Braze nodded slowly, seemingly finally calmed as he rubbed away the remnants of tears and sniffled. He could live with that. "That sounds... nice," he offered slowly, his voice soft-spoken and sluggish, as if his mind were still reeling with thoughts and he was trying to urge himself to remain verbal instead of falling awkwardly silent. He shook his head and moved to step towards the kitchen sink to wash his face and hands, fetching a paper towel to dry off with and generally clean himself up, trying to feel a little better. Slowly but surely, the sad little guy seemed to mellow out and relax.
"Jasper... What are... your dreams?" Braze asked after some quiet time, having cleaned up a little more, seemingly getting ready to be presentable to follow Jasper into a public setting. Braze was much more subdued overall and seemed demure, in a state of sedation of some sort, but he was trying to bridge the gap with conversation. He knew who Jasper was, but didn't know much about who Jasper was now. It seemed like a good time to ask, as Braze was still reflecting on the things his Master had said to him moments ago.