Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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May the Force be with you All!

Hello, everyone. :) My name's Gail but I guess you can call me by my character name too; however you do it on this site lol. I've been sort of hovering around the idea of joining this rp site but after reading into it and looking at some of the awesome characters and stories that goes on I finally decided to join. :D

Guess a bit of history with me and Star Wars. Initially I barely cared about it, I did watch the movies but never really got invested in them. Then a few years ago my former boyfriend made me watch the Clone Wars TV show which really started to get me hooked because I lied the characters Ahsoka Tano and my absoulte favorite Asajj Ventress. For a while it was just the Clone Wars that I stuck with but then, me being a reader, I started looking into some of the Star Wars novels and I really enjoyed them; although when the new movie came out I found out about half of the ones I read weren't even considered canon anymore; but as long as Dark Disciple is considered canon I'm happy :lol:

But recently I've been getting more interested in the Star Wars franchise. I like Star Wars: Rebels, I like some of the video-games, and like I said I'm really loving a lot of the novels and tie-in books that have been released.

Anything else you guys need to know, feel free to ask :) I'll probably have some questions myself so fair trade, right? :lol:
[member="Seer Boudica"]


Glad to have you here with us! If you've any questions or need a helping hand with getting started, just drop a line to any of us and we'll get you on the right track. :)


Disney's Princess
[member="Seer Boudica"] - Welcome to the boards. Explore and ask questions liberally. Otherwise, verily enjoy your stay. :D

Stephanie Swail

[member="Seer Boudica"] Welcome to the Chaos! Please enjoy your time here, and keep the questions coming so we can help you out as much as you need. :)

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