Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mathazar Talzuk


General Information




Place of birth
Ukio, Abrion Sector, Ukio System, the Outer Rim Territories.

The Imperial Army, the Galactic Empire.

Light Armored Battalion Commander.

Physical Information

5 feet and 10 inches - 178 centimeters.

While Mathazar is well built, conditioned from a lifetime in the armed forces, his build isn't a focal point of his life. His figure is fairly standard for a veteran of

Mathazar has sunkissed light skin, sporadically blemished for a colorful variety of reasons. Underneath his left breast and on the inside of his left thigh, he has a tattoo denoting his full name, service number and blood type.

Facial features
Mathazar has a facial shape that sits somewhere between rectangular and gently curved, with the square shape dominating the upper half of his head while his jawline is more gentle. His hair, almost always cropped short, is starting to gray; while he's normally clean shaven, a vague stubble does creep up on him when he's in the field on extended operations and campaigns.

Biography and Skills

Mathazar has seen many years of Imperial service, making him thoroughly familiar with almost all of the aspects in a light armored context: whether it be the basics such as principles of mechanized movement and contact protocols, to more complicated affairs such as effective logistics under strain and how to execute complicated and dynamic operations. More focally, he's a skilled and versatile commander with a history of achieving success, whether relative or obvious, despite pressing odds.

It's no secret that a lifetime of service has taken strain on Mathazar as an aging man: other than the obvious such as graying hair, his body is almost completely out of its prime. In the same vein, Mathazar is consistently feeling more and more fatigued, a definite sign that he should consider retiring or transferring to a non-combat arm.

Equipment and holdings
What Malthazar wears and carries normally depends on his assignment and the standard issue. While his preferred dress is the standard combat driver uniform without personal armor, he adheres strictly to regulation when it comes to wearing armor in the field and variations of the imperial army dress as required. Whether or not he carries a weapon depends on where he is and what he's doing, although he won't be caught without both an E-11 and a blaster pistol within arms reach when in the field, as standard in imperial doctrine. He does own quite a nice house on Ukio, which is shared by his wife and two children.

Work in progress.

Force Composition

HQ 172nd Imperial Light Armored Battalion
‣ Command element: commanding officer (major), regimental sergeant major (warrant officer class 1), adjutant (captain), quartermaster (captain), operations officer (captain).
‣ 4 AT-ST armored vehicles.

Per squadron: Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn.
‣ Command element: officer commanding (captain), executive officer (lieutenant), company sergeant major (warrant officer class 2).
‣ 3 platoons of 4 AT-ST armored vehicles.
‣ 1 platoon of 3 AT-MP armored support vehicles.

Roleplay Tracker

[DOMINION] Imperial Flag Raised; Galactic Empire Dominion of the Felacat Sector.

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