Mediator and Arbitrator
Tirin was fortunately ready for something like this and seemingly stopped any would-be projectiles shot his way mid-air in their trajectory. He didn't respond with anger or yelling but he was quiet for a few moments letting her seemingly gather her composure a little and come to her senses. " It's okay... it's okay." He coaxed n a soft soothing tone as he moved to kneel down coming down to her height once more to try and look her in the eyes. "You are... incredibly strong Aliris. " Tirin stated softly. " That can be a hard thing to deal with when we can't exactly do what we want either. " He added softly. "Here... I won't hurt you.. okay?" He asked reaching a hand out towards her slowly and gently reaching forwards as if slowly asking nonverbally if it was okay to touch her head again. "You don't need to fear me. "