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LFG Master & Apprentice: Eyes on the Past

Rinoi Ssiv

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
A Jedi Knight stands behind enemy lines. Amidst a life of constant danger, he reaches out through the force to find a kindred spirit. To find his apprentice. One who, like him, has their sights set on the future while being able to glimpse the past.



Hey! So I'm looking for an apprentice for my Rebel Jedi Knight, Rinoi. I'm looking for their relationship to be a meaningful one, but one where they go on explorative and "anthropological" expeditions to root out the mysteries of the force and different force based societies. It can get deep and mysterious, or it can be Indiana Jones in space, hopefully both. It'd be awesome if this apprentice was also a Rebel, if not that's fine as long as they want a brighter future for the galaxy. The only real requirement I have is that they should be able to use Psychometry (aka Force Echo) or be willing to "unlock" it through our adventures.

Let me know if that sounds cool to you. It does to me, and I'm excited to hear back from you all!​

Kyell Laysel

I'll throw my hat in the ring for Kyell here, as he's got no Master and this sounds interesting! Right now he's kinda just floating around and looking for ways to help people with his very limited skillset. Having the story push him towards a rebel is something I'm open for, but would be fun to have that happen naturally.

Him unlocking psychometry would be cool, too!

There is a bit of a challenge with this guy though, which is that he's a mute. I'm making it a bit of a thing for him to learn Telepathy to communicate, so right now it's difficult for him to really connect with people.

There's more in his bio but let me know if this interests you! No hard feelings if you end up vibing better with a different offer :)

Kyell Laysel

Kyell Laysel What a cool dude! I think Rinoi and Kyell would get along famously after they've gotten to know each other. How would they get there? I don't know, but I'd be interested in seeing it.

Auraya Irath-Ur "Heck yeah!"

Jax Thio Jax Thio & Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters Let's see 'em!
Awesome to hear :D

Kyell bounces between Jedi Temples a lot to try and find people who can teach him things. But he's also in need of more experience, which he became painfully aware of after a little thing he did with another padawan. So maybe he could join Rinoi on a small expedition or learn something from him :)

Could also be in a more social way. Kyell often looks for his quiet spots to play/make music, so might be something Rinoi hears or runs into. I'm down for anything!

Here you go!

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