Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mathas Cavyr

NAME: Mathas Cavyr
FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition
AGE: 45
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.85 metres
WEIGHT: 65 kg
HOMEWORLD: Ord Mantell
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral

Mathas is well-groomed but looks older than his years. Experience has allowed him to blend in with crowds of any sort: he can equally trudge the sands of Tatooine in commoner's clothes as gamble in Nar Shaddaa's casinos in a high-class suit. His chameolonic ability is an important aspect of his character. For the most part, his capacity to fit in also means that he can't stand out: therefore he generally appears unremarkable in any given environment. You won't particularly notice him unless you're actively searching for him.

Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4


A free-spirited individualist with a happy-go-lucky outlook on life, Mathas primarily values freedom and survival but possesses a more benevolent, charitable side that is often invoked by seeing the innocent suffer. He fights vigorously for his own freedom, but is willing to help others attain theirs in many situations. He will never harm an innocent person and kills only in defence of himself or others. Though he has no respect for law and order, he carries a more cheerfully dismissive attitude towards it than one of hate, and has elements of a personal code that he lives by. Mathas typically avoids lying unless he believes good will come of it, or that the subject is "deserving" of the deception for some reason. He has made various enemies, but also many friends. Those whom he regards as a friend earn his loyalty and protection, while he gives his enemies his colder, more merciless side.


Mathas Cavyr was born under the name of Jorran Dios on Ord Mantell, one of two sons to a travelling merchant and his doctor wife. Allegations of infidelity separated the pair early in his childhood, and a legal battle for custody drained their funds. As a compromise, the two settled with the father taking Jorran and the mother taking his brother. With that, Jorran's father used his connections to get himself off-world, leaving his wife and Jorran's brother stranded on Ord Mantell with many unpaid debts. From thereon, Jorran harboured a deep-seated animosity for his father, not only for the callous act but also because Jorran considered his father responsible for separating him from his family.

Nevertheless, the pragmatist in Jorran saw it prudent to learn what he could from his father. He gained experience with space travel and the many worlds of the galaxy, learnt how to make connections and do business, and became adept at a wide range of skills. By the time he was an adult, Jorran was self-sufficient and ready to expand his horizons, and he had not forgiven his father for his perceived betrayal of the family. He arranged a slave trading operation under his father's name, getting his old man arrested, then attempted to use his father's money to relieve his mother and brother of their financial burden.

However, when he returned to Ord Mantell, he discovered his mother had passed away from illness two years prior and that his brother resented him along with his father for abandoning them and would have nothing to do with him. The experience consolidated Jorran's anger towards his father, and from then on he resolved to live a new life where he could forget his troubled past. Taking a new name, Mathas Cavyr, he used his father's finances to jumpstart his new smuggling career. For more than 30 years since, he has steadily built his reputation as a reliable hauler of cargo across the galaxy. He has occasionally dabbled in humanitarian smuggling of aid and people as well as served as an irregular intelligence informant. Mathas' variety of contracts has generated many enemies, but many allies and connections as well, and he has no qualms with keeping it that way.


(+) Experience: Years of practice have made Mathas adept at his trade. He has developed a good survival instinct, expertise in astrogation and proficiency in a variety of skills such as slicing, engineering and gunfighting. He has learned to keep his emotions well under control, can blend in well and is generally difficult to read, while having developed a keen sense of observation and ability to read others. He is a highly competent unarmed fighter as well. Many years of relatively heavy drinking have made him significantly more resistant to the debilitating effects of alcohol.

(+) Knowledge: Related to his many years of experience, Mathas has developed fluency in a variety of languages, has memorised various hyperspace routes, and possesses a generally impressive repertoire of galactic tidbits in his brain.

(+) Cunning: Mathas is not adverse to using trickery and guile to achieve his objectives, and has done so on many occasions. However, he does have a degree of honour with respect to his clients, and will not go back on deals (for the most part in the interest of preserving his own reputation).

(+/-) Jack-of-all-trades: By spending time diversifying his capabilities rather than specialising in any one field, Mathas has made himself versatile but not exceptional in any particular area.

(+/-) Survivalist: Mathas is skilled at saving his own skin but may do so at the cost of others. He reserves loyalty for a few but is willing to bail out on most others, and is sometimes unwilling to risk his life.

(-) Age: A middle-aged man, Mathas is well past his physical prime. He keeps himself fit but remains constrained by the limits of age; he certainly doesn't expect to be beating hordes of assassins and bounty hunters in his day-to-day life, though he isn't incapable of contending with individuals of such a nature in a fight.

(-) Addictive Personality: Though not as destructive as something like a spice addiction, Mathas has a somewhat hedonistic take on life and frequently enjoys alcohol and food. He is often eating or drinking something, and likes to carry spare nuts to chew or flasks to swig from. This may lead him to eat or drink in unideal situations. Sustained deprivation of things he finds enjoyable can lead to increased agitation and consequently diminished abilities.
The Moonraker (MC42 Ruisto Exploration Craft): Mathas' ship, with programmable paint, a crew of about 600 loyal personnel and dozens of droids, including:
Personal gear includes:
Mathas has small safehouses on Ord Mantell, Taris, Balmorra and slightly larger residences on Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine.

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