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Master Vote for Matsu Ike [Masters Only]

Honestly I don't think I need to speak about this, and I hope this is the last time I have to put this one up for nomination.

Ok below, is Matsu Ike's records of RP, DEVELOPMENT and work.

Padawan RPs
Trial of Skill (Matsu was sent by the council to Infiltrate force sects)
Trial of Courage (Matsu faced a former sith emperor in the Maw)
Trial of the Flesh (Fights the battlemaster)
Trial of the Spirit (Faces trials with Kelly Cross)
Trial of Insight (With Chora in the Kessel prison)
Jedi Knight RPs
Jedi Adventures RPs
Jedi Master RPs

Trial of Skill (Her and Jeela are going across the galaxy learning from different sects)
Trial of Courage (Matsu and Matsu are facing some of the deadlist creatures in the galaxy)
Trial of the Flesh (She faced the hardship and pain of being severed from the force by Kiskla Grayson)
Trial of the Spirit (With Iella, Matsu is looking within herself to face her own darkness)
Trial of Insight (Traveling with Rianna and seeing the galaxy is more then just simply light and dark)
Jedi Knight RPs
All Master of the Order please place your vote.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Xander Carrick"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"]

[member="Jericho"] ! My apologies, I knew I had missed someone. :flower:

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