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Martial artists around?

Noticed someone had named a ship after the founder of Aikido, and it got me curious. Me, I've got some Aikido, some Ju-Jitsu, and some fencing a long time ago, but I was raised with Shotokan Karate and it's my primary style.

Who else we got running around?
Lots and lots of schoolyard fighting and "play" fencing.
Three years of Tae Kwon Do.
One year of Judo (Before moving for College).
Six months of kickboxing (Forced to move when I dropped out of College).
Two years of extremely dedicated Aikido and Kenjutsu practice with supplimentary Tae Kwon Do.
One year of less dedicated Aikido practice while working to save up for College (Moved again for College).
Six months of Iaido and Jodo (Travelling to and from became too expensive).
Six months of Ju Jutsu and maintaining sword practice.

Lots of picking and choosing out of necessity and a few long breaks in between each, but I've gathered a good library of principles and techniques on my way.
Well-Known Member
I did MMA for six years, six years ago! I got my black belt (the first rank out of ten) when I was around 12 or so.

Now the only thing I do is wrestling for the past four years :p

Although my step-dad is a legit Kung Fu artist, and does some stuff with me occasionally. He practices an uncommon form that I forget the name of. I believe it was developed on a boat.
Over the past 10-15 years:

*Italian Longsword (Fiore)
*German Longsword (several manuscripts)
*Ona Ha Itten Ryu kenjutsu
*Basic iaido
*I:33 sword & buckler
*George Silvers Longsword
*Reconstruction of Norse Combat Techniques via Hurstwic/William Short
*Very basic, non stylistic Italian Rapier
*Some rough training in Chinese saber techniques(more theory)

There are other forms, but that's the basics


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I have better than text.
I have something that will show you the epic fighting of Nyx to a full extent, beyond any and all doubts cementing my place as a badass.

Is it Hun Gar?

I did about 2 years of Kendo and Haedong Kumdo, which is a Korean version of kendo.
My primary martial art is Xing Yi Quan, one of the big three Chinese internal martial arts (Taiji/Taichi Quan, Xing Yi Quan, and Ba Gua Zhang). If you want an example, watch the Jet Li movie 'The One' the evil Jet Li does Xing Yi and the good Jet Li does Ba Gua Zhang.

I've also done some Taiji, not the old people exercise one, but the combat form.

For weapons, Done some Xing Yi spear, Taiji Fan, and Rope dart (see Jackie Chan in Shanghai Noon with the horseshoe and rope).
Well-Known Member
[member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] It might be, I won't deny that it sounds very familiar, it is similar sounding if it isn't.

I don't know very much, I can do sticky hands, and use "Pie shows" (phonetic spelling) with palm strikes. I do "kicks" that scrape up the shins and hits the knee cap. I attack from multiple vectors simultaneously rather than the one directional-ness of other styles to disorientate and control the target.

It's very complicated and I don't even scrap the surface.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

4th degree (19 years)- Karate
-Knife -Nunchucks -Bo Staff -Sword -Kamas -Tonfa
2nd degree (15 years)- Taekwondo
White Belt (6 months)- JiuJitsu
No official Rank (9 years)- Muay Thai
No official Title 5 years- Boxing

Thinking of training in Wing Chun after watching IP Man movies.

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