairly ignored can appeal to RPJs and/or Company Factory Judges for help.
  • Bidders who spam, attack other bidders, or generally make themselves a nuisance to the bidding in general will be asked to leave. Continued behavior after a polite warning will be reported to SWRP: Chaos RPJs.
  • Standard SWRP: Chaos Rules are in effect at all times. Failure to comply with these rules will warrant RPJ and/or Admin action upon the individual(s) responsible.
  • For any restricted materials, holocrons, or artifacts, please link the thread where you acquired the item into the auction.

Danger Arceneau said:
Bounty Board Guidelines

1. Please do not spam the Bounty Threads with OOC chatter that is not relevant to the bounty.

2. If a bounty is to be posted as "Anonymous", ensure that a secure method of payment is available. Notice that an anonymous bounty is bound to be looked upon with suspicion and wariness if it will pay --- odds are Bounty hunters may request half up front by whatever means necessary.

3. The option for slicing into the Bounty Board and investigating who posted an anonymous bounty can be done through an IC Dev thread. Just make sure you tag the OOC person who created the bounty to begin with.

Any questions, please feel free to PM me.
| [member="Ostanes"] | [member="James Justice"] |

I wasn't insulted James, but thanks for sticking up for me. I wasn't trying to buy Darth Revan's mask either. I was trying to help [member="Camellia Swift"] buy it as a favour for her help in a major project I am developing for Chandrila DataTech. I just happened to agree with Cam's points about Star Destroyers being unrealistic etc.

| [member="Cira"] |

Thanks for the post. However, these rules aren't being enforced or, quite frankly, being used in either section, particularly on auctions. What do you suggest be done to fix this?

Edit: Thanks for the offer Ostanes. I'm open to RPing with anyone. :D
Alicia Drey said:
| [member="Ostanes"] | [member="James Justice"] |

I wasn't insulted James, but thanks for sticking up for me. I wasn't trying to buy Darth Revan's mask either. I was trying to help [member="Camellia Swift"] buy it as a favour for her help in a major project I am developing for Chandrila DataTech. I just happened to agree with Cam's points about Star Destroyers being unrealistic etc.

| [member="Cira"] |

Thanks for the post. However, these rules aren't being enforced or, quite frankly, being used in either section, particularly on auctions. What do you suggest be done to fix this?

Edit: Thanks for the offer Ostanes. I'm open to RPing with anyone. :D
If you report the auction and/or contact an RPJ or Admin, they will be enforced.
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