Azure Phoenix
"Makeup can help one feel pretty and confident, yes," "But it isn't the be-all and end-all." "I don't think that is what's going to help you feel accepted. You need to figure out why you don't feel accepted first before attempting to change anything on the outside."
"You're already outside a lot, so getting a tan is natural if you want to be less pale," "While I can help you with the makeup and how to hide the scars, I think you should talk to your Master or someone who can help you find out what's really going on that makes you feel that way."
"I'm happy to talk to you about it, but an adult may be able to help you better because I don't know everything."
Braze listened quietly to Zaiya, his interest apparent as she spoke. However, when she mentioned talking to an adult, a series of emotions flickered across his face before he abruptly shut them down, slamming his mental shields into place. It was clear something Zaiya said had struck a sensitive chord. With a noticeable withdrawal, he moved to scoop up the small kitten, Soot, and began petting her, attempting to distract himself from the negative thoughts rushing through his mind.
The suggestion of talking to an adult made him feel dismissed and condescended to. It felt as though his feelings, thoughts, and ideas were being swept aside, deemed unworthy of open and free discussion simply because of his age. He hated the idea of censorship and the implication that he needed permission to express himself. He felt hurt and invalidated.
Braze, was a developing empath, and could sense others' emotions bleeding into his own, making him adept at reading Zaiya's colors. He disliked it when others sensed his emotional auras, especially when upset, and constantly worked on his mental shields. His cues were more in the form of body language and creating physical barriers when uneasy. His expressions were being trained to convey a harsh neutrality.
He had a different approach to emotions, preferring not to display his feelings openly. In Zaiya's case, her species didn't give her a choice; her emotions were always visible through her changing colors.
Despite his empathy, Braze felt it might be disrespectful to read Zaiya's colors. This belief stemmed from his own discomfort with others sensing his emotions, projecting his feelings onto her situation. He valued personal boundaries and privacy, which made him wary of invading Zaiya's emotional space, even though her emotions were visible.
"If you're unsure about the kind of relationship Shan had, how do you know his feelings about it?" "Did he tell you he was no longer with [IMG alt="Colette"][/IMG] Colette , or did you hear it from somewhere else and assume?"
"If it's the former, then it would be one thing if Shan had indicated he wanted help finding the will to move on his own. However, it's another if you only heard it in passing and acted without checking if it was okay."
That would be, in my mind, disrespectful. Especially if someone is grieving the loss of a partner." "It's important to respect their space and feelings, and to offer support only when they're ready for it."
"I spoke to Shan about it, It seemed like a mutual thing from both of them from what I was told. I'm pretty sure they are still good friends." Braze offered simply keeping his voice devoid of any semblance of emotion presently keeping to a soft low neutral tone. He'd made a silent decisive choice for how he would handle such sentiments in the future, especially in regards to Shan. He didn't talk about his own actions further nor did he try to justify them verbally to Zaiya.
He drew a soft quiet Breath as he pet Soot more listening.
"As for my kind," "when someone finds a mate, they start syncing their hormones and cycles by being close to each other. It's like becoming so attuned that they feel each other's emotions and their skin shifts to the same hues at the same time."
"There isn't a way to not feel the other person having a bad day or feeling bad. If your mate ever felt troubled, you'd sense it instantly. You'd notice the colors shifting, the emotions behind them. Having your mate tell you they no longer wanted to be with you out of the blue wouldn't be possible because you would have felt the initial stirrings that something was bothering them. You'd have the opportunity to talk about it way before any thoughts of separating came into play."
Braze remained silent as he listened to her petting the small fuzzy creature he held in his lap keeping his eyes downwards. There were a lot of questions he could pose to her about many things with her people that just didn't make sense to him. What she explained only really covered one main idea of a type of very specific relationship and he supposed it would be un fair of him to ask her a ton of questions about a topic that was probably sensitive to her. He could only feel a mixture of sadness, empathy, and compassion towards her in this regard. She maybe had harder problems to solve than he did.
It was evident he'd become withdrawn with how quiet he'd been and how introspective he'd become.
"As for Aris, yes I like his personality. I like all of my friends personalities as long as they are nice. "
"I like his hair. I think it's pretty. I also think he looked pretty when we went shopping for clothing and he wore robes that complemented his tan and physique."But I also thought the same about you and Loomi. I like pretty things. I like shiny things."
"Do you have friends outside of the order?" Braze asked curiously. Maybe he and Zaiya had a similar problem in one regard.
"I know I'm not as beautiful as other Lovalla because my colors do not get as bright or as vibrant as theirs. That's because I lost my connection with my parents, and I haven't found a mate yet."
"So I try to make myself as pretty and colorful as I can in other ways," "Like dyeing my hair."
"Looking a specific way is very important to you. " He stated simply perhaps just speaking the obvious. "Does it help?" He asked plainly and openly.
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