Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master Rank and What That Infers

I was surprised to see how fast and easily you could get a new char to Master rank on SWRP. My first foray into forum star wars RP was on TGC years back where you had to fight tooth and nails, manipulate, and still wait years typically to get it. I think this forum's flexibility is better. You should be able to work to it faster than a bachelors degree. However, the large population of Masters does cheapen the rank a bit as well though.

Qhorin Solas

Vascious Relens said:
I was surprised to see how fast and easily you could get a new char to Master rank on SWRP. My first foray into forum star wars RP was on TGC years back where you had to fight tooth and nails, manipulate, and still wait years typically to get it. I think this forum's flexibility is better. You should be able to work to it faster than a bachelors degree. However, the large population of Masters does cheapen the rank a bit as well though.
That's the reason why I never made Master on TGC. After becoming a knight, you had to rp for a consecutive 12 or 24 months -- I can't remember -- before you could be considered for promotion. Collectively I rp'd for years; just never consecutively.
Cronos Aegir said:
That's the reason why I never made Master on TGC. After becoming a knight, you had to rp for a consecutive 12 or 24 months -- I can't remember -- before you could be considered for promotion. Collectively I rp'd for years; just never consecutively.
@[member="Cronos Aegir"]
You also could have made 60,000 spam posts to get it. :p
Master = Better than Knight, imo

To touch on what other people were talking about, I've been playing Aran here at Knight rank for about three years now. It does seem a bit easy to get to Master rank here, with the lack of restrictions and guidelines and whatnot, but I'm open to seeing how it works in the long run. It does contribute to the Chaos aspect of the board...

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