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My shot in the dark with what is on my mind about things....

Many cultures have rules, beliefs, or standards about what is appropriate for men and women interacting on all levels among the same and opposite genders. As such, sexuality impacts cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. For the Dathomirian society, a person’s orientation does effect the cultural and so on. Many identify principally as one of three groups hetero, homo, and omni. The types formed from survival, warrior society, matriarchy, mimic of nature. There a hundreds of different types of relationships those have created from the view on sexuality on Dathomirian. The only ideal/ cultural notation that is press upon all is the creation of the next generation of witches which can be achieved from hetero interactions, force, and or scientific way.

Wedding/ Mating/ Bonding Ceremony:
Marriage, or the closest thing the Dathomiri get to it, is achieved through the "ritual of bonding". While the idea of a powerful and culturally superior woman attaching herself to one man for years when she could have as many as she wants at any time may see counterintuitive to the ideals the Daughters of Allya support, they are not immune to love. Every once in a while a Witch finds a single male, who seems to turn her into a babbling little girl again. Or, more commonly, she'll find a woman who does the same thing. This isn't to say lesbianism is more common for Dathomiri women - some just have issues seeing men as worthy of deep enough feelings to realize love for a man. Most have no such problems with women.

The ritual of bonding has few of the limits the galaxy at large puts on the idea of "marriage". Partners of any gender (male/male bonding is mostly informal, since few Witches of appropriate rank would stoop low enough to join two slaves) can be bonded to each other in a formal, intimate sense. There is not an expectation of a single bond, though those women who find themselves the target of too much "true love" draw a bit of suspicion. Several women, however, keep multiple bonded slaves and one or two very intimate friends close to them.

Unlike many aspects of Dathomiri culture, the ritual itself differentiates little with gender variation. A man bonding himself to a woman enjoys (temporarily) a respect almost equal to that of his beloved. The ceremony is generally presided over by the Clan Mother, and each Clan has their own traditions for what is said at these uniquely important occasions. The only uniform aspect is the end of the rite, during which each party gives the other something to represent their bond. This is generally a small article of clothing to be worn at all times. Slaves normally hand craft a bracelet, anklet, or charm necklace for their mistress and lover. Women can afford much higher-quality gifts, which tend to be magnificent jewelry for other free people or expensive collars for slaves.

There is a quirk in the Dathomiri mindset about marriage and slavery. For a moment, a man becomes an equal. For a lifetime, he becomes "more than a slave" while retaining his official, legal status. And of course, the free Witch and her peers never look twice at how much time she's spending with her property, or how much devotion she seems to have to it.

Types of Ceremonies:
  • Weddings:
For the types of marriages viewed by many culture, wedding ceremony among the Dathomirian are the closest thing outsider’s ritual of marriage. In the eyes of Witches, this is the lowest of rituals of bonding. It is not looked down upon. As all rituals are view precious, a wedding falls into the group. A common trend seen is this form of ritual done between Dathomiri and outsiders. Often in this form of the bonding ritual, the two make a declaration of their vows in front of witnesses and exchange of trinkets of promise devotion to each other.
  • Mating:
This type is more a public declaration of providing the next generation of Dathomiri. It has been commonly seen to host a male and female couple structure (hetero couples/ Mistress and male slave) to follow this ritual of bonding. There aspects of the wedding ceremony in this version of the ritual but there are blessings for healthy strong children. As result this form of ritual is view important and such purely evolve Dathomiri only.
  • Bonding:
Viewed as the ritual for life long devotion and promise to both in the ceremony, it held as once in a life time ceremony. Many go to the grave with only one bound partner. As this one is seen as the “true love” or soul mates ceremony among Dathomiri, it still can have males be force into bonding with other males as their owner might desire it. It is an open gender ceremony to the ritual that takes its name from. This ceremony takes from the others and adds more to it. The biggest note is the wrapping of their right hands after their palms are cut to create a blood bond between them.

Below might need fine tuning...

Collaring Ceremony
On Dathomir, slavery is so common that the word "slave" is roughly as precise as the word "starship". That is to say, not terribly. Slaves run the gamut from basic working drones to breeding stock to personal assistants to skilled labor. Since they're such an intricate part of the Dathomiri lifestyle, slaves have a kind of culture of their own, though not even a fraction as well-developed as the rest of the world. Much of this culture centers around the collar.

The average slave does not recieve a collar immediately. He (the majority of Dathomiri slaves are male) has to prove his worth in labor, discipline, and conduct. Failure is punished harshly, and continued excellence is rewarded with the status of being collared. While collared, a slave enjoys the benifit of respect from fellow slaves, and is generally looked at with more consideration from freewomen. Of course, this collar can be taken away, and expressly is as a more radical punishment.

With the amount of importance slaves put on their collars (and the amount of attention their owners give them) it's not surprising that there are specific rituals dedicated expressly to the presentation of a slave's collar. The normal ritual is barely a handwave, perhaps a few words spoken by the woman presenting her slave with his collar and a some words of dedication, hollow or not, from the slave who's earned it. With more esteemed or important slaves, however, and those in softer, more people-oriented positions, rituals can get very elaborate.

An example of a slighty important social slave, most often a maid, would be the girl (female slaves are much more common out of the fields/breeding) kneeling naked with her head bowed for several minutes before her mistress walks in and recites carefully picked lines to emphasize her position, her duties, her which the girl gives equally careful responses. After the festivities, she's given a very personal bath by other slaves whlie her mistress tells her the symbolism of being cleaned before she touches her collar, her new life. When she feels the metal close around her nec and her mistress' lips on her forehead, the girl is given a better understanding of the importance of the entire ceremony.

Viho Hawk


Also... glad I've been freed... Being a slave = not fun.
*licks @[member="Petra Cavataio"]* Thank you for that <3

However, I will add that when a Singing mountain female claims a man as her mate (or even bonds), on their wedding night, she scratches his back as a sign of him being hers.

@[member="Viho Hawk"], I know you that well :p

@[member="Bronwyn"] ^_^
Some of it will need fine tuning. I'm not sure I posted up there or no, there is an idea in regards female slaves being any type of outsider and non-force using Dathomiri.
@[member="Satara Hawk"] *licks and huggles* you know you can clean it up or I can have the Anna be the editor... up to ya.
@[member="Bronwyn"] I'll be teaching often and being a Nightsister, I'm sure we'll cross paths often.
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